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Reactionism is, essentially futurist

Proponents and subideologies

Note: People marked with an asterisk are their countries' starting leaders.

Subideology Description Adherents
Aristocratic Reaction.png
Aristocratic Reaction
Civilization's long march brought about more sophisticated forms of stratification. Upper castes of martial strength were joined by those of knowledge and stature, justified by divinity or breeding. The notion that the masses should steer the state was solely the provenance of heretics and brigands — a perspective that largely endured until the late Enlightenment.

Alas, man's appetite grows to match what he consumes. In what was the blink of an eye in historical terms, populism and the specter of egalitarianism upended this social order. Now, astride the ocean of blood spilled for such ideals, there is the uprising against the errors of modernity: rather than meek acceptance of a throne, the active counterargument of Aristocratic Reaction.

Underpinning this tendency is recognition of the inequality of man and an understanding of its consequences. Where can the politics of the mob lead but the Great War and the Revolutions of 1919? What does representative democracy privilege if not beguiling and planning that only extends to the next election? Accordingly, they prescribe an elitist regime, court politics conducted by an aristocracy prepared to rule, to lead and protect their subjects. The involvement of the public is accordingly limited to officially sanctioned channels — the festival, or the pogrom — and suppressed elsewhere.

Aristocratic Reaction represents an old ethos meeting modern problems. A world after the guillotine, industrialization, and levée en masse has broken with the past, but the past can be reconnected forward through the creation of more durable traditions. For instance, what this model rests on is not necessarily an aristocracy of unbroken lineage to past kings, but traits of nobility such as culture, faith, and blood. Additionally, despite the aversion to hallmarks of the French Revolution, the necessity of national defense still tends to produce centralized states rather than feudal ones. And of course, the unwashed masses must come to understand the appeal of this ideology again after such a long dormancy. So it approaches on horseback, promising an end to the disintegration of your world, and a return to principles once recognized as natural.

Kumazawa Hiromichi
Aleksandr Kolchak (Black Bloc)
ITA.png Luigi Federzoni
Reactionary Esotericism.png
Reactionary Esotericism
Some creeds simply defy political organization as we know it. Could a populist tide rallied by demagogues hope to understand complex truths? Would a vanguard of materialists or a decayed aristocracy redeem themselves and their country despite all past evidence to the contrary? Can mankind put its faith in religious institutions that have grown fat and weak after papering over primordial truths with their doctrine? What is the answer, then, to the collapse of meaning, to the degradation and degeneration of order? For the man striving backwards, seeking a similar enlightened elite to march alongside, there is the school of Reactionary Esotericism.

Secret societies in search of hidden spiritual knowledge are an age-old feature of civilization, but where this form differs is its yearning for the past. Certainly, in all hemispheres, there have been organizations that dabbled in taboo spirituality, often well outside of the mainstream of local religion or syncretic with foreign faiths. The breaking of the Ancien Régime in Europe, and further disruptions to the traditional social order around the world, may have produced conditions where private orders could be aligned against a new status quo of liberalism, secularism, and empiricism. After all, what was the worth of the Enlightenment, for example, if it separated man from true meaning? Alienated from the condition of modernity, these dissidents make up many varied schools, but generally emphasize an ancient metaphysical wisdom that has been lost to the world. Their task, then, is to bring it back into the light.

Translating Reactionary Esotericism into a political movement is no small task. Too elite in nature to compete in parliamentarism, its societies may work as a parallel power structure of influence, even within an existing political party. Alternatively, their organization and conspiratorial nature can aid in coordinating extra-parliamentary activity. While the finer details of the esotericist program will differ from place to place, the agenda in power retains its essential character: the worthy of the country are initiated into the society and positioned to rule over the rest who, for the past centuries, have utterly failed to rule themselves.

TAN.png Roman von Ungern-Sternberg*
Peter Deunov
Sigurd Wettenhovi-Aspa/Sihathor Wahneferhotep-Ankhkhaf
Grigory Rasputin
Reactionary Populism.png
Reactionary Populism
Progress is a myth, if not for he who suffered it. The turning points of history, the events that become common knowledge, were met in kind by those who sought to turn it back. Where there was the French Revolution for a republic and liberty, there was the Chouannerie for the throne, altar, and old rights. Where European power and influence entered the Far East, peasants united between the twin cries to revere the emperor and expel the barbarian. As the hand of the people rises to strike what has disturbed it, it takes the shape of Reactionary Populism.

It is important to remember that the present moment that is being reacted against is a moving target. The current incarnation of the reactionary tendency is not necessarily against republicanism and nationalism, for instance, but the Second Industrial Revolution and what followed. In the face of massive disruptions to the economy and the landscape of the home, to labour unrest and proletarianization, and to an increased secularization of public life, the backlash could be apocalyptic. Certainly, reform and revolution were prescribed as the cure for this malaise, but this same milieu produced nativist, anti-socialist movements — such as the Antisemitic League of France or the Black Hundreds in Russia. The Great War only solidified the desire of such organizations to look backward for salvation; if modernity led to such a crisis, then what use was it?

With the failure of French monarchism and the inability of White Russia to crown a tsar, thus far the traditionalist tendency has remained in common hands with common ideals. Reactionary Populism’s idyllic past to return to will differ between contexts, but generally has the same core tenets: faith, tradition, and identity — be it a race, nationality, or some other cultural label. Hostile to liberalism and socialism, the popular nature of its politics nevertheless often allows for some variety of political participation, as well as a break from a capitalism both merciless and red in tooth. In the face of upheaval, this is the flag carried by men who are willing to shed blood to restore order and meaning to an alienated people.

File:ARC.png Konstantin Rodzaevsky+
Pavel Gorgulov
Grigory Fajda
Francisco José*
Religious Fundamentalism.png
Religious Fundamentalism
This is a fallen world. The oaths and moral principles of our spirituality have been distorted, discarded. Human intermediaries of a holy message have bent the knee to temporal power, diluting its commandments in their weakness. The people have lost their way, serving only material ends or their own passions, and unaware of the costs incurred. Look — what are these days if not the end times — the Great Tribulation, the Ragnarök, the Kali Yuga, the Seven Suns? But like many before them, some have responded to this crisis of meaning by returning to the first principles of their culture, and take up the mantle of Religious Fundamentalism.

While the panacea offered by this ideology will always differ by the faith animating it, the framework is similar, prescribing government by the tenets of a religion with very little room for pragmatism and reinterpretation. At times, the hierarchy of the church or sect becomes that of the nation, and holy men transform into government officials alongside the laymen — if not replacing them entirely. In some cases, a god or another immaterial figure may become the official head of state, making clear what values are to be enshrined in day to day governing. The state accordingly uses its power to bring the world into agreement with its spiritual ideal.

While Religious Fundamentalism may seem unchanging throughout time, its present form is a very deliberate reaction to modernity. The historical trend to the division of religious and political power is one cause, for example. Another is the appearance of foreign technology and ideas, by trade or colonialism, that threaten the political autonomy and spiritual wellbeing of the masses. But above all, it is currently a reaction to an age of disorder, where man's understanding of his place in the world, his goals, and his belonging to a community are in question, scattered by materialism, iconoclasm, and liberal individualism. Many responses to atomization, alienation, and anomie exist, but the values that have endured for centuries, even millennia of change, will crack the earth and sky when roused to defend themselves.

RUS.png Mikhail Diterikhs
Enver Hoxha
Hitsos Nazhmudin+
Dimitrije Ljotić