Antonin Artaud

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Antoine Henri Joseph Artaud, better known as Antonin Artaud (4 September 1896 – ), is a writer, poet, playwrite, actor and leader of Avant-Garde France.

Early life

Antonin Artaud was born in Marseille, France, to Euphrasie Nalpas and Antoine-Roi Artaud. Both his parents were natives of Smyrna, and he was greatly affected by his Greek ancestry. Antoine-Roi Artaud was a shipowner. Euphrasie gave birth to nine children, but four were stillborn and two others died in childhood. Artaud was diagnosed with meningitis at age five, a disease which had no cure at the time. After a long struggle including a comatose period, a severely weakened Antonin survived. Artaud's parents arranged a series of sanatorium stays for their temperamental son, which were both prolonged and expensive. This lasted five years, until 1916, when Artaud was conscripted into the French Army.

Political Career

After the humiliating separate peace treaty with Germany, many soldiers returned home. Artaud, however, moved to Paris and tried to pursue a career of writing, and later acting, but was ultimately rejected.

In 1931, Action Française took power in France, but it was too late. Its adovacy for reactionary social values and attempts to restore the monarchy lead to riots and political violence. With the help of common folk and military Antonin Artaud staged a coup in 1934 against the reactionary government and became ruler of France.


Artaud begins in control of France. His focus tree has many different paths, each with different focuses - his leader portrait will reflect this, as it will change after he starts to go down a certain path.

It is a question of "When", not "If", Artaud's France will come into conflict with Germany and the United Kingdom. As such, he will choose to focus on one country first, and can offer the other country a non-aggression pact.