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Assyria (offically The Assyrian Patriarchate) is the home of the Assyrian people. Born from the collapse of the Ottomon Empire during the Great War, the theocratic state has been led by the Patriarch Mar Benyamin XIX Shimun since its inception. However, the Patriarch's days are coming to an end, and with threats from all sides, the young nation would need a strong leader to defend their new found freedom.

Historical Background

OTL History

Old Age Greatness

Starting from the founding of Assur, the City of God Assur, the Assyrian people would grow and spread out into the Nineveh Plains. Eventually they would become a kingdom and then an empire, rising and falling and rising and falling, reaching their greatest height during the Neo-Assyrian Empire during the reign of Ashurbanipal, controlling the the Fertile Crescent and Egypt. But then the Babylonians would rebel, and the Medians would invade. While Assur and Nineveh and the Assyrian people would survive, their time as Kings of the Universe was over.

A New Reality

Moving into the ADs the Assyrians would become one of the early converts to Christianity, becoming a bedrock of the Syriac Christianity and creating various splinter groups as well; Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East, Chaldean Catholic Church (Chaldeans) and Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East (Jacobites) among others. While Christianity would become a deeply important to Assyrians, with time it would also give them additional problems.

Already an ethnic minority, the arrival of Islam, and especially of the Ottoman State, would further increase persecution on the Assyrians. The worse would come at the turn of the century with the massacares in Diyarbakır (1895) and Adana (1909).

RFTL History

The Dark Tunnel and the Light at its End

When the Great War started, the crack down on minorities harshened especially with failures on the Caucasian front. Along with Armenians, the Assyrians would suffer greatly in what became known as the Safyo (lit. Sword) leading to the death of around 250k Assyrians. However during this time, the British would start their advance into the Levant, and the Assyrians under the leadership of Patriarch Mar Shimun XIX Benyamin and other tribal chiefs would come to an agreeement with Entente agents in the area; Assyrian support in the War for British and Russian support for independence. The Assyrian Volunteers forms led by the likes of Agha Petros Elia of Baz would cause trouble for the Ottomans in the Hakkari Mountains, tying up troops away from the front lines.

Further north however, a secondary force for Assyrian independence would form inspired by the revolutionary elements of Russia. In 1917 the Assyrian Socialist Party formed under the leadership Freydun Atturaya (lit. Freydun the Assyrian) and soon after publish the Urmia Manifesto of the United Free Assyria, setting out a clear territorial aims, the establishment of a republic on socialist line, and most critical, the seperation of Church and State. The later would lead to the Patriarch to brand them as anarchists.

A Dream Deferred

With the defeat of the Ottoman State, the Assyrians had hoped to finally receive a free homeland, but would be shocked to find out that the British were planning to unite the the Euphrates Valley in to a single entity, this plan would fail though and the Assyrian and Christians of the area would be given a country of their own under the guidance of the Patriarch, however the whole situation would sour Assyrian-British relationships.

However, for some this was seen as too little. Freydun and the socialists where establishing themselves in Patriarchate but a new, and in some ways old, party would form. The Assyrian Democratic Party would form with Agha Petros at its lead, pushing for mass industrialisation, expansion of the oil industry and an expansion of the borders to meet those of the old Assyrian Empires.

As of 1936 Mar Benyamin is suffering from tuberculosis and while some are still hoping for a recovery, other are preparing for the elevation of Mar Shimun Eshai. Having received a western education, he too plans to modernise the Assyrian homeland while still maintaining the role of the Church, as well as opening up the church to the other christian denominations. As Patriarch Shimun XIX Banyamin's days reach their conclusion, all three parties are preparing themselves for the moment to give Assyria the future it deserves.


Assyria has three routes it can take, Sticking with the new Patriarch, or founding either a Socialist or Nationalist Republic. All three of these paths have expansion options, from simply avenging yourself against the Kurds and securing the Assyrian homeland, to defeating the British imperialists from the Mesopatamia, to revivng the old Assyrian empire itself.

National Focus Tree

Assyria National Focus Tree (Coming soon)


Assyria Events (Coming soon)


Important Parties

Party Name Leader Ideology Details Country Name
Gaba Atturaya Demoqrataya
[Assyrian Democratic Party]
Agha Petros
Agha Petros
National Rejuvenatism
National Rejuvenatism

Popularity: 10.00%

A glorified military clique led by General Agha Petros, the General dreams of ancient glory and expanding Assyria's borders to the days of old empire, backed by mass industrialisation and exploitation of the oil reserves of the Plains for the modern day tanks Petros wishes to ride into Damascus. Assyrian Republic
End game:

Great Assyria (the United Republic of Great Assyria)

Gaba Shawtapaya Atturaya
[Assyrian Socialist Party]
Freydun Atturaya
Freydun Atturaya
Nationalist Socialism
Nationalist Socialism

Popularity: 15.00%

The oldest of the political parties, the GSA wishes to give the Assyrian nation a progressive constituion and the Assyrian people the full benfit of socialism, while Freydun prepares the army to fulfill the Urmia Manifesto and give the Assyrian people the home they deserve. Republic of Assyria
Gaba Atturaya Demoqrataya
[Assyrian Democratic Party]
Agha Petros
Agha Petros
Provisional government
Provisional government

Popularity: 10.00%

Temporary goverment formed after the Republican revolt, will take care of the republic until elections are held. Assyrian Republic
Edta Qaddista wa-slihaita Qatoliqi d-Madenha d-Atoraye
[Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East]
Benyamin XIX Shimun
Benyamin XIX Shim

Shimun XXI Eshai
Shimun XXI Eshai

Popularity: 30.00%

The Church, with Patriarch Benyamin at the head, has been rulling statlet since the beginning. When Patriarch Shimun succeeds Benyamin, and survives the Republican revolt, he will bring the nation into modernity under the Church's guide and open said Church up to the various Christian denominations near and abroad, while preparing for revenge against the Kurds in the north. Assyria

(the Assyrian Patriarchate)

Political Advisors

Head of Government Foreign Minister Economy Minister Minister of Interior Head of Mil. Intelligence Requirements
Example Example Example Example Example Example
Example Example Example Example Example Example
Example Example Example Example Example Example


Conscription Law
Volunteer Only
Idea volunteer only.png
  • 1.5% Recrutible Population
Trade Law
Export Focus
Idea generic export focus.png
  • +50% Resources to Market
  • +10% Factory Output
  • +10% Dockyard Output
  • +10% Construction Speed
  • +5% Research Speed
  • +20% Civilian Intel to Others
  • +10% Navy Intel to Others
Economic Law
Civilian Economy
Idea civilian economy.png
  • +35% Consumer Goods Factories
  • +30% Military Factory Construction Speed
  • +30% Civilian Factory Construction Speed
  • +30% Civilian Factory Conversion Cost
  • +30% Military Factory Conversion Cost
  • -40% Fuel Gain Per Oil
  • -25% Fuel Capacity


Assyria is hostile towards Kurdistan and the Ottoman Empire for the years of persecution, with the Safyo in particular being fresh in many peoples minds. At game start, Assyria starts off with cores on the Kurdish lands just north of Assyria in the Hakkari Region. The Republicans are also hostile of the British due to the United Mesopotamia debacle, as well for their own ideological reasons.

The question of friends really changes depending on who you ask. Shimun Essai and the church wishes to strenghten relationships with chiristian nations near and abroad as well with the Yishuv should they win the revolt. The Socialists are friendly both with the Russian Socilaists, the Kavkaz Society specifically, as well as with the Rotfront, with the degree of cooperation depending on the situation. The Nationalists are open to working with France and slightly less so with the Americans, especially as they are warry of foreign control of the oil reserves.

Geography and Industry


Located in the Middle East, in the Upper Mesopatamia region, specifically on the Nineveh Plains, it's neighbours are the Ottoman State (through Kurdistan), the Shahdom of Persia, the British Empire (through Mandatory Iraq) and the Syrian Republic.

The Tigris river bisects the country, with the terrain starting off as a desert environment in the west, into plains and then the Hakkari mountains. They have a total of Eleven victory points spread out among Three settlements.

Oil Aluminium Rubber Tungsten Iron Chromium
28 0 0 0 0 0


Assyria barely has an industry at game start. It can acquire a number of factories through the focus tree, with the Republican banches featuring more factories, and the Nationalist branch featuring a focus on Refineries and Silos.

Assyria starts off with 3 research slots.

Military Factory Civilian Factory Naval Dockyard
1 2 0



Your Starting Army consists of a single Infantry, Cavalry and Mountaineer Division. The Infantry and Mountaineer Divisions are made up of 6 battalions of their respective unit while the Cavalry division is made up of 4 battalions. The divisions are low in equipment and more critically, manpower, with the later being a long term problem.

Field Marshals

Skill Attack Defence Planning Logistics Traits Notes
Malik Khoshaba
Malik Khoshaba
  • Agressive Assulter
  • War Hero
Malik (Chief) of the Tyari Tribe
Loyal to the Shimun dynasty


Skill Attack Defence Planning Logistics Traits Notes
Agha Petros
Agha Petros
  • War Hero
  • Brilliant Strategist
Head of the GDA
Will be promoted to Field Marshal as part of the Nationalist Republican Tree
Dawid Mar Shimun
Dawid Mar Shimun
  • Engineer
  • Fortress Buster
Brother of Benyamin XIX Shimun
Father of Shimun XXI Eshai
Malik Qambar
Malik Qambar
  • Skilled Staffer
  • Organiszer
Republican Leaning, being on good terms with both Agha Petros and Freydun Atturaya
Shimun XXI Eshai
Shimun XXI Eshai
  • Politically Connected
  • Media Personality
Becomes available as part of the Patriarch Tree
Successor to the current Patriarch
Yusuf Malek
Yusuf Malek
  • Politically Connected
Becomes available as part of the Patriarch Tree
Used to be the the Conservative Leader of Assyria in Prior versions
Freydun Atturaya
Freydun Atturaya
  • Politically Connected
  • Organizer
Becomes available as part of the Socialist Republican Tree
Head of the GAS


  • Basic Eq.
  • Weapons I
  • Early Truck
  • Truck
  • Support Equipment
  • Engineer Company 1
  • Recon Company 1

Air Force


Without the 'By Blood Alone' DLC enabled

  • Interwar Fighter
  • Close Air Support I

With the 'By Blood Alone' DLC enabled

  • Inter-War Small airframe
  • Light MG
  • Cannon 1
  • Bombs
  • Engine 1

Military Staff

Strategies and guides