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The Autonomous Yugoslav Region of Thracia, also known as A.Y.R. Thracia, or just Bulgaria, is a minor semi-independent nation in the Balkans. The politics of Bulgaria is closely watched by Yugoslavia, which Bulgaria joined under Stamboliyski's reign.



Bulgarian Independence

Despite the establishment of the Principality of Bulgaria (subject to Ottoman suzerainty) in 1878, and the subsequent Bulgarian control over Eastern Rumelia after 1885, there was still a substantial Bulgarian population in the Balkans living under Ottoman rule, particularly in Macedonia. On the 5th of October 1908 Ferdinand used the struggles among the Great Powers to declare Bulgaria an independent kingdom with himself as Tsar.

The Balkan War

In 1911 the Nationalist Prime Minister Ivan Geshov set about allying with Greece and Serbia, and the three allies agreed to put aside their rivalries to plan a joint attack on the Ottomans.

In February 1912 a secret treaty was signed between Bulgaria and Serbia, which was firstly against Austria-Hungary, but also then redirected by Bulgaria to be against the Ottoman Empire and in May 1912 a similar treaty was signed with Greece. Montenegro was also brought into the pact. The treaties provided for the partition of Macedonia and Thrace between the allies, although the lines of partition were left dangerously vague. After the Ottomans refused to implement reforms in the disputed areas, the Balkan War broke out in October 1912.

The allies had astonishing success. The Bulgarian army inflicted several crushing defeats on the Ottoman forces and advanced threateningly against Constantinople in the west and into Macedonia in the east. The Ottomans sued for peace in December. Negotiations broke down, and fighting resumed in February 1913. The Ottomans lost Adrianople to a Bulgarian task force. A second armistice followed in March, with the Ottomans losing all their European possessions west of the Midia-Enos line, not far from Konstantinyye. Bulgaria gained possession of most of Thrace, including Adrianople and the Aegean port of Dedeagach as well as a slice of Macedonia.


The Great War

In 1913, The Kingdom of Serbia backed by Russia pushed for larger concessions from Bulgaria. Since the Austrians were backing Bulgaria, they did not like this one bit. Eventually Serbia sent an ultimatum to Bulgaria stating that they hand over the concessions over. This was refused by Bulgaria and the Serbians declared war on Bulgaria. The Austro-Hungarian Empire entered the war to back Bulgaria. Russia entered the war and declared war on both Bulgaria and Austria-Hungary. The German Empire declared war on Russia and Serbia. France declared war on Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria beginning the outbreak of the Great War.

During the war, Greece managed to advance and take over Thrace which it got in the peace treaty. Serbia did not. Serbia was occupied by Austria for most of the war, but after Serbia collapsed in a revolution and subsequently left the war, Bulgaria was left with the slice of Macedonia it had at the start of the war: neither side got what they wanted.

Post-War Period

After the war, the Bulgarian Goverment freed Aleksandar Stamboliyski, expecting him to help with calming the rebels. Instead, he joined the rebels, which made the instability grow. The entire thing culminated in the Radomir Rebellion in which the pan-slavic nationalists, republicans and socialists alike toppled the Bulgarian Government. Stamboliyski was chosen as the leader due to him being a compromise candidate between the army and the CPB, though, due to his diffirent views and party, he marginalized the urban workers and instead focused on the agrarian majority.

In 1921, Stamboliyski signed the Yugoslavist Treaty of Union, intended to allow Thracia to help in the Yugoslavist revolution, however, nobody is happy. The People are planning to take out Stamboliyski, while Dvorniković wants to integrate Thracia further. All of this has taken a toll on Stamboliyski, who has decided not to run in the next election. Only time will tell what happens...


  • Accelerationism (Zadrugism) - Otechestven Front (Zlatarog) (OF(ZL)):

Led by a former historian and philosopher, Naytan Shaytanov, the Fatherland Front (Goldhorn) is a political coalition of anti socialists and mysticists who believe that the Foreign Gods only want to punish Bulgaria and they have to destroy them by returning to Slavic Paganism and establishing a corporatistic system where nationalistic communes rule the army and neo-feudal guilds run the country.

  • Anarchism (Anarcho-Communism) - Federacija na Anarho-Komunistite v Bŭlgaria (FnA-KvB):

All hail the and only Hristo Botev, warrior against Ottoman Oppression, who made a deal with the Fair Folk for Immortality so he can fight tyranny forevermore! In reality...that's not the case. "Hristo Botev Petkov", leader of the FnA-KvB, even though they may share ideals, even though he does look like the real one, that is an impostor. Still, under the leadership of "Botev", the Federation wants to liberate the Balkans from tyranny,

  • Vanguard Socialism (Leninism) - Bŭlgarska Komunisticheska Partiya (BKP):

The Bulgarian Communist Party is the main rival of the Agrarians. Their leadership, under Hristo Dmitrov Smirnenski, promotes the creation of a Red Army which will help in igniting the Balkan Revolution from Budapest to Athens, as well as the reversing of the more Agrarian-centered reforms and their replacement with a more Urban-centered system. Some people have accused Smirnenski of being an Accelerationist sympathiser, due to his stance on artists, but so far he has rejected these claims.

  • Revisionist (Agrarian) Socialism - Bŭlgarski Zemedelski Naroden Sŭjuz (BZNS):

The Bulgarian Agrarian People's Union is the by far most popular party in Bulgaria because of the Agrarian majority, though many are unhappy with the leader, Aleksandar Stamboliyski, acting like a new Tsar. The party mostly focuses on welfare for the Agrarian majority.

  • Polyarchy - Vatrešna Makedonska Revoljucionna Organizacija (VMRO)

The remnants of the previous government, the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization under Bogdan Filov aims the restoration of pre-revolutionary Bulgaria, but is largely rid of supporters.

  • Reactionary - Vsemirno Byalo Bratstvo (VBB)

The Allworldly White Brotherhood is a religious organization preaching peace for all nations and, like their accelerationist counterparts, believe in Slavic Paganism. The diffirence-The White Brotherhood wants to destroy anything that poses a threat to humanity, be it the burgeois, the socialists or the church authority itself.