Danzig Events

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This is a list of events for DAN and related news events (from Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/394360/2815832636/events)

Mechanical Events



ID: danzig.1
Trigger Conditions: After 14th of June 1936
Triggered By: Nothing

  • Regular AI Chance Factor 40
  • If Danzig's Game rule set at "DSP", "DSP(L)", "POLES" or "Vindi-varii", 10000
  1. Fires event "danzig.2.t" in 7 days
  2. Fires News event "To avenge Toruń."
  3. Set Deutschsoziale Partei (Despotic - Revolutionary Nationalism) becomes ruling party
  4. Despotic Popularity: +20.00%
  5. Reactionary Popularity: +10.00%
  • Regular AI Chance Factor 60
  • If Danzig's Game rule set at "SPFHD(V)", "SPFHD(L)" or "SPFHD(RF)", 10000
  1. Fires event "danzig.3.t" in 270 days
  2. Fires News event "Hanseatic Socialists Reelected in Danzig"
  3. Set Sozialdemokratische Partei der Freien Hansestadt Danzig (RevSoc - Democratic Socialism) becomes ruling party
  4. Revisionist Socialist Popularity: +20.00%
  5. Progressive Popularity: +10.00%
  6. Vanguard Socialist Popularity: +10.00%
  7. Popular Socialist Popularity: +10.00%



ID: danzig.2
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Danzig Event "danzig.1.t"

  • Regular AI Chance Factor 40
  • If Danzig's Game rule set at "POLES" or "Vindi-varii", 10000
  1. Fires News event "Nationalist Putsch in Danzig Thwarted"
  2. Fires event "danzig.4.t" in 30 days
  3. Polski Garnizon w Wolnym Hanzeatyckim Mieście Gdańsk (Poly - Provisional Goverment) becomes ruling party
  4. Polyarchy Popularity: +20.00%
  5. Commonwealth of Poland (POL) gurantees DAN
  • Regular AI Chance Factor 25
  • If Danzig's Game rule set at "DSP(L)", 10000
  1. Fires News event "Volkish Putsch in Danzig"
  2. Deutschsoziale Partei (Lichtmenschen) (Reac - Reactionary Populism) becomes ruling party
  3. Reactionary Popularity: +20.00%
  4. Swap idea:
Under the Marshal's Gaze
DAN marshals gaze.png
  • Political Power Gain: -10%
  • Weekly Manpower: +100
  • Our hands are bound in matters of the military. (You cannot train, edit or delete divisions)
Despite the Polish releasing their grip, their hand remains wrapped around Danzig's neck. While the reservation of a certain amount of seats in the Volkstag to the Polish minority is amenable to most, there exists an all-seeing eye above Danzig, the eye of Józef Piłsudski. A part of his army is permanently stationed as watchmen of the Warsaw Pact's bastard child, and lead by General Gustaw Orlicz-Dreszer, the Polish Garrison in the Free Hanseatic City of Danzig has only made politics more complicated. A man with visible Sanationist persuasions, Orlicz-Dreszer and his merry men have overseen the boom of a radicalized Polish populace as the rejects of the Bruno Jasieński dominated avant-garde flocked to Danzig in droves, viewing it as a safe haven for their radical thought. On paper, the Polish Garrison is loyal solely to the Warsaw Pact and exists only to protect Danzig from Prussian aggression; yet no man can serve two gods, and if push comes to shove, only Providence can tell where Orlicz-Dreszer's loyalties lie.


Danzig ist Deutsch!
DAN ist deutsch.png
  • Political Power Gain: -5%
  • Defence Bonus against Prussia (PRS) -10.00%
When the May terrorists let open the gates for the Polish barbarians, there were still some men who stood true to Kaiser, and although the warm mass of bodies may have pushed Ludendorff into Prussia, the Teutonic Knights have taken up arms to defend the homeland yet again. While still forced to play ball with the Warsaw Pact and wear their red star, the scales of fate have tipped in our favor. The crimson rats who surround us, try as they might, know they cannot attempt a second invasion with the combined might of the Birkeneid backing us. Our brothers across the border may remain separated by false treaties and blood-soaked ink, but as the rope begins to tighten around the necks of the vermin, a single cry rises throughout the city: Danzig was Deutsch, Danzig is Deutsch, and Danzig forever will be Deutsch!
  1. Remove idea:
The Amber of the Baltic Sea
DAN amber baltic sea.png
  • Consumer Goods Factories: -20.0%
  • Construction Speed: +10.00%
Amidst the burning fire of the Eurasian Civil War, the city of Danzig slipped through German fingers into the hands of the Polish. Yet the coalish fragments that spilt from the forge of Europe proved too hot to handle alone; therefore, as a sign of friendship between kindred revolutionaries - as well as a way to smooth over a particularly nasty border dispute - in 1929, the joint powers of the Warsaw Pact drew up a plan to smith the glowing embers of the trade port into a glistening gem. Thus, with a handshake and a measuring chain, the Free Hanseatic City of Danzig was born, and alongside it a particularly strange model of government: Hanseatic Socialism. Moreso a set of exceptions than an actual ideology, Hanseatic Socialism is the attempt at reconciling socialist principles with the running of a trade centre plugged into the global flow of capital. Despite the rather unorthodox methods, it appears that the Levite brainchild has borne fruit—Danzig has flourished beneath the Red Hansa, as foreign traders rub shoulders with worker-ran manufactories. Regardless of the contradictions inherent in its birth, it appears that as long as the money flows and the boat is not rocked, the "Amber of the Baltic Sea" will remain as the crown jewel of the Warsaw Pact.
  1. Set Cosmetic tag to DAN_prussoid
  2. (PRS) gurantees DAN
  3. German Socialist Räterepublik (GER) cancel gurantee and military access to DAN
  4. (POL) military access to DAN
  • Regular AI Chance Factor 35
  • If Danzig's Game rule set at "DSP", 10000
  1. Fires News event "Knightly Putsch in Danzig"
  2. Despotic Popularity: +20.00%
  3. Swap idea:
Under the Marshal's Gaze
DAN marshals gaze.png
  • Political Power Gain: -10%
  • Weekly Manpower: +100
  • Our hands are bound in matters of the military. (You cannot train, edit or delete divisions)
Despite the Polish releasing their grip, their hand remains wrapped around Danzig's neck. While the reservation of a certain amount of seats in the Volkstag to the Polish minority is amenable to most, there exists an all-seeing eye above Danzig, the eye of Józef Piłsudski. A part of his army is permanently stationed as watchmen of the Warsaw Pact's bastard child, and lead by General Gustaw Orlicz-Dreszer, the Polish Garrison in the Free Hanseatic City of Danzig has only made politics more complicated. A man with visible Sanationist persuasions, Orlicz-Dreszer and his merry men have overseen the boom of a radicalized Polish populace as the rejects of the Bruno Jasieński dominated avant-garde flocked to Danzig in droves, viewing it as a safe haven for their radical thought. On paper, the Polish Garrison is loyal solely to the Warsaw Pact and exists only to protect Danzig from Prussian aggression; yet no man can serve two gods, and if push comes to shove, only Providence can tell where Orlicz-Dreszer's loyalties lie.
Danzig ist Deutsch!
DAN ist deutsch.png
  • Political Power Gain: -5%
  • Defence Bonus against Prussia (PRS) -10.00%
When the May terrorists let open the gates for the Polish barbarians, there were still some men who stood true to Kaiser, and although the warm mass of bodies may have pushed Ludendorff into Prussia, the Teutonic Knights have taken up arms to defend the homeland yet again. While still forced to play ball with the Warsaw Pact and wear their red star, the scales of fate have tipped in our favor. The crimson rats who surround us, try as they might, know they cannot attempt a second invasion with the combined might of the Birkeneid backing us. Our brothers across the border may remain separated by false treaties and blood-soaked ink, but as the rope begins to tighten around the necks of the vermin, a single cry rises throughout the city: Danzig was Deutsch, Danzig is Deutsch, and Danzig forever will be Deutsch!
  1. Remove idea:
The Amber of the Baltic Sea
DAN amber baltic sea.png
  • Consumer Goods Factories: -20.0%
  • Construction Speed: +10.00%
Amidst the burning fire of the Eurasian Civil War, the city of Danzig slipped through German fingers into the hands of the Polish. Yet the coalish fragments that spilt from the forge of Europe proved too hot to handle alone; therefore, as a sign of friendship between kindred revolutionaries - as well as a way to smooth over a particularly nasty border dispute - in 1929, the joint powers of the Warsaw Pact drew up a plan to smith the glowing embers of the trade port into a glistening gem. Thus, with a handshake and a measuring chain, the Free Hanseatic City of Danzig was born, and alongside it a particularly strange model of government: Hanseatic Socialism. Moreso a set of exceptions than an actual ideology, Hanseatic Socialism is the attempt at reconciling socialist principles with the running of a trade centre plugged into the global flow of capital. Despite the rather unorthodox methods, it appears that the Levite brainchild has borne fruit—Danzig has flourished beneath the Red Hansa, as foreign traders rub shoulders with worker-ran manufactories. Regardless of the contradictions inherent in its birth, it appears that as long as the money flows and the boat is not rocked, the "Amber of the Baltic Sea" will remain as the crown jewel of the Warsaw Pact.
  1. Set Cosmetic tag to DAN_prussoid
  2. (PRS) gurantees DAN
  3. (GER) cancel gurantee and military access to DAN
  4. (POL) military access to DAN


ID: danzig.3
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Danzig Event "danzig.1.t"

  • Regular AI Chance Factor 30
  • If Danzig's Game rule set at "SPFHD(L)", 10000
  1. Fires News event "A Hanseatic Democracy"
  2. Sozialdemokratische Partei der Freien Hansestadt Danzig (Liberale) (Prog- Liberal Socialism) becomes ruling party
  3. Progressive Popularity: +20.00%
  • Regular AI Chance Factor 20
  • If Danzig's Game rule set at "SPFHD(RF)", 10000
  1. Fires News event "A Hanseatic Dictatorship"
  2. Set Sozialdemokratische Partei der Freien Hansestadt Danzig (Die Rote Fahne) (VanSoc- State Socialism) becomes ruling party
  3. Vanguard Socialist Popularity: +20.00%
  4. Remove idea:
The Amber of the Baltic Sea
DAN amber baltic sea.png
  • Consumer Goods Factories: -20.0%
  • Construction Speed: +10.00%
Amidst the burning fire of the Eurasian Civil War, the city of Danzig slipped through German fingers into the hands of the Polish. Yet the coalish fragments that spilt from the forge of Europe proved too hot to handle alone; therefore, as a sign of friendship between kindred revolutionaries - as well as a way to smooth over a particularly nasty border dispute - in 1929, the joint powers of the Warsaw Pact drew up a plan to smith the glowing embers of the trade port into a glistening gem. Thus, with a handshake and a measuring chain, the Free Hanseatic City of Danzig was born, and alongside it a particularly strange model of government: Hanseatic Socialism. Moreso a set of exceptions than an actual ideology, Hanseatic Socialism is the attempt at reconciling socialist principles with the running of a trade centre plugged into the global flow of capital. Despite the rather unorthodox methods, it appears that the Levite brainchild has borne fruit—Danzig has flourished beneath the Red Hansa, as foreign traders rub shoulders with worker-ran manufactories. Regardless of the contradictions inherent in its birth, it appears that as long as the money flows and the boat is not rocked, the "Amber of the Baltic Sea" will remain as the crown jewel of the Warsaw Pact.
  • Regular AI Chance Factor 50
  • If Danzig's Game rule set at "SPFHD(V)", 10000
  1. Fires News event "A New Kind of Hanseatic Socialism"
  2. Set Sozialdemokratische Partei der Freien Hansestadt Danzig (Volkswacht) (PopSoc- Spartakism) becomes ruling party
  3. Popular Socialist Popularity: +20.00%


ID: danzig.4
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Danzig Event "danzig.2"

  • Regular AI Chance Factor 35
  • If Danzig's Game rule set at "Vindi-varii", 10000
  1. Fires News event "Poles, Pirates, and Poets"
  2. Vindi-varii (Mężowie Wenedcy) (Acc- Fiuminism) becomes ruling party
  3. Accelerationist Popularity: +30.00%
  4. Remove idea:
The Amber of the Baltic Sea
DAN amber baltic sea.png
  • Consumer Goods Factories: -20.0%
  • Construction Speed: +10.00%
Amidst the burning fire of the Eurasian Civil War, the city of Danzig slipped through German fingers into the hands of the Polish. Yet the coalish fragments that spilt from the forge of Europe proved too hot to handle alone; therefore, as a sign of friendship between kindred revolutionaries - as well as a way to smooth over a particularly nasty border dispute - in 1929, the joint powers of the Warsaw Pact drew up a plan to smith the glowing embers of the trade port into a glistening gem. Thus, with a handshake and a measuring chain, the Free Hanseatic City of Danzig was born, and alongside it a particularly strange model of government: Hanseatic Socialism. Moreso a set of exceptions than an actual ideology, Hanseatic Socialism is the attempt at reconciling socialist principles with the running of a trade centre plugged into the global flow of capital. Despite the rather unorthodox methods, it appears that the Levite brainchild has borne fruit—Danzig has flourished beneath the Red Hansa, as foreign traders rub shoulders with worker-ran manufactories. Regardless of the contradictions inherent in its birth, it appears that as long as the money flows and the boat is not rocked, the "Amber of the Baltic Sea" will remain as the crown jewel of the Warsaw Pact.
  1. State 'Danzig City' renamed to 'Gedanum'
  2. Victory Point 'Danzig' renamed to 'Gedanum'
  • Regular AI Chance Factor 65
  • If Danzig's Game rule set at "POLES", 10000
  1. Fires News event "Danzig Turns to Poland"
  2. POL puppets DAN
  3. Polski Garnizon w Wolnym Hanzeatyckim Mieście Gdańsk (Poly- Anocracy) becomes ruling party
  4. Polyarchy Popularity: +50.00%
  5. Popular Socialist Popularity: +20.00%
  6. Revisionist Socialist Popularity: +20.00%
  7. Progressive Popularity: +20.00%
  8. Despotic Popularity: +10.00%
  9. Reactionary Popularity: +5.00%
  10. Set Cosmetic tag to DAN_pole
  11. Give military access and docking rights to GER
  12. GER gurantees DAN
  13. State 'Danzig City' renamed to 'Gdańsk'
  14. Victory Point 'Danzig' renamed to 'Gdańsk'



ID: danzig.7
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: A United Russia (ROS) capitulating POL

  1. Transfer 'Danzig City' to PRS
  2. PRS gains a core on 'Danzig City'
  3. Fires News event "Fall of the Free City"
  4. State 'Danzig City' renamed to 'Danzig'
  5. Victory Point 'Danzig' renamed to 'Danzig'

News Events

GFX world event DAN garrison.png

Nationalist Putsch in Danzig Thwarted

The normally quiet Free Hanseatic City of Danzig has been struck by a political crisis. A product of the compromises between Germany and Poland, the strategic port has generally been seen as a symbol of cooperation between the Rotfront and the Intermarium, dubbed the Warsaw Pact. Unfortunately, it appears the delicate balance of political and economic interests has been upended.

As the old Marshal in Warsaw died and Germany became occupied by the fallout of the Red Week, the SPFHD was suddenly isolated against its traditional foes on the far-right. Many politicians - both outside and within the city - had long suspected these movements were funded by Prussia, but despite their jarring rhetoric, there was no legal pretext to crack down on them.

After the DSP's surprising victory in the elections of 1937, their forces in the city marched on the Volkstag to attempt a coup against the Social Democrats and, ostensibly, invite Prussian soldiers in. It appears that their haste to act led to a disorganized effort that was quickly scattered by the head of the Polish Garrison in Danzig - Gustaw Orlicz-Dreszer. Orlicz-Dreszer, hailed as the new hero of the city, has established a provisional government to stabilize the situation in the aftermath.

ID: news.276
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Danzig Event: "danzig.2.t"

'Hopefully an end to their problems...'

GFX world event DAN spd.png

Hanseatic Socialists Reelected in Danzig

News out of the Free Hanseatic City of Danzig appears routine today, as the 1937 elections have returned the incumbent Social Democratic Party to power. A bastard child of German and Polish compromise in 1929, Danzig's status as an independent port open to both European blocs has largely been without incident. The Warsaw Pact's prodigal son evidently sees no point in changing that.

Despite the SPFHD's domination in the Volkstag, many MPs of the party have questioned the current course. The sizable bloc of trade unionists are the most notable to voice concerns, wishing to have more say in how the government operates in furtherance of Chairman Julius Gehl's past agreements between the SPFHD and the city's labor organizations.

Regardless, the not-so-new government of Danzig has announced no plans for changing their economic policy, as this so-called Hanseatic Socialism has brought prosperity to the city and made it a shining Kautskyite success. Yet questions still linger, those of political liberalization, winning over wayward workers, and managing the Prussian-backed dissidents--although the Pact nods, the political course of the city government is still far from settled.

ID: news.277
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Danzig Event: "danzig.1.t"

'Comrade Gehl, you've done it again!'

GFX world event DAN chuds.png

Teutonic Victory in Danzig

Established by compromise from the German-Polish Warsaw Pact, Danzig's existence has been as a neutral trade port between the two European blocs, with a garrison from Poland and a German-dominated social democratic party in power since the government's establishment in 1929. Yet today, it appears the Prussians have trumped both.

The elections of 1937 looked promising for the incumbent Social Democratic Party, but in the wake of domestic disruptions in Poland and Germany, the city's right has been able to act from a position of strength - and legally to boot. Danzig's patrons are faced with a fait accompli: the new German Social Party government of Arthur Greiser has affirmed the city's loyalty to its neighbors, but he has indicated that the victory of DSP shows the Germans of the city are looking to their past for a new future, a sentiment that has caused some distress in the Polish Garrison.

Greiser's ascension to Senatspräsident was followed by DSP paramilitaries joining ranks with the police to put down riots and brawls. Already, the main trade unionists have announced their firm opposition to the DSP, and many fear that despite assurances of loyalty to the Warsaw Pact, Danzig will be in Prussian hands soon.

ID: news.278
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Danzig Event: "danzig.1.t"

'To avenge Toruń.'

GFX world event DAN poets.png

Poles, Pirates, and Poets

In the aftermath of the attempted German nationalist coup, General Gustaw Orlicz-Dreszer of the Polish Garrison was handed the position of President of the Senate by socialist chairman Julius Gehl. Evidently, the socialist leader hoped that Orlicz-Dreszer's popularity and strong hand would allow for rapid stabilization of the situation before a return to socialism as usual.

It appears this was a miscalculation. At gunpoint, Gehl was forced to step down with the Vindi-varii group led by Jan Kasprowicz elevated in his stead; following this, Danzig's senate was abolished and the government remodeled into a Sanacja-like structure with two chambers--a lower house for labor organizations, and a higher one for the military and "Übermenschen."

Amidst the cacophony, many in Germany were quick to denounce the situation as a "Polish Carnaro", although the Danziger government has not officially turned against the socialist republic. Fittingly, a surge of piracy in the Baltic Sea has been reported by the navies of the Birkeneid, but for now, it seems as though the Warsaw Pact will simply be keeping an eye on this D'Annunzian emulation.

ID: news.279
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Danzig Event: "danzig.4.t"

'O Polonia Immortalis!'

GFX world event DAN garrison1.png

Danzig Turns to Poland

In the aftermath of the attempted German nationalist coup, General Gustaw Orlicz-Dreszer of the Polish Garrison was handed the position of President of the Senate by socialist chairman Julius Gehl. Evidently, the socialist leader hoped that Orlicz-Dreszer's popularity and strong hand would allow for a rapid stabilization of the situation before a return to socialism as usual.

It appears that Orlicz-Dreszer had different ideas. The General, concerned with the safety of the pact between Poland and Germany in the present circumstances, announced that while elections would be carried out, the head of the Polish Garrison and the President of the Senate shall continue to be one and the same.

Amidst protests from both the SPFHD and Berlin, Orlicz-Dreszer was quick to affirm that the party would co-rule with him, accepting their candidates into the Senate and allowing German ships to continue to arrive at the port. Despite this, it seems as though the Polish Garrison will take a more direct role in the supervision of the arrangement that founded the city, modeling their rule over the Sanacja regime in mainland Poland. After all, as the General holds all the cards, nobody can make him fold.

ID: news.280
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Danzig Event: "danzig.4.t"

'Should we use "Danzig" or "Gdańsk"?'

GFX world event DAN ultrachuds.png

Volkish Putsch in Danzig

The reports out of Danzig are increasingly bloody in the aftermath of the DSP's consolidation of power. Following an autocoup, an open campaign of harassment against Jews, Poles, Kashubians, and trade unionists began in full swing as Arthur Greiser expelled the Polish Garrion and called in the cavalry. But even among the knights of the DSP, factions have emerged.

Hermann Rauschning was the architect behind the normalization of Warsaw Pact relations with the city in the aftermath of the election, seeking to prevent Germany and Poland from overthrowing the new government. However, his efforts were soon hijacked by the Volkist "Lichtmenschen" faction of Wilhelm Kube, rumored to be the main channel between Prussia and the DSP. Already, Kube has called for the desacralization of the "Great Synagogue of Danzig" and the Germanification of Christianity to free it from "Jewish influences." As a sop to diplomacy, Greiser and Kube have been convinced to maintain certain socialist elements in the national economy.

Rauschning attempted to rally the bourgeois and clergy against this, but it appears the party has largely rejected his medieval fantasy, as the government in Prussia can barely hold back a grin watching their little cousin take a step towards turning back the German Revolution.

ID: news.281
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Danzig Event: "danzig.2.t"

'Die Grenzwacht hielt im Osten...'

GFX world event DAN lightchuds.png

Knightly Putsch in Danzig

The reports out of Danzig are increasingly bloody in the aftermath of the DSP's consolidation of power. Following an autocoup, an open campaign of harassment against Jews, Poles, Kashubians, and trade unionists began in full swing as Arthur Greiser expelled the Polish Garrion and called in the cavalry. But even among the knights of the DSP, factions have emerged.

Hermann Rauschning was the architect behind the normalization of Warsaw Pact relations with the city in the aftermath of the election, seeking to prevent Germany and Poland from overthrowing the new government. Transforming his public profile into political influence, Rauschning took to the balconies, calling for a Teutonic-style Christian nationalist regime as a retreat from socialism. In opposition, the traditional Volkist faction under Wilhelm Kube retaliated, gambling on Greiser's sympathy for their cause to grant them victory.

It seems that Rauschning was more successful in his efforts to gain the attention of Greiser, as the DSP has put away the oak in favor of the sword, and although the DSP continues to offer tepid assurances of loyalty to the Pact, the Prussian government looks on with glee at their growing influence in Danzig.

ID: news.282
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Danzig Event: "danzig.2.t"

'Die Eisenfaust am Lanzenschaft...'

GFX world event DAN democracy.png

A Hanseatic Democracy

Danzig's port and shores breathe easier today, as it appears the divides within the socialist movement have resolved themselves peacefully. The SPFHD, faced with outcry from the trade unions and workers it claims to represent, has bent with the wind. Recent protests have begun to dissipate peacefully, with their aims mostly achieved.

The liberal wing of the SPFHD, heralding a thaw of the political system of the city, often judged that neither a dictatorship of the senate nor of the unions would allow the city to prosper. It seems as now, Chairman Julius Gehl agrees, as the city's economic policies have been relaxed to allow the formation of small-scale private enterprises.

Future elections are anticipated to be less controlled in the future, with some anticipating the SPFHD cooperating with the CSABFHD and DDP to create a democratic system that will still freeze out the Prussophile right. Efforts to create a common Hanseatic identity have been announced, starting cooperation with Kashubians, Jews, and Poles. All in all, the Free City has put herself on a path unlike any other: the path of the Hansae.

ID: news.283
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Danzig Event: "danzig.3.t"

'Demokratismus, Hanzetismus und Sozialismus!'

GFX world event DAN dictatorship.png

A Hanseatic Dictatorship

Reports from the Free Hanseatic City of Danzig have cast a dark pallor over the Baltic Sea. Attempts at expanding the power of the Chairman of the socialist party had exacerbated the divisions between party officials and the city's unions but had mostly been litigated in the government and in protests. Now it appears the breaking point has come, with the ruling party escalating first.

With growing distrust of the governing SPFHD, a series of strikes began throughout the city. The most prominent manifestation of opposition to Chairman Gehl's centralization of power happened in front of Fort Neufähr, where a new prison had been established. The demonstration, which started from Langfuhr, lasted an hour before collapsing in front of a police response, with reports of mass arrests and disappearances of activists.

Julius Gehl, with the help of Anton Plenikowski, has called for a ban on many right-wing organizations in the city, including the Prussophile DSP, the liberal DDP, and even some dissident trade unions. While various outlets in Germany both praise and decry this turn, with the recent crackdown on press and publishing, it seems unlikely their voices will reach the Danzigers at all.

ID: news.284
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Danzig Event: "danzig.3.t"

'A great reset of Hanseatic Socialism?'

GFX world event DAN socialism.png

A New Kind of Hanseatic Socialism

The ongoing struggle in Danzig between the ruling socialists and the trade union movement has come to an end today, and thankfully, the conclusion is in the spirit of compromise. Tendencies toward centralization in the SPFHD had clashed with the independent voices of the city's workers, and since the 1937 elections, it had been unclear what the outcome would be.

Further negotiations between the government and trade unions of Danzig have occurred in the Langer Markt. On this sunny day, it was declared that Hanseatic Socialism will be based on the power of the councils, and while it was a given that Chairman Gehl would resist a purely syndical system, he acknowledged that the all-powerful Senate should take more of a regulatory position than a governmental one.

The lower chamber is to be transformed into a house of councils, while trade unions are to have more say in how workplaces in the cities operate. As hisses and cheers ring out across the Warsaw Pact, both opponents and proponents alike are united in thanks that no blood was spilt over matters of party politics.

ID: news.285
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Danzig Event: "danzig.3.t"

'As long as trade is stable!'

GFX world event DAN fall.png

Fall of the Free City

With recent failures of the Intermarium in the war against the aggressor, Prussia would not simply wait for the Poles to recover. This morning, Prussian units entered the Free Hanseatic City of Danzig and claimed it for their own, with ships shelling Polish outposts in the city.

While some of the city's rightists, including Arthur Greiser, have welcomed the Prussians with open arms and expressed their will to fight alongside the fatherland, the Polish garrison in the city under General Gustaw Orlicz-Dreszer remains, holed up despite the Prussian advances. After a running battle in the streets, the garrison retreated to Westerplatte, where radio broadcasts tell the invaders "Westerplatte is still defending itself."

In the other parts of the city, mass arrests of SPFHD politicians are underway. Some reports say that a cell of unionists and socialists still engages in partisan warfare as confused traders and tourists have either joined the fight or escaped before the onrushing invasion. It appears as though the Hanseatic Experiment has been put to a bloody end.

ID: news.286
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Danzig Event: "danzig.7.t"

'The bastard of the Warsaw Pact has drowned.'