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The Entente is the successor of the Entente (or Allied) Powers of the Great War. The name of this military alliance originates from the Entente Cordiale between the United Kingdom and France/Russian Empire. The United Kingdom (and her Empire) is the leader of what remains of this alliance, along with a number of other democratic kingdoms and their extended spheres. Their main aim is to maintain whatever sense of normality and democracy that remains after the turmoil of the Great War (and also maintain their colonial holdings).


Pre-Great War - OTL

Relationships between the United Kingdom, the French Republic and the Russian Empire was always... strained, to say the least. The UK and France have something in the ball park of 800 years of old bad blood and new colonial tension in Africa, the UK and Russia recently dueling it out in Central Asia in order to to win hegemony in Persia and India, and France, a revolutionaty republic, and Russia, a traditionalist empire, seeming incompatible with each other.

However, they would coalesce around a common issue, the German Empire. For France the origin of animosity was obvious, their defeat in the Franco-Prussian War of 1871 that formed the empire to the cost of French pride would be avenged and Alsace-Lorraine retaken. For this they would need allies, however this was easier said than done, thanks to the German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, who's foreign policy goal was to keep France isolated. And for the longest time this worked, until the Germans had to choose between two.