Avant-Garde France

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Avant-Garde France is the leader of the League Solar with the only other starting members being the Caribbean Futuriste, the Irish Republic, and the Italian Viceroyalty of Carnaro.


After their failure in the Great War, France was thrown into chaos as its unstable Liberal Democracy collapsed in on itself. Riots and street battles became commonplace and crushed any sense of peace. The masses demanded justice for the dead and the post war youth rejected reactionary traditions.

In 1920, as France pulled itself out of chaos amidst the first world war and the damage caused by the SFIO’s breaking of the Union Sacrée, Action Française under Georges Bernanos took the presidency of the nation and established the so-called Fourth Republic. An important act in those years was the re-establishment of the Mayorship of Paris — defunct since the Thermidorian Reaction of 1794 — and Bernanos allowed his personal friend Antonin Artaud to take the role. The collapse of the AF regime begun in 1924 when, against the wishes of Pope Boniface X and the general public, they attempted a restoration of the French monarchy under the House of Orléans. They finally fell in 1928 to the liberal radicals, the PRRRS.

The PRRRS government was little better, and, plagued by strikes and youth radicalism — the mighty Escadron du Futur would be founded in 1930, during their rule — the radicals' attempt at righting France's course had failed. And so there were no more options left but the Front National de l'Avant-Garde

They craved someone to speak to the rage boiling under their shattered pride, paving the way for Antonin Artaud, a visionary and a man with a knack on playing on the crowd's passions and instincts, allowing Antonin Artaud with the backing of the Escadron and André Breton which culminated in Artaud famously tearing apart the constitution of the French Fourth Republic, throwing it into the Seine, and proclaiming the renaming of Paris to Le Soleil in 1934, the anniversary of the founding of the Paris Commune.

Front National de l'Avant-Garde



The Acéphale are a group of aristocrats and artists that form part of a secret society very influential in France, their goal is to achieve an artistic and corporatist state rather than a country, their main objectives are to decentralize the state and democratize it so everyone has a voice on the government and develop an economy (you can choose) based on an exportation focus to the world or becoming the black market of the globe for anyone in need, this is not very well seen by the squadron since they want to destroy the old civilization.


The Escadron, which translates to Squadron, are a type of military faction lead by Charles Nungesser whose main goal is revenge. They also try to reform the culture of the French society, trying to revive the revolutionary spirit of the French Revolution and also indoctrinating the Algerians of their colonies, and wish to create a state that defies reality, L'État Irréel (translation: The Irreal State).

L'État Irréel

L'État Irréel is an idea that believes that there is nothing such as France believing that the people living in avant-garde aren't people anymore but avatars of the future itself, the spark of creation, and therefore are one with "Le Patron", as it is he who directs all of the creative endeavors of Humanity.

Unlike other nations, AI France is automatically set to go through the Escadron path in the custom settings instead of being allowed to choose whatever path it wants.

The Druidists

Alas, we arrive at the most radical of them all: the man, the myth, the nutjob himself, Marc Augier. Upon ascending to leadership, while some may cheer, most people, even the most fanatical of futurists, are shocked by Augier’s dark horse victory. Many people abandoned their agrarian careers to pursue the previous goals of technological futurism, only to now be faced with an anti-industrial opponent in power.

The Green-Shirts path

Augier’s normal vision for France is to return to an era of Celtic faith, autonomous rural communities, and an absolutely indivisible France. Upon solidifying their identity, futurism will have taken a new form; one rejecting post-Roman “accelerationism” in favor of organic and local acceleration to the utopia. France shall return to the Celtic way of living, this implies living in a kind of tribal society where there is no private propriety and the cultural revival of the Celtic way of living and the replacement of the French language with Breton (a Celtic-descended language).


There are two ways of expansionism and those are:

Ideological Expansionism

Ideological Expansionism is the one that tries to approach to other accelerationist countries or tries to create new ones, there are 2 approaches to do this and those are a focus on Slavic countries (Yugoslavia and Poland) and an approach on "Latin" countries (the Technocrats in the United States and Fiume)

Territorial Expansionism

Territorial Expansionism is more clear since it's purely declaring war on countries to take their lands, the first act of expansionism you can make is taking control of Wallonia, then you have to choose between attacking the Councilists or the British and their empire. You can also decide to occupy Catalonia when the Spanish Civil War starts.
