Grand Duchy of Finland

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The Grand Duchy of Finland is an autonomous part of the Russian Empire and is currently led by Grand Duke Franz Albert Seyn. It is a free grand duchy, dominion of the Russian Empire, the northern dacha of Petrogradtsy, and undoubtedly the Nordic powder keg.


Finland has been under Russia for more than 130 years - while it is clear that whilst Finland is still majority Finnish and is not a Russian colony yet - it is gradually Russifying, and is slowly losing its identity and being absorbed by the Russian Empire in full as everyone from Finno-Swedes, Germans, and others are being russified. A large number of Russian settlers have entered the country, forming a minority in many regions. To reflect this, the names of many cities have been changes to their Russian names first, Finnish names second and Swedish names third (Helsinki --> Gelsingfors, Turku --> Abo, Tampere --> Temmerfors --> Viipuri --> Vyborg, Vaasa --> Nikolaistad), causing widespread outrage and anger.

Due to this, the Finnish Independence Revolt in 1905 is far more violent due to a successful expedition of equipment from the Japanese (who hate Russia even more in this timeline) who also supply the finns with arms and supplies, resulting in a large-scale rebellion which resulted in thousands of deaths and the near-capture of Helsinki by rebelling forces. Subsequently, Pehr Evind Svinhufvud af Qvalstad lead a regency within Kolchak's realm. Some years into his regency, he was suddenly assassinated and subsequently Finland collapsed into chaos and anarchy, where nobody knew their countrymen's allegiance, resulting in a constant state of civil war and chaos. The Russian Army was quickly mobilized and subsequently entered Helsinki, placing Franz Albert Seyn in charge of the Grand Duchy of Finland, restoring order once more and establishing a fragile peace.[1]

However, Finland is not called the Nordic powder keg for nothing. The Russian regime is extremely unpopular with the population and and the growing anger and resentment amongst the people means that the country is volatile and it is only a matter of time before the Finnish people will voice their anger and make their grievances heard and it is unlikely that Seyn's regime will be able to survive another attempt to overthrow it, especially if something were to weaken and distract Russia. From there, anything could happen, with both Republicans, Monarchists, Ultranationalists and others ready to step in and fill the power vacuum.
