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The Republic of Liberia is a democratic parliamentary Republic in the West African Grain Coast.


During the 1920s, as the Great Depression began and eventually drove out African Americans into Liberia, slowly pouring into Liberia and heightening tensions between natives and Americo-Liberians. By the 1930s, Marcus Garvey quickly directed more and more African-Americans to leave America and enter Liberia for a new age of freedom, and eventually Liberia has slowly been more and more distant from America's grip. Liberia reached a population of one million in 1935 and growing.

A few figures are particularly important in Liberia, being:

Marcus Garvey

Marcus Garvey is a Jamaican-born Liberian Activist who leads the UNIA wing of Liberia. He rallied the hundreds of thousands of African-Americans to come to Liberia and caused a population boom in Liberia. He is a national-rejuvenativist and seeks to rejuvenate the nation based on concepts liike futurism and Americanism.

George Padmore

Leader of the coalition between the Poro secret societies and the various Leninist and Vanguard Socialist groups in Liberia, he seeks to purge the Americo-Liberians and cleanse Liberian Society of American elements.

Harvey Firestone Jr.

One of the few white men in Liberia along with a couple hundred white mercenaries, Harvey Firestone Jr. leaders the Firestone Company in Liberia and protects the company using white mercenaries.