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Louisiana (Acephale Louisiana Territory) is a potential country that may emerge after the secession of some states from the government of United States of America's Flynn Government.



Louisiana was inhabited by numerous tribes of Indians and to this day many places are named after Indian names. During the colonization era, France became interested in the region and established the Louisiana Colony along the Mississippi River in honor of King Louis XIV of France. In 1718, near the mouth of the Mississippi, the city of New Orleans was founded, to which the capital of the colony was moved in 1722. The colony passed from time to time to Spanish, once to French, until finally when it was under French control it was purchased by the United States.


Louisiana is one of the U.S. states that secedes from the Flynn government during secession. The new state of Louisiana consists of Louisiana and Arkansas. Post-Secession Louisiana is ruled by William S. Burroughs, the writer of Naked Lunch, major Beat Generation author, provocateur, and occultist who was appointed by the French to lead the Louisianian government. Louisiana people have no qualms about cannibalizing children and turning a blind eye to pedophilia and bestiality.