Manchu State

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The Manchu State is a breakaway state that only appears on the map if Zheltorossiya collapses due to the famine. Once it appears, it will strive to enthrone a former Qing Dynasty noble named Pu Wei as its ruler and unite Manchuria under Manchu rule, ending the Russian occupation of the region.


In order to play as the Manchu State, one must collapse Zheltorossiya. To do that, one must simply play normally until the 18th of February 1937 when an event elaborating on the gamine relief efforts fires; there, the player must pick the option "This wretched Republic can't do anything right..." which will trigger the collapse some time later. Some time later, an even named "The Manchus Declare Independence" will fire; there, the player must pick the option named "The Manchu Dragon shall roar again!", which will put them in control of the Manchu State.[1]


When the Manchu State appears on the map, it will assume control of the Manchurian portion of Zheltorossiya[2]. Its intended goal is to conquer Harbin and after that, they can either choose to abandon Outer Manchuria or reconquer it (by annexing Priamurye and Green Ukraine) and optionally go after Mantetsu as well to unite all of Manchuria under Manchu rule.
