Red Flood Timeline

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Note: This page uses information from FAQ on the Red Flood Discord channel, as well as latest Progress Reports (French, American and Spanish) and teasers.


  • May 27th, 1905: During the Battle of Tsushima of Russo-Japanese War, Marshal-Admiral Marquis Tōgō Heihachirō mistakes fleeing Russian ships for Japanese ones and commands to slow down the pursuit, believing Japan already won. In a clever maneuver, remnants of Baltic and Far Eastern Fleets reunite at Vladivostok and strike back at Japanese. This victory and the subsequent economic crash in Japan forces two countries to start negotiations.
  • September 5th, 1905: With an assistance of the US President Theodore Roosevelt, Russia and Japan sue a peace deal in Porsmouth, dividing their sphere of influence in Manchuria.
  • July 1909: Spanish workers constructing a rail-bridge between Melilla colony in Morocco and near iron mines were attacked by Rif tribesmen, forcing government to wage war on them. Attempt to call up reserves from working-class families results in revolts and strikes, which ended in the arrest and execution of anti-war activists. Prime Minister Antonio Maura attempts to reform voting system and weaken landowning class, which fails due to their fierce opposition.
  • September 18th, 1911: Tsar Nicholas II and his Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin attend a performance of Rimsky-Korsakov's opera The Tale of Tsar Saltan in Kiev Opera House. During this Dmitry Bogrov, SR revolutionary disguised as a bodyguard, attempts to assasinates Stolypin, but misses and shoots Tsar instead. After his death, Stolypin and Grand Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich, brother of Nicholas, form a regency council to oversee a rule of young Alexey.
  • 1913: Bulgaria, discontent with their losses in Balkan War, invades Serbia, Russian ally in Balkans, and Greece. Russian Empire starts mobilisation on the Romanian border, intending to invade the country to get to Bulgaria. Seeing this, Romanian king Carol I asks Central Powers' help, and Germany with Austro-Hungary wage war on Russia. As a part of Entente, France joins war against Germany. Soon German forces invade neutral Belgium as a part of their Schlieffen plan, provoking British entry. Italy and Ottoman Empire both start secret negotiations over post-war concessions, resulting in the former joining Entente and latter - Central Powers.

Great War

  • 1916: During a battle between German and French forces at Verdun, General of the French Second Army Philippe Pétain is killed.
  • March 14, 1916: Mexican revolutionary Francisco "Pancho" Villa raids US city Columbus, forcing President Wilson to start an invasion into Mexico to hunt him down.
  • July 1916: Republican convention fails to convince Supreme Court Justice Charles Evans Hughes to run as a compromise candidate between them and Progressives. Elihu Root is chosen as a Republican candidate instead of Roosevelt's close friend Henry Cabot Lodge, once again driving two parties apart.
  • November 7, 1916: Incumbent president Woodrow Wilson is reelected, with Progressives being in the third place this time.
  • 1917: French army mutiny starts, during which French Section of the Workers' International breaks Union Sacrée and starts major anti-war strikes all around the country, paralising it and forcing to drop out of the war. French government collapses. Young French soldier Antonin Artaud is shaped by this event, which fuels his hate of Marxism. Belgian refugee crisis starts. President Wilson orders the creation of American Expeditionary Force to aid those refugees and make sure that French government will pay their war debts. UK annexes Calais.
  • March 1918: Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand implements reforms that transform old Empire into United States of Great Austria. This forces Hungary to declare an independence, which starts Austrian collapse. German General Erich Ludendorff, using his tremendous political power, declares a state of emergency and begins new extensive conscriptions.
  • May 1st, 1918: German Revolution starts.
  • June 1918: Siclkly Tsar Alexey dies from haemophilia. Soon after, Stolypin is assasinated, creating a vacuum of power in Russia. Revolutionary forces coup the government, proclaiming Russian Republic.
  • September 1918: Monarchist forces amassed by Alexander Kolchak coup the government, starting his regency. Republicans under Alexander Kerensky flee to Zheltorossiya.
  • 1918: Great War ends.


  • 1919: Technical Alliance is formed in the United States, as well as Left Wing of Socialist Party, which is inspired by German Spartakists. Mass bombings of Wall Street force President Wilson to use Attorney-General Palmer to supress left-wing parties, but their work is slow. At the same time, Italian futirists under Gabrielle D'Annunzio proclaim Regency of Carnaro in the former Austro-Hungarian lands.
  • 1920: French anarchy finally ends with the proclamation of Fourth French Republic. Georges Bernanos, an ardent critic of socialism and front-face of Action Française, is elected President as a leader of an anti-left coalition.
  • November 2, 1920: Woodrow Wilson is reelected, becoming the first US President to enter third term.
  • 1921: German immigrant Eric Muenter, who blames Wilson for his homeland falling to communism, assasinates (perhaps unintentionally) Vice-President Thomas Marchall via bomb placed in the Senate. In a controversial move, Wilson makes his Ku Klux Klan-affiliated friend Thomas Dixon Jr. new Vice-President. Soon after that, President suffers a major stroke, and Dixon becomes de-facto ruler.
  • 1922: Mid-term elections end up in Democrats slowly losing their power. To combat that, Dixon proposes an invasion into Mexico, which ends up in a defeat due to a lack of unity in the government. His other plan to deport all African Americans into Liberia is also met with scepticism, both form liberals and KKK radicals.
  • 1923: Famous French fighter ace Charles Nungesser and his colleague François Coli achieve transoceanic flight from France to New York. President Bernanos moves capital from Paris to Orleans and start to repeal Loi d'Exil with the support of the Pope, pushing France to a brink of civil war. Meanwhile during a Rif War, Spanish troops are ambushed by Moroccans, which results in the latters' crushing defeat at Annual. General Miguel Primo de Rivera launches a coup against civilian government, with a help of African Army and the reluctant acceptance of the King.