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The Rotfront (Ger, in Eng; Red Front) is a military alliance made up of Socialist nations led by the German Socialist Räterepublik. Their aim is to defend, and hopefully expand the revolution. Though most of the members are governed by parties associated by the Second International, association with said International is not necessary to join the Front.


Created in the aftermath of the Great War in 1918, the Rotfront was created through the initiative of Germany, joining forces with their comrades in Hungary and the other parts of the dying Austrian Empire. Later the People's Republic of Denmark would also join after their Easter Revolution.

After the National Seperatists won their independance during the Russian Civil War and formed the Intermarium, the two would come to a mutual understanding in the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance or Treaty of Warsaw, giving each faction some economic assistance, the Rotfront some legitamecy (as well as dibs on the Imperial remnanats in Prussia) and most importantly the knowledge that one flank is safe from incursion.

Current Members

Strategic Concerns and Opportunities

In Europe, the Rotfront faces its greatest threat, Avant-Garde France. Both the old animosity between France and Germany as well as the new Accelarationist goverment almost ensures a renewed war between the two Factions. The United Kingdom is a bit of a wild card. They don't exactly have a good report with Germany (with the revolutionary spirit) or France (with its whole deal) so whether they'll activley involve itself in a war between the other two, on a side or as a third party, or just sit it out would depend who has the current reins of goverment.

Another issue is the Austrian Empire. Litrally splitting the Rotfront in half, finishing off the remnants of the great autocrats of Europe is in the best interest of the front. And depending on the level on nationalism of the current German Chairperson, they could also find a reliable ally in the Czechs. The only issue is the Knigdom of Italy, but the Futurists in Fiume could provide a good distraction.

In the Balkans, while most parties in the Yugoslav State aren't exactly alligned with socialist ideals, at least not in the regular sense, they could prove useful allies, especially with their claims on the Italians. Meanwhile with the Great Divide in the Romanian lands, the SR Transylvania might prove itself capable with defeating the eastern Republic and the southern Kingdom, if they can keep those renegade White Eagles under control.

Spain on the other hand is a bit more unpredictable. A civil war will happen, this is certain and if the current arrangement is anything to go by, the non-anarchic socialists will stick with the bourgeoisie democrats. If Diaz can wrestle control from Lerroux, and win the conflict they can have a powerful ally south of France. Even though the Rotfront would need to wait for Spain to lick its wounds.

At the Baltic Sea, the remains of Socialist Finland are still hiding in Karjala and if the situation in the Grand Duchy changes rapidly enough they might take their chance. In another decrepid remains of the Russian Empire, the All-Baltic Communist Party might be able to unite the people of the Baltic General Governate and cement themselves in the region (editor's note: in-game Baltic Communists cannot join Rotfront, path in general might be subject to change).

The Brazillian Popular Republic is the newest socialist country on the block, but it still has to solidify its hold before making any further commitments. But if they do, having a South American ally, especially with its rubber production, would be very helpful.

The Middle East is also home for opportunity thanks to the greed of the British Imperialists. The Anglo-Persion Oil Consortium has long abused the people of Iran and socialist forces are waiting for the moment to take out the Shah and Oil barons with the Communist Party being a likely member of the Front. A bit to the west in the Holy Land, their are many communist and socialist Jews in the Mashriq among the Zionist forces. Succes in their revolt, and success in the elections might see another friendly face in the Mediterranean and Middle East.

Of Madagascar, the Republic's forces have been waging their war against Reaction and Accelerationism for 7 years. Aiding their cause, might be the extra help they need to win this conflict.

Finally far to the east, the rice workers, sailors and ignored industrial workers of Japan have been belegured with war demands since their failure in 1905. This "3 month" campaign might be the straw that brakes the camel's back. And with a socialist rising in Japan might incidentally spark other socialist allies in the area to rise; Taiwan, Korea and Indochina might finally break their chains. And then there are the Leninists and other socialists of the Russian Republic who could seize power from the decrepid Kerensky, or else the Vperedists could come into power in which case the Rotront would have an ideological rival.