World News (id. 1 - 100)

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This is a partial list of news events (ids 1 - 100 from Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/394360/2815832636/events/RF_00_NewsEvents)


Welcome to Red Flood

In 1905, when the guns fell silent in the Far East, the Russian Empire had won a pyrrhic victory over Japan. Stability still eluded Russia, however, as the 1911 assassination of Tsar Nicholas II would show. Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin would take advantage of the weakened House of Romanov to further his ambitious economic modernization program.

This would all be put to the test when the Empire intervened in the Balkan Wars in 1913, marching an army through Romania to aid its Orthodox brethren in Serbia. Treaties and guarantees went from words to material facts, and soon Europe was embroiled in the Great War. Years of industrial warfare unlike anything seen before would change the course of history forever, and by the end, very few states could count themselves as victors rather than victims.

The year is 1936. In 1919, one year after the red flag flew over Berlin, revolutionary Italian nationalists seized control of Fiume, a city whose fate was still being decided at the peace negotiations. The old guard of Europe has had to battle with the traditional specter of socialism out of Germany, but also a growing threat ostensibly from the political right. At first labeled "accelerationism" by critics, the chaotic blend of political futurism, revolutionary nationalism, and other modernist movements became a badge of identification in Fiume. Now, two years after the fall of France to accelerationism, it appears that history approaches a turning point once more.

ID: news.intro
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Starting a Session

'We hope you enjoy!'
  • Fires event "Turn On Post-Annexation Release Decisions/Events?"

Turn On Post-Annexation Release Decisions/Events?


These decisions/events allow the player to release tags after annexing them, with some countries have special release effects such as unique cosmetic tags or leaders. We recommend that you play with these events on as they are intended game play, and if you turn them off you are more likely to experience bugs and/or unintended consequences. However, if you want to keep the vanilla experience, turn them off.

ID: annex.event
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Intro event "Welcome to Red Flood"

'Turn them off.'
  • Fires event "Are You Certain?"
'Turn them on.'
  • set_global_flag = START_ANNEXATION_EVENTS
  • recheck_annexations = yes

Are You Certain?


ID: annex.9999
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Annex event "Turn On Post-Annexation Release Decisions/Events?"

'Keep them off.'
  • Hey, it's your funeral pal.
'Turn them on.'
  • set_global_flag = START_ANNEXATION_EVENTS
  • recheck_annexations = yes

id 1 - 10

24 Heures Du Mans 1936

The 24 Heures Du Mans is an automobile race that has been held yearly in Le Mans, France since 1923. Although the tradition began before the coup that placed Artaud in power, the Avant-Garde French government has enshrined this tradition as a patriotic display of both modernization and speed, and cherish the opportunity to demonstrate their technological superiority over their rivals, particularly Germany. The stakes at this year's event were particularly captivating, as it marked the first time in the history of Le Mans that two nations with opposing modes of production would compete against one another. Representing the French was the Bugatti corporation, who were given large amounts of investment and support from the Futurist government after swearing loyalty to the Avant-Garde state, as well as benefiting from the corporatist structure of the economy. On the opposite end of the spectrum was the Deutsche Automobilgewerkschaft, a stand-in organization for the Germans, who did not have any corporations with which to participate otherwise. Instead, the German team consisted of hand-selected trade union members alongside their representatives, who were present in order to ensure that the labor involved in preparing for the race met German labor condition standards, despite all proceedings taking place on French soil. Other participants included Bentley of the United Kingdom, Alpha Romeo of Italy, and Ford of the United States. The Ford and Alpha Romeo companies were in fierce competition, with the quality-over-quantity philosophy of Alpha Romeo going toe-to-toe with the ingenious productive capabilities of Fordism. Ultimately, Bugatti came in first place, with the German DA coming in a narrow second, with the remaining teams ranking as follows; Alpha Romeo in third, Bentley in fourth, and finally, Ford coming in last place. These results led to German fans accusing the French of cheating, and a violent brawl taking place in the crowd. Eventually the crowd had to be dispersed, and both France and Germany issued official statements of condemnation for the violence that took place.

ID: news.1
Trigger Conditions: Date being after 1936.6.6 Is either; ENG, GER, FRA, ITA, FIU, USA
Triggered By: Nothing

  • TAG is FRA
'Naturally! The accursed communists are jealous'
  • TAG is GER
'Have those maniacs no shame?!'
  • TAG is either ITA or FIU
'Merda! Enzo will be most upset'
  • TAG is USA
'Darn, we'll be good at this one day'

Vienna Gripped by Revolution!

Shock and awe today, as protests in Austria over the death of Kaiser Franz Ferdinand have escalated to a staggering degree. All across the empire, cities such as Vienna, Prague, and even Laibach have broken out in socialist uproar, and barricades have been constructed from street to street. Violence and counter-violence alike have spread throughout the country, as both imperial forces and German nationalists have begun to brawl with the communist agitators.

The first victim of the violence was none other than the newly-crowned Kaiser, Karl I. On his way to coronation in Prague, his motorcade was shot at by Czech independence activists with ties to the Austrian left, leaving him wounded. While the severity of his injuries are yet to fully manifest, this has left the Empire, temporarily, without a head, and in this vacuum the realm has begun to tear itself to shreds.

ID: news.2
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By:

  • All:
'Let us pray for Austria.'

The Austrian Kaiser is Dead!

Stability in Central Europe is jostled today as news breaks of the death of the Kaiser Franz Ferdinand I. The reformist monarch had massive shoes to fill upon the death of his uncle Franz Joseph in 1916, as the man was practically an institution himself, and the Great War threatened to shatter the whole of Austria-Hungary. Though the stresses of war and the consequences of trying to quiet Slavic discontent would almost destroy the state, the order in Vienna endured. The core of Austria held back Italian advances long enough to broker a peace with the Entente, and stop revolutionary Germans, Hungarians, and South Slavs from overtaking what remained.

But now, the Kaiser who practically represented Austria rising from its darkest hour is dead, evidently of a heart attack. There is much speculation on what comes next, given his nephew and heir's public image as an ardent reformer in a similar vein, and the agitation of republicans and socialists against the Hapsburg throne in general.

ID: news.3
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By:

  • All:
'Once more an uncertain future.'

GFX world event TUR ottoman revolt.png

Civil War Erupts in Anatolia

What started out as a small dispute in the East of the Ottoman Empire has rapidly spiraled out of control. When a Kurdish battalion made an encampment a few kilometers north of the border, they came under fire from Turkish battalions, accusing them of an attempted incursion. Abdülmecid II called for the army to stand down to avoid civil war, but the soldiers marched on, sparking war with Kurdistan as they crossed the Euphrates, and in turn, the Rubicon.

In the chaos, the incursion spiraled into a revolution within the Anatolian heartland as guerrillas and revolutionaries joined the army with a fervour as strong as it is broad. Communists and Islamic Socialists, Futurists and Anarchists, Romantic Nationalists and Republicans carrying the Kemalist legacy joined with the army as the winds of change lashed the Empire. Despite last minute attempts at compromise, with the Commission evacuating the Strait, Abdülmecid II declared the East to be in open revolt and, raising his standard at Dolmabahçe, called for all loyalists to rally to the Empire's defence.

As brother takes up arms against brother, the Turkish nation begins to prepare for dark days indeed. Only time will tell now if the flames of revolution will burn down the sick man, or if the forces of reaction will hold back the mountains of change.

ID: news.4
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Turkish Event: "rebel yell"

  • If TAG is not; ENG, GRE, ITA, RUS:
'The derelict Empire has keeled over.'
  • If TAG is; ENG, GRE, ITA, RUS:
'With our crutch gone, so soon may the Caliph.'

GFX lenin dead.png

Lenin Dead!

Another god in the socialist pantheon has fallen today, as former revolutionary and so-called "liberator" of Budapest, Vladimir Lenin, has died of a stroke. 65 years old, the aging leader of Germany's Communist Party had sustained injuries during his time in Hungary, helping to prop up Béla Kun's regime during the fires of the Great War. It appears that these injuries, thought to be minor, contributed to his ailing health, although his death still came as a shock to many.

Originally hailing from Russia, Lenin was expelled from his native Social Democratic Party by leader Aleksandr Bogdanov in 1907. From there, he travelled to Switzerland, and in 1918, he served in both the Hungarian and German revolutions, settling in Berlin and serving as Foreign Minister. Yet in 1928, Lenin broke from the German SPD, citing claims of "revisionism," and formed his own party, the Communist Party of Germany. Upon his death, the party will have to select a new leader, for it seems the sands of time wait for nobody, including those larger than life.

ID: news.5
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By:

  • All:
'One more red laid to rest.'

The Summer Coup War

General Mikhail Drozdovsky has taken control of the Novorossiyan General-Governorate and has declared what was called a “informal declaration of Civil War” on Kolchak's clique, self-proclaiming the title of “Supreme Leader” and Regent of the Empire. Drozdovsky masterminds a modernizing school of thought closely aligned to the ideals of the former Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin, a man widely revered for his reforms of the Russian economy. Calling themselves the “Novy Kurs” , this group includes aristocrats, academics, business magnates and officers, including the former governor of Novorossiya, who has willingly ceded power to Drozdovsky. After the defection of the Moscow Garrison, the Imperial forces hastily fled to Petrograd, and in there, the Kolchak-aligned High Command has denounced this coup and subsequent declaration of war as a “Clear rebellion which will be dealt with full and swift military force” and that there will be “No mercy to all who threaten the stability of Mother Russia”.

ID: news.6
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By:

  • All:
'The Bear rips itself apart.'

Wallonia Retains Independence


ID: news.7
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By:

  • Current rulling party is not Accelerationist
'Godspeed Wallonia.'

Brazil falls to Anarchy

After over a century of oligarchic rule, chaos, civil war, and political corruption, it appears that Brazil as an entity has finally collapsed entirely.

After the capitalist and oligarchist victory in the Brazilian Countercoup, or the Second Brazilian Civil War, the Government decided to give autonomy to the states' oligarchs. Various local leaders and warlords began to gain de-facto autonomy from Rio de Janeiro, resulting in the total collapse of the authority of the capital over the rest of the country, with many communities in the south of the country also declaring ethnic states.

ID: news.8
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By:

  • All:
'The Belle Époque is gone.'

The Hobbit Is Published

The veteran of the great war and linguistic scholar J. R. R. Tolkien has released a short novel. "The Hobbit" is a fantasy children's novel, following the tale of Bilbo Baggins, the titular hobbit who sets out on an adventure for a treasure protected by the dragon Smaug. He meets a wizard and joins a merry band of dwarves, passing through many places and through many dangers. The book has received wide acclaim including the prize of best juvenile fiction by the New York Herald Tribune. Already there is talk of a sequel set in Tolkien's Middle-Earth.

ID: news.9
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By:

  • All:
'I want a copy of it, now!'

id 11 - 20

Civil War Breaks Out In The East!

Reports are coming in from Japan that armed revolutionaries have begun a struggle against the Imperial government. Starting with an apparent standoff between Naval Officers and their sailors, the Empire is now falling apart, with socialist militias loyal to the Japanese Vanguard are now attempting to seize control of the cities. In the Japanese colonies, the local governors have been left to their own devices and the Japanese outposts on the mainland have come under “foreign” occupation. Even Taiwan is breaking away!

ID: news.10
Trigger Conditions: JAP is at war with JPR
Triggered By: Nothing

  • All:
'Will there be anything left of the Empire?'

Empire of Japan Survives

The Imperial Loyalists in Japan have defeated the revolutionaries, putting an end to their civil war. As the dust settles the full consequences are laid bare. Revolutionary leaders are now on the run, with many fleeing to China in search of friendly regimes. Once a nation divided, it is now - in part - devastated. The path forwards first requires a rebuilding period, but beyond that the future is uncertain. The question remains as to whether the empire will stay the course or make corrections for its past mistakes...

ID: news.1010
Trigger Conditions:

  • has_global_flag = JAP_revolution
  • JPR doesn't exist

Triggered By: Nothing

  • Current rulling party is not Vanguard Socialism, Popular Socialism, Revisionist Socialism or Progressive
'Good, another blow to the revolutionaries.'
  • Current rulling party is Vanguard Socialism, Popular Socialism, Revisionist Socialism or Progressive
'Curses, the revolution is shaken!'

Japan Falls To Revolution

The Revolution in Japan is victorious! Against all odds the upstart naval rebellion has resulted in the total collapse of Asia's only native hegemon. The civil war is over, and as the remaining Imperials flee to the former colonies and elsewhere, the reconstruction begins at home. There are still unresolved factional issues among the revolutionaries themselves however, and this will no doubt shape their foreign policy going forward. Is Asia in store for a new brand of red imperialism, or a new, more gentle hand from Japan?

ID: news.1020
Trigger Conditions:

  • has_global_flag = JAP_revolution
  • JAP doesn't exist

Triggered By: Nothing

  • Current rulling party is Vanguard Socialism, Popular Socialism, Revisionist Socialism or Progressive
'Good, another blow to the reactionaries.'
  • Current rulling party is not Vanguard Socialism, Popular Socialism, Revisionist Socialism or Progressive
'Curses, the reds advance ever more!'

Famine in Zheltorossiya

The Russian Republic continues it's string of misfortune as starvation becomes a fact of life in the republic in exile. A combination of freak weather, corruption, and mismanagement has destroyed the agricultural sector. Pictures of skeletal children dominate newspapers covering the calamity, and while donations of food are pouring in, it is not nearly enough to satisfy the hunger of the people. This has massively destabilized the nation, as many blame Kerensky for the disaster. Calls for his resignation are rampant, as politicians, businesses, the army, and even bureaucrats jockey for power. The future of Zheltorossiya is more clouded than ever, as extreme measures such as total privatization, state socialism, technocracy, and even anarchy are being openly discussed.

ID: news.11
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By:

  • Tag Is Not RUS, SRU, DKB, WRU, ORE, SIB, KCK:
'Thoughts and prayers.'
'As traitors deserve!'

Kerensky Prevails

Despite widespread calls for his resignation, Aleksandr Kerensky refuses to resign. The army has backed him and his calls for the Supreme Soviet to resign for demanding his own resignation at such a critical time. Kerensky now attempts to win over the Soviets and his own party. He strives to create a more centralized government answerable to him, the President. He yearns to pass a new constitution that will give him the power he needs to reform the republic. He does this not to be a tyrant, but instead to fulfill his one wish: that no child of Zheltorossiya will ever go hungry again.

ID: news.12
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By:

  • Tag Is Not RUS, SRU, DKB, WRU, ORE, SIB, KCK:
'Sometimes staying the course is best.'
'This changes nothing, he will fail.'

Republican Party wins American general election

The American Presidential Election is revered as one of the most sacred of their constitutional freedoms; having the ability to elect their own leaders amidst a sea of tyrants and demagogues abroad brings the American public at ease. This year is no different as the people choose Bronson Murray Cutting of the Republican Party. The American people have chosen the stability of the old guard, and the Republican Party, the party of business and American ingenuity is here to aid the people in this perilous time in history. Despite their victory, extremist opposition leaders have denounced the election as a sham, claiming that the Republicans simply utilized their 'Fat-Cat Business' partners to influence the vote. Only time will tell if that is truly the case, but for now a peaceful transition of power has been made, and the Torch of Liberty burns on for another four years!

ID: news.16
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By:

  • All:
'Americans sure do love their voting!'

American Party wins American general election

The staunchly conservative American party led by Dan Moody has secured the presidency, using nationalist and conservative rhetoric to win over the majority of people with promises of safety and stability, as well as a protectionist trade policy and relief efforts, especially for rural victims of the Great Depression, a platform which won over a great deal of business owners, both small and large. Moody has said he will implement the Business Protection Act as his first action as president, casting himself as a man of decisive action.

ID: news.17
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By:

  • All:
'It seems they've taken the safe option.'

Jobless Progressive Party wins American election

After a long period of heated tensions, James Renshaw Cox's Jobless People's Party won the election against their opponents. The largest contributing factor to his victory was the ongoing depression, and Cox's calls for massive relief programs, economic recovery, and societal reforms resonated with a large part of the American society, especially from the middle class and the traditional socialist base of heavy industry workers. Cox's victory came in spite of attacks coming from the highly conservative south, parts of the west, and even the educated professional class and heterodox worker's groups which supported the Technocracy movement. Liberal and reformist circles celebrated around the country, cheering the first time since the Whigs that a third party defeated a major party in the United States.

ID: news.18
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By:

  • All:
'A new turn of events for the United States.'

Technocracy Inc. wins American general election

Howard Scott's Technocrat Party has secured a safe majority in the American general election, by appealing to the professional and working class. Their policy of leaders being appointed based on their ability related to the job appealed to many, as did their vociferous attacks on the Price System. Intellectuals were also swayed by the idea of applying the scientific method to political and social problems, and of the government running as a technical engineering problem. Mr. Scott is soon to be inaugurated, having already given an acceptance speech to a cheering crowd.

ID: news.19
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By:

  • All:
'A scientific government? Interesting indeed.'

id 21 - 30

DSRP(H) Victory in German Elections!

A new day has broken over the German people, as newly-sworn in Premier Joseph Goebbels has won the snap-elections in the wake of Paul Levi's resignation. Hailing from a Catholic family of working class background, Comrade Goebbels proved his commitment to the revolution, when, despite a deformity in the foot, he took up arms in 1918 against Ludendorff's regime.

Now, the stalwart leader of the DSRP and its "Heckerisch" wing has overcome all odds, breaking the SPD's chokehold on the German political scene for the first time since the revolution. The second oldest major party in Germany, the DSRP has claimed victory along with their junior partners the SRNP, KPD, and CSABPD.

Goebbels' first act as Premier was to hold a large speech in Berlin, promising a "new beginning for the German people" and the "completion of the socialist revolution our forefathers began in 1848." To end the event, the crowd was lead in a cheer of "Long live the social republic!" with fists raised in the air as one thriving, breathing body.

ID: news.20
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By:

  • All:
'Red, Gold, and... Black?'

Aleksandr Kolchak assassinated!

Shocking news arrives from the lands of Russia, as the self proclaimed new Supreme Leader Mikhail Drozdovsky announced the heinous assassination of the former Supreme Leader Aleksandr Kolchak by anarchist partisans in a radio address from Moscow. Kolchak, who had ruled Russia for almost two decades was seen by many international observers as the sole man capable of uniting the highly unstable Russian government and military. This thesis seems to have been confirmed, as only hours after Drozdovsky's address General Ivan Romanovsky openly accused him of having ordered the assassination. This development has thrown much of the international community into chaos, as Russia - considered to be the "shadow victor" of the World War - is now on the verge of another civil war.

ID: news.21
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By:

  • Current ruling party is Reactionary, Despotic, Polycratic or Conservative:
'God help us all!'
  • Current ruling party is not Reactionary, Despotic, Polycratic or Conservative:
'Good luck boys!'

id 31 - 40

id 41 - 50

id 51 - 60

id 61 - 70

id 71 - 80

id 81 - 90

id 91 - 100