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Zheltorossiya is the site of the remnants of the Russian Republic. While Alexander Kerensky is the current head of state, it is rife with internal rivalries. In the beginning of 1936, a famine is beginning to take hold, killing thousands across the nation. More and more voices are calling for Kerensky's resignation, and soon, the Supreme Soviet will send him an ultimatum ordering him to resign. If he does, either the Kadets, under Pavel Milyukov, will win a snap election, the Military takes over, or the Soviets take over.

Each of the three choices have various paths that can be taken. For example, the Soviets can choose to put Trotsky, Kamenev, Spiridonova, or Gastev in charge of Zheltorossiya.

Also, if the famine isn't handled correctly, Zheltorossiya can collapse into 4 separate countries. These countries are: Harbin City, Priamurye, Green Ukraine, and Manchu State.

No two Zheltorossiya games are the same.

Historical Background

OTL History

In 1894-1895, Japan invaded China but the west pushed the Japanese out of China, and Russia took Manchuria in 1900, leading to the Russo-Japanese War in 1904.

RFTL History

After Russia won the Battle of Tsushima, they pushed the Japanese out of Manchuria, leading to a pyrrhic victory. However in 1913, the Great War started, and Russia would defeat the Germans in 1920, but the Russian Revolution started in 1917. Although Russia would survive the revolution, it would break apart, including Manchuria, which was now known as Zheltorossiya. Zheltorossiya would be taken over by revolutionaries which fled Russia.


Starter Spirits

Chinese Minority:

  • Daily Political Power Gain: -0.01
  • Stability: -2.00%
Siege Mentality
ZHR manchurian minority.png
  • Division Defense on core territory: +5.0%
Peaceful sleep is a rare gift in Zheltorossiya. The hungry double-headed eagle in the West tears itself apart for now, but how long can it take until Kolchak will gather his armies and order them to crush the last bastion of liberty in Russia? This worry is omnipresent in the politics of Zheltorossiya, giving way to various radicals, promising a revolutionary revival and the destruction of the Empire once and for all. For these fears, the democratic government had to loosen their principles and institute an army service for all citizens, along with arms stockpiled in every town. When they will come they'll meet our every man and woman armed to the teeth, ready to strike back at their oppressors.

Siege Mentality:

  • Division Defense on core territory: +5.0%

Peaceful sleep is a rare gift in Zheltorossiya. The hungry double-headed eagle in the West tears itself apart for now, but how long can it take until Kolchak will gather his armies, and order them to crush the last bastion of liberty in Russia? This worry is omnipresent in the politics of Zheltorossiya, giving way to various radicals, promising a revolutionary revival, and the destruction of the Empire once and for all. For these fears, the democratic government had to loosen their principles and institute an army service for all citizens, along with arms stockpiled in every town. When they come, they’ll meet our every man and woman armed to the teeth, ready to strike back at their oppressors.

The One Haven of Freedom:

  • Monthly Population: +25.0%
  • Research Speed: +5.00%

In the west, the ruthless eye of the Okhranka watches you, especially if you read dangerous books that might give you dangerous ideas. The purification policies, that lay waste in the Imperial academia, became a strength for the republic. Dissidents flood the gates of Zheltorossiya universities, Harbin becoming the new center of Russian learning and culture. A new life Breathes into the Republic, that one day might unite all Motherland under the flag of freedom.

Japanese Influence:

  • Consumer Goods Factories: -10.0%
  • Construction Speed: +5.00%
  • Supply Range: +10%

The Times of Troubles:

  • Surrender Limit: -30.00%
  • Resources to Market: -80%
  • Trade Deal Opinion Factor: -80%

Despite winning the Great War, our nation stands divided again, just like 300 years ago. The peace brokered with the Republican rebels, followed by the increased power in the military commanders-turned-warlords, fractured our country. With enemies in the Caucuses, and in the Far East, control of our nation’s industry, resources, and manpower divided between local commanders while Petrograd is rotting away, our military and economical power is greatly diminished.

National Focus Tree



Important Parties

Political Advisors



Geography and Industry


Zheltorossiya holds territory of both the Russian Far East and Manchuria. It’s capital is Harbin (哈尔滨), the real life capital of the farthest north Chinese province Heilongjiang. It has a history as a common destination for immigrants from the Russian Empire, most prominently Ukrainians, who formed the considerable majority of its population. This unusual demographic composition was the result of the Russia owned Chinese Eastern Railway, which passed through the city (Harbin-Wiki). This railway is fully represented in game stretching across southern Zheltorossiya.

The nation consists of 14 states: Amur, Blagoveshchensk, Harbin, Heihe, Hulunbuir, Khabarovsk, Magdachi, Mulinsk, Nikolayevsk, Primorye, Sartu, Sungari, Sungkiang, and Vladivostok. Three of these states, Khabarovsk, Primorye, and Vladivostok, contain chromium, while Blagoveshchensk, Nikolayevsk, and Primorye produce steel. In total, 80 chromium and 87 steel is available for use at the beginning of the game.


Zheltorossiya has 12 Military Factories, 4 Naval Dockyards, and 24 Civilian Factories scattered throughout the country. This provides it with the largest industrial base of any potential Russian unifier, with eight more factories in the Russian empire itself. From the beginning of the game, it has access to debatably the second best Russian Industrial Concern, Tereshchenko’s Consortium Industrial Concern. It grants Industrial Research Speed: +10%, Military Factory construction speed: +3.00% and Civilian Factory construction speed: +10.00%. It costs 150 political power. Between the industrial concerns available and the fact that 60% of its industry is civilian factories, it is the Russian nation most inclined towards civilian build up.



Zheltorossiya has 21 starting units. Fifteen of these are 18 width Infantry, with an artillery support company. Four are 16 width Motorized Divisions, and with a military police support company. And two are 12 width Light Armor Divisions, with four light tank battalions and two motorized infantry battalions.

Air Force


Military Staff

Strategies and guides

There are many different paths to Zheltorossiya. But one of them is the One State. To get the One State you must make Kerensky resign, have Rosenbaum take power, and let Bogdanov take power, after which you let Gastev rule. After that you need to unite Russia.