Altai Confederation Events

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This is a list of events for ALT, related news events and Super Events (from Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/394360/2815832636/events)

Mechanical Events

The Thunder

The gathering of the Provisional Duma of the Altai Confederation was quiet as usual - only around twenty delegates showed up, most tribal leaders uninterested in high politics. Only boring reports from border provinces and long-winded arguments about the pitiful state of the Altaic administration were heard. President Gurkin himself sometimes looked towards the clock on the wall, awaiting the much-desired break.

Then, suddenly - a thunder-like roar broke the silence. A gunshot! The delegates all stood up alarmed. The ragtag militias that composed the parliament guards were already shouting and ringing their alarm bells. Before any of the gathered politicians could make sense of this situation, the battle was already raging.

A group of men, recognised by their high caps with a red star on it surrounded the building, hidden behind makeshift barricades. Behind them, more soldiers, many footmen and some horsemen were preparing to strike. The government guards took positions on the windows, but the Heavens seemed to favour the bullets of the Bolsheviks, as three men were already laying in puddles of blood.

Looking with the corner of his eye, Gurkin recognised the leader of this criminal putsch - none other than Gleb Bokii, a charlatan, swindler, rebel and to this time a loyal ally of the Confederation. He knew Bokii had no scrupules to deal with his enemies - but he also wasn't needlessly cruel. If the parliament raised the white flag, he, and his people would surely be spared. The time to make a decision was fleeting. Will Gurkin sacrifice his dream of a free Altai to save his life, or will he play on the risky card and try to repeal the overwhelming attack?

ID: alt.4
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Altai Focus "The Danger"

  • Regular AI Chance Factor 10
  • If Altai's Game rule set at "Bokii's Union" or "Barchenko's Esotericism", 100
'We stand no chance! Fly the white flag!'
  1. Fires event "The Rain" in 2 days
  • Regular AI Chance Factor 10
  • If Altai's Game rule set at "Gurkin Prevails", 100
'We will fight to the last man!'
  1. Fires event "The Cloud" in 2 days

The Rain

The petit-bourgeois parliament has surrendered! On the lead of the victorious charge, comrade Bokii galloped in on his faithful white horse. Soon, the old parliamentarians were arrested and escorted out of the building, while the militias' guns were confiscated. The hall that was so quiet just a few moments before, was filled with the hubbub of the Bolshevik soldiers, loudly talking and shouting revolutionary slogans.

But, silence reigned again when Bokii entered the speaker's podium, beginning his fiery, if chaotic, speech.

"Comrades! Brothers! Faithful! The mystery of History unravels before us! The gates of this palace opened before us, as we trampled on the remains of the old order - but this is only the beginning of our work. Therefore, I proclaim a new state to be created in the place of the Confederation of Altai - the Altaic People's Republic! And to you, who were initiated into the wisdom that will guide our new Republic, give the first voice to decide its destiny! Exclaim, who do you want to lead us from now? Do you choose the esteemed hierarch of our order, Aleksandr Barchenko, to guide us together towards hidden truths? Or do you trust my power and want to follow me further, storming the fortress of the unknown?"

ID: alt.14
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Altai Event "The Thunder"

  • Regular AI Chance Factor 10
  • If Altai's Game rule set at "Bokii's Union", 100
'Bokii! With power!'
  1. Set country flag to ALT_bokii_win
  2. Complete Altai Focus "The YTB Putsch"
  3. Yedinoye Trudovoye Bratstvo (VanSoc - State Socialism) becomes ruling party
  • Regular AI Chance Factor 10
  • If Altai's Game rule set at "Barchenko's Esotericism", 100
'Barchenko! With truth!'
  1. Set country flag to ALT_barchenko_win
  2. Complete Altai Focus "The YTB Putsch"
  3. Yedinoye Trudovoye Bratstvo (RevSoc - Esoteric Socialism) becomes ruling party

The Cloud

President Gurkin felt a surge of adrenaline, this was Heaven's test. What his whole life's calling had led him to. He grabbed the arm of a guard rushing to a window to return fire, shouting at him to use the chimney of one of the Duma's backrooms to make a smoke signal. The man returned shortly saying there was no firewood. Gurkin cursed this backwater country, nothing seemed to go right here. He even gave a moment's more consideration to surrendering before turning to the stenographer and ripping the useless minutes of the meeting off his desk, pushing them into the guard's hands, shouting, "This'll do!" With that parchment and a broken up chair, a smoke signal was given. Now it was time to hold down the fort.

Fat parliamentarians picked up the guns of young fallen soldiers. Tribal leaders whipped out pistols which by Duma laws were not previously permitted. Reinforcements were spotted from the city garrison, and the Bolsheviks began to taste defeat. Bokii considered one last attack before bitterly turning his back and ordering his men to reform rank and turn heel for a retreat. A running battle ensued in which many of the Bolshevik infantrymen were run down and captured.

Gurkin smiled as workers came in to repair the Duma, and the detained rebels were escorted to prison, perhaps he'd be merciful and negotiate for their release to end the conflict for good. Perhaps even they deserve to taste the fruits of a free Altai.

ID: alt.15
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Altai Event "The Thunder"

  • Regular AI Chance Factor 10
  • If Altai's Game rule set at "Gurkin Prevails", 100
'After all, they can be the comic relief in the play that is our nation'
  1. Set country flag to ALT_gurkhin_win
  2. Complete Altai Focus "Gurkin Prevails!"

Flavour Events

With the sound of horns

One of the battles with Ungern Sternberg's bandits was ongoing. The terror that was unleashed during that battle was indescribable. As cruel as the Mad Baron was, his men rejoiced at tearing their victims to shreds as if they were wild beasts hunting their prey. Sternberg's name was surrounded with such hate and fear that no one could judge what was the truth and what was false, what was history and what myth. One thing was certain, however. There must be an end to this madness and the self-proclaimed Genghis Khan. The red soldiers fiercely resisted the onslaught of Sternberg's men, but many began to panic as they saw the advance of the savage cavalry heading towards them, setting off clouds of dust that rose into the air. For most of the soldiers, they looked like demons, and those of lesser faith wondered if it was time to start running and counting that the divine punishment inflicted by these half-demons would not reach them.

On a nearby hill, a slanting shaman with a dark, wrinkled face stared at the whole spectacle. Behind him he heard a cynical and slightly nervous voice. "Situation doesn't look the best. Doesn't it? Your plan sounds strange, great leader! I'm not sure how the horns and your singing are going to help us win the battle. But we prepared the tubes."

It was Captain Ivanovich, who was getting impatient because his people, instead of fighting, were laying big trumpets so that a few monks and shamans could sing their chants. The shaman turned. His hair, black as night, blew in the breeze with his tousled robe. He said as he approached Ivanovich and the trumpets.

"A great spirit is patient and unhastly in his actions. Wait patiently and you will see the sweet fruits of victory."

Ivanovich got out of his way and the shaman went to the trumpets. After a short while, those like him joined him, who also sat down and, meditating, began to sing their holy incantations in a language that the Russians did not understand. They also started to play the drums and rattle the knockers to create as much noise as possible. Ivanovich raised an eyebrow and lit a cigarette waiting for effects of the Shaman's plans. He didn't need to wait long, quickly his adjutant ran up to him and shouted.

"Captain Ivanovich! Chaos reigns among the enemy!"

"What?! What the fuck do you mean by that?"

And they started to play the drums and rattle the knockers to create as much noise as possible. As the shamans began to sing Mongolian, much of Sternberg's cavalry consisting of the Mongols began to get lost. The Russians heard only ominous sounds that they did not understand and spread throughout the valley. The Mongols, on the other hand, heard the voices of their fathers cursing them and announcing their doom. Some of Sternberg's men withdrew and others wanted to continue to fight, so they started to run into each other and trample each other. At the same time, the command of the horde on their old poorly coded radios also began receiving strange messages forming themselves into shaman incantations. The chaos in the organization made it impossible to remedy the chaos on the battlefield. Ivanovich dropped his cigarette to the ground in surprise that the Shaman's plan worked, then he shouted to the adjutant who stood waiting for further guidance.

"What are you waiting for!? Call in artillery backup and fuck these motherfuckers to pieces so that their mothers won't be able to recognize their bodies!" The adjutant ran towards the artillery position without waiting any longer and after a while the remnants of Sternberg's troops on the battlefield were smashed with artillery shells, tearing their bodies into shreds. The battle has been won, but can the same be said of the war?

ID: alt.16
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Altai Focus "Lift the Baron's Curse"

'But for now evil spirits have been banished'

Let Heaven abhor the bourgeoisie

"There is nothing more wretched for the soul than greed that consumes us all and makes us blind to the problems of the earth, spirit and our fellow human beings. There is no more wretched soul than the soul of the bourgeoisie as it's consumed by the greed that forces it to accumulate gold that will be lost after he dies. A self destructive manner that brings nothing more but cruelty for your neighbor. Let Heaven abhor the bourgeoisie!" Said the Red Army man, spreading his hands in front of the crowd of other soldiers and shamans. In one hand he was holding a copy of Marx's Capital. His hair was gray and he was quite old. His eyes began to turn gray - he went blind. However... He was not dismissed from the army, but transferred to the propaganda corps.He began to go blind after the bullet hit him, his eyes turned red and then he fell. His soldiers said that he began to speak in tongues, and he himself that during his sleep and torpor, he had a vision in which he met Karl Marx. He told him to praise his word, and to continue to preach it to the people. Some thought he was just a weirdo and some took him seriously. With the consent of the party, he organized a meeting with the shamans who wanted to meet him on hearing rumors of his extraordinary talent for speaking with spirits.

"Come closer my children! Come closer!"

Shamans and soldiers approached the old man, waiting for what he would say next. Still holding Capital, he raised a finger and said.

"Sit in a circle and curse capitalism together!"

And he sat down, crossing his legs and leaning the book against them. The shamans sat down with him, grabbing their hands with him and with each other, and the soldiers were a little more reluctant to do so. Old man said start speaking again, closing his blind eyes. His Red Army uniform and the red star stood faintly in the pale flame of the candles.

"O spirits of earth and heaven! Forests and seas! How do the demons of greed destroy you and take advantage of you! O great steppes upon which the wild horses of the mad baron and the hideous monarchists curse them! Bring your wrath on them! Let any animal that bites the enemy of the people be infested with disease. May each day be a wandering devastating for them! Let every crossing of the river in the rain when the rivers are at their most rapid ... Oh ghosts! Oh ghosts! Help us in our mission as we are true servants of people and of the earth…"

The shamans began to repeat after him and the soldiers softened - their souls ceased to be full of skepticism, but opened up. They began timidly echoing the shamans until the whole hall was filled with their prayers for victory over capitalism. The words began to form a melody, and they all began to meditate, wanting to curse capitalism and its minions in the name of Marx and the spirits of the world.

ID: alt.17
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Altai Focus "Embrace Shamanism"

'"Oh great spirits! Curse the bourgeoisie and their wicked servants!"'

Ordo Fratrum Humanae et Stellae Rubrum

The Temple of Saint Macarius had been empty for a long time. Prayers were forbidden in it and most Orthodox Christians went to private homes to pray to their God. The onlookers stopped coming to it as well. There was no one who could make sure that the gilded icons stopped collecting dust and the doors were well oiled and did not creak. However ... Something has changed for some time. Every night when the Triple Goddess shone brightest in the sky and shone brightly in the valley of tears and despair, a small crowd would gather in the temple in absolute silence and one by one. It was the same now. A young man dressed in a dark red robe entered the Church causing the wailing door to groan - this was a signal to the rest of the congregation that the time of initiation had come. Likewise, middle-aged or even gray-enriched men stood around a painted red star on the floor and candles that gave a dim light. The wise men were dressed in similar dark red robes, but adorned with golden stars, from which the light reflected in a similar way as from once-dust free icons. The chairman of the assembly raised his head, adorned with five golden stars - on the head, sleeves, torso and back. The sixth was hung around his neck in the form of an amulet. He spoke to the intimidated young man.

"You are entering a realm of Human brotherhood, a realm of the sublime spirit that will bring humanity to the new age and new levels of soul. Embrace yourself and humble yourself! Are you ready to join our holy mission in spirit and in the physical realm?" The young man stood at a distance from the red star and said, gaining self-confidence and breathing in the air. He said confidently.

"Yes I am, older brother."

"Your heart is full of fervor and your eyes are keen and eager to know the deepest mysteries of the spiritual world. You have fulfilled your task by tracking down the former guardian of this place, who served Jesus Christ but not the socialist spirit. You have shown that you are ready to act in the physical world, but are you ready to attain enlightenment in the spirit world by following the perilous path of the left hand?"

"Yes I am, older brother."

"So I am asking you a third time - which means infinity. Are you ready to join our brotherhood?"

"Yes I am, Older Brother"

"Then rejoice! As you will be reborn as a new man for eternity. Stand in the center of the star and raise your left leg as a symbol of Netzah, a victory of Human beings over the wicked earthly realm, raise your right hand as a symbol of Gevurah, a strength of the human beings will to overcome its adversities. If you will endure our joyful singing you will be accepted, but if you do not manage to hold your position until the end of the sacred cantations you will offend the world of spirit and be banished forever as you swore for forever."

Despite the threat heralded by the failure of the final trial, the young man did not chicken out, but entered the circle and immediately assumed a pose. The hooded sages grasped each other's arms together and began the sacred chantings by dancing around the young man. The ceremony lasted quite a long time and the young man felt that he would slowly not be able to stand in such a position as his leg began to suffer. Finally, however, the circle stopped and the Older Brother came out again, drawing threads and a golden star from under his robe, approaching the young man, who was still standing in this position, sewed it on to him and said happily.

"Brother! You were dead, but you got up and live! After this time, you feel the limitations of your earthly body, but do not be afraid as it is only temporary and the glory of the human spirit is eternal! You are officially a member of Ordo Fratrum Humanae et Stellae Rubrum. Rejoice! Rejoice!" He embraced the young man and pressed him to his chest, and the young man hugged him back. The rest of the assembly also rejoiced and began to cheer for the new novice.

ID: alt.18
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Altai Focus "Secret Priesthood"

'Homo enim per spiritum'

Experiment: 2273

Status: Still in the test phase

Research method: Experiment 2273 should be conducted in strict confidence, and test objects should be selected from among the recruits with the highest classification note. First of all, we are looking for young men (18-25 years old) without any genetic disease or damage to the body that could change the test result (including visual impairment). The substances needed for research should be tested first on less important objects in order not to lose valuable assets.

Description: Experiment 2273 is an element of project: "Bogatyr" which tries to find a way to create Super Soldiers with the use of narcotic substances and experimental technologies or methods that could improve the combat effectiveness of soldiers as well as their condition. Experiment 2273 primarily focuses on studying people's resistance to extreme conditions, including sleep deprivation, the body's response to technology, organ transplants, or high levels of adrenaline, etc.

Log of tests:

Test number 008: The eighth test was to examine people's endurance against sleep deprivation, six test subjects were given high doses of adrenaline and caffeine (in a non-life-threatening manner).

The test was unsuccessful. Most of the test subjects are dead and the two survivors are in critical condition. Two days after the start of the experiment, Captain Esmond Afanasievich began to show enormous levels of aggression towards other participants in the experiment, which resulted in the death of one (artery rupture) and concussion of the other. Captain Afnasievich has been terminated and the critical object is hospitalized. The rest of the subjects began to die of exhaustion, showing disturbing signs of psychosis. It was decided to end the test.

Test number 060: The Sixtieth Test was to investigate whether it is possible to transplant organs such as the heart or the brain, which could save the lives of many soldiers on the battlefield and speed up medical research. Animal testing has been partially successful and human experiments have been attempted.

The test was partially successful. Death of all objects. It has not been possible to transfer the human brain to a body other than the body from which the organ was obtained, nor has it been possible to transfer the brain into any machine that could keep it alive. However, doctors noted that the heart tests were much more successful as they managed to transfer a fresh heart from a recently deceased donor to a soldier who was shot in an organ during a patrol. However, we sadly note that after several hours of operation, the subject died from a blood type conflict. It is believed that a successful heart transplant is possible. More research is required.

Test number 610: The six hundred and tenth test was carried out to focus on the impact of technology on the human body. Comrade Major Alexei Belitrov volunteered for the experiment. His previous hand was separated from him at the battlefield. He was equipped with a prosthesis enriched with greater clamping force thanks to hydraulic pistons. The major is alive and well but regrets that he cannot feel his new hand and sometimes he notices experiences from his "old hand" which is not possible. Several tests were also carried out in which the Major was able to destroy a brick wall, but his maneuverability with a weapon became negligible. Some researchers wanted to try to connect his nerves to a prosthesis, but were refused as it could mean the death of the Major. The major also complained about the weight of the prostheses, so he was given lighter but more functional ones, which were to be adapted to the handling of weapons, the tests turned out to be successful. Detachment from Experiment 2273 is being considered to create a separate project "Flesh That Hates".

-Dr.Volkhvov of Special OGPU Department

ID: alt.19
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Altai Focus "The OGPU Special Division"

'More research is required…'

News Events

GFX world event mongolia gurkhin.png

The Mongolian Liberation

Unexpected news come from Mongolia, where the revolutionary alliance of Mongol communists and Oirot nationalists has brought peace to the land devastated by conflict for years now.

Winning over the rivaling Russian warlords to the north, the Chinese armies tasked with bringing back the region under Beijing's rule and the Bogd Khan's forces, the Pan-Mongolian Federation promises peace and prosperity where until now war has threaded.

The Mongols and the Oirots intend to safeguard their victory against possible threats that may arise out of the anarchy engulfing Russia and China. The government of Zheltorossiya has already been contacted, establishing a military alliance and opening trade. Even if for now fighting has ceased in the steppes, the outcome of neighbouring fighting hasn't been decided yet, the Mongols know that soon the time may come up again to take up arms.

ID: news.336
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Altai Focus "A Pan-Oirot State"

'Amursana has returned.'

GFX world event mongolia otb.png

The Mongolian Revolution

Red banners fly from Ulala to Khurëe, drums and gongs are being sounded and hymns are being chanted in the name of the United Labour Brotherhood and the triumph of the communist revolution in Mongolia.

After coming to power after a coup that toppled Grigory Gurkhin's rule in Altay, the Brotherhood absorbed local communist cadres and has swept aside all opponents of the revolution, whether Chinese, Mongolian or Russian.

Professing a syncretism of Bolshevism and Eastern mysticism, the United Labour Brotherhood is most certainly a particularly intriguing group. Reports come from the otherwise silent region of experiments in fringe and esoteric domains considered by scientists to be no more than mystical babble. And yet, no matter the truth to their claims, the revolutionaries aren't done yet. Their eyes are set on spreading the revolution beyond to the north, into Russia, and with it, the divine Truth.

ID: news.337
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: Altai Focus "Agartha Calling"

'A Red Shambala?'

GFX world event bokii uni.png

United Labour Brotherhood Unifies Russia

Russia has fallen to the socialist revolution from the least likely place of them all - not the Red Army's remains in Georgia or the revolutionary republic in Zheltorossiya, but from a small warlord state in Altay, led by the hardened adventurer Gleb Bokii.

The exotic adventures in the steppes and taigas surely gave an unusual twist to Bokii's brand of communism - reinforced with fringe science, folkloric beliefs and even esoteric doctrines, the ideology of the Soviet Commonwealth bears more resemblance to utopian dreams of the early socialists than hard-line Marxism.

Though it preaches universal love and freedom on the outside, rumors say the new republic has developed a secretive deep state - an omnipotent intelligence agency, that's said to try to tame supernatural powers in service of the revolution. The government dismisses the accusations of unsavoury experiments taking places in secret laboratories in Siberia, but the legend grows stronger with every day.

ID: news.162
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: "Complete the Unification of Russia!" decision

'What sort of socialism is this?'

GFX world event barchenko uni.png

United Labour Brotherhood Unifies Russia

Bizarre news come from Russia, as a great millenarian revolution born in the statelet of Altay overcomes the whole country. Legions of fanatics swear allegiance to the first sorcerer and shaman behind the steers of a superpower. The great prophet is no one but Aleksandr Barchenko, a truly eccentric biologist-turned-mystic-turned-warlord, who managed to gain the trust of both the high ranking Bolsheviks and Mongol tribal chiefs.

The newly founded People's Republic of Hyperborea appears to be an orgy of contradiction, as mystical ecstasy and revolutionary fervour unite. Ancient gods are invoked in incense-filled rooms when slogans of social justice are shouted on the streets. The legends of ancient lands like Agartha and Shambhala serve to fuel the vision of the socialist utopia. The line between the past and the future, the mystical and the scientific, the sacred and profane dissolve as Barchenko proclaims the New Age of spiritual harmony and material prosperity for Russia and the whole world.

ID: news.163
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By: "Complete the Unification of Russia!" decision

'Beyond the North, the Sun is King.'

Super Events

Russian Unification (Bokii) Russian Unification (Barchenko)
Bokii Super Event.png
Barchenko Super Event.png
Sound Played: Sound Played:
Based on Mysterium by Alexander Scriabin Based on Meditation by Eduard Artemyev

Old Events

Altay begs for a Ceasefire!

Altay has begged the Imperial Authority for a ceasefire, as we have been grinding down against them for a while now. It would be wise for us to make a choice quickly as we have been losing strength for some time attacking them.

ID: alt.1
Trigger Conditions:
Triggered By:

'We shall talk to the Altay officers and look for peace'

'Then Beg'

The Search for The Baron

Local forces loyal to Rasputin today have begun an extensive search for the Cursed Baron which we have successfully dispelled from his so-called 'Imperial Authority' and has slowly begun going through the steppes, hills and valleys to find the Baron and execute him. The search begins now.

ID: alt.2
Trigger Conditions:
Triggered By:

'Go get him, comrades!'

The Baron has been found!

Our loyal forces have found the Baron hiding out in a small Mongol village, and he fought fiercely against our task force of 250 soldiers, killing 124 of our men with a militia organized to defend the Baron at all costs. But now, in the end, the Baron has died, and the future is Altaic.

ID: alt.3
Trigger Conditions:
Triggered By:

'The Altaic and Russian peoples have triumphed over the Mad Baron!'

Altay wants to join us!

After reunifying Mongolia, the communists of Altay have contacted us in order to join forces under our command!

ID: alt.5
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By:

'Welcome home, comrades'
  • Zheltorossiya (ZHR) gains a core on all ALT core states
  • ZHR annexes ALT
  • ALT Divisiosn and commander are transferred to ZHR



ID: alt.6
Trigger Conditions: None
Triggered By:

  1. -10% Stability
  1. -10% Stability