Altai Confederation

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Altai Confederation (sometimes known as the Confederacy of Altay) is a small country in the Altai Mountains of Central Asia born from the chaos of the Russian Civil War. With the new religion of Ak Jang (the White Faith) or Burkhanism playing an important aspect in society and governance, the statelet is home to many spiritual thinkers, some with more left-wing and esoteric views.



Being home to several Khanates and Tribal Alliances, the area that is now known as Altai was fully annexed by the Russian Empire in 1864 with the Treaty of Tarbagatai. A quiet region, it would soon come to the attention of Moscow due to the the birth of Ak Jang (the White Faith). An indigenous faith founded in 1904, it preached, or rather sang, the return of Oirat Khan, the re-incarnation of Prince Amursana, a Hero Khan of the 18th century, who would lead the Altai into a new age of glory and harmony.


With the Republican Coup and Monarchist Counter-Coup in June and September 1918 respectively, the Russian nation was split, not only between the two factions but also with the separatists nations, including the Altai people. Led by the native painter Grigory Ivanovich Choros-Gurkin, the Altai Confederation was born with the hope to unite the Altai people into one nation.

Although they allied themselves with the Republican forces in the hopes of recognition, they would still survive the civil war, mostly due to general exhaustion on Moscow's side. Some remnants of the more leftist republicans remain in the confederation however, mainly in the army and in the United Labour Brotherhood, an esoteric-leftist party.


Having essentially one big focus tree, an Altai player can either become a regional power in Northern Asia, or unite Russia under two esoteric flavors of Socialism, one focused on spirituality and the other on scientific advancement.

Starter Spirits

The Time of Troubles
Second smuta.png
  • Surrender Limit: -20%
  • Resource to Market: -80%
  • Trade deal opinion factor: -80%
Despite winning the Great War, our nation stands divided again, just like 300 years ago. The peace brokered with the Republican rebels, followed by the increase in power of military commanders-turned-warlords, fractured our country. With enemies in the Caucasus and in the Far East, control of our nation's industry, resources and manpower divided between local commanders while Petrograd is rotting away, our military and economical power is greatly diminished.

National Focus Tree

Altai Confederation National Focus Tree


Altai Confederation Events


Important Political Parties

Party Name Leader Ideology Details Country Name Mongolian Unification Name Russian Unification Name
Yedinoye Trudovoye Bratstvo

[United Labour Brotherhood]

Gleb Bokii
Gleb Bokii
State Socialism
State Socialism
Popularity: 10.00%
The more paranormal branch of the esoteric socialist party, there aim is to bend the mystical science of old to their will for the sake of the Revolution. Altaic People's Republic Great Red Brotherhood United Soviet Commonwealth

(the United Commonwealth of the Soviets)

Alexander Barchenko
Esoteric Socialism.png
Esoteric Socialism
Popularity: 20.00%
The more folkist branch of the esoteric socialist party, there aim is to awaken a greater sense of spiritual unity and through such unity to achive socialism both in material and spiritual realm. People's Republic of Hyperborea
Karakorumsokye Pravitelstvo

[Karakorum Government]

Grigoriy Gurkin
Grigoriy Gurkin
National Conservatism
National Conservatism
Popularity: 25.00%
The ruling party, their aim is to maintain the Altaic way of life while uniting the Altaic people under one state. Altai Confederation Oirot Confederation N/A
Portrait Altai Kaygorodov.png
Aleksandr Kaygorodov
Social Conservatism
Social Conservatism
Can Come to power through an Intermarinium Victory over a Re-unified Russia. He hopes to govern his homeland of Altai in peace following the years of turmoil. Altay Confederation N/A N/A

Starting Laws

Conscription Law
Extensive Conscription
Idea extensive conscription.png
  • 5% Recrutible Population
  • +10% Training Time
Trade Law
Export Focus
Idea generic export focus.png
  • +50% Resources to Market
  • +10% Factory Output
  • +10% Dockyard Output
  • +10% Construction Speed
  • +5% Research Speed
  • +20% Civilian Intel to Others
  • +10% Navy Intel to Others
Economic Law
Partial Mobilisation
Idea partial economic mobilisation.png
  • +25% Consumer Goods Factories
  • +10% Military Factory Construction Speed
  • -10% Civilian Factory Conversion Cost
  • -10% Military Factory Conversion Cost
  • -10% Fuel Gain Per Oil

Political Advisors

Advisors Positon Requirements
Aleksandr Kondyain
ALT Alexandr Kondyain.png

Spiritual Leader

  • Stability: +10%
  • Consumer Goods Factor: +2%
Head of Government 100pp

Rulling party is either:

  • Vanguard Socialist
  • Revisionist Socialist
Nikolai Roerich
ALT Nikolai Roerich.png

Ideological Crusader

  • Same Ideology Monthly Opinion: +40%
  • Ideology Monthly Opinion: -0.2
Foreign Minister 100pp

Rulling party is either:

  • Vanguard Socilist
  • Revisionist Socilist
Alexei Dushkin
ALT Alexei Dushkin.png

Balanced Budget Advocate

  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.05
  • Construction Speed: +2%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: +2%
Economy Minister 100pp

Rulling party is either:

  • Vanguard Socilist
  • Revisionist Socilist
Ivan Moskvin
ALT Ivan Moskvin.png

Health and Safety

  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.05
  • Resource Gain Cap: -4%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: +5%
  • Construction Speed: -4%
  • Factory Output: -4%
Minister of Interior 100pp

Rulling party is either:

  • Vanguard Socialist
  • Revisionist Socialist
Gleb Bokii
ALT gleb bokii.png

Secret Police Chief

  • Daily Political Power Gain: -0.1
  • Encryption: +1.0
Head of Mil. Intelligence 100pp


Besides the regular Ideology relationships, the Altai Confederation is on bad terms with the Xinjiang Clique, as Altai holds lands that are core to them, and with the Imperial Authority, as they hold lands core to Altai.

From a narrative view, the Confederation is on good terms with the Mongolian People's Army and the Russian Republic, with the degree of cooperation depending on which path Altai takes.

Geography and Industry


The Altai Confederation is located in Asia, more precisely at the intersection of Central Asia and Southern Siberia, and is neighbours with the Imperial Authority, The Mongolian People's Army, The Xinjiang Clique and the Russian Empire (through the Kazan Military District and the Siberian Governate-General).

The terrain is on the most part either Hilly or Mountainous, with some Forests and Plains in the north and Deserts in the South. It also has a couple of rivers running through it. They have a total of Twenty victory points spread out among Four settlements.

Oil Aluminium Rubber Tungsten Iron Chromium
1 0 0 0 0 8


Altai barely has an industry though it can acquire a number of offmap factories through the focus tree, as well as through conquest of smaller nations.

Altai starts off with 2 research slots.

Military Factory Civilian Factory Naval Dockyard
1 2 0



The Altai army starts of 4 cavalry divisions with 5 cavalry battalions.

At game start, Altai has some stockpiled equipment.

Field Marshals

Skill Attack Defence Planning Logistics Traits Notes
Khatanbaatar Magsarjav
Khatanbaatar Magsarjav
4 4 3 3 2
  • Cavalry Officer
  • War Hero
Mongolian general, previously alligned with von Ungern, alligned with the Oirot nationalists.
Kliment Voroshilov
Kliment Voroshilov
2 2 2 1 2
  • Career Officer
  • Infantry Officer
Russian, alligned with the YTB.


Skill Attack Defence Planning Logistics Traits Notes
Enkhbilegtiin Togtokho
Enkhbilegtiin Togtokho
2 2 2 1 2
  • Cavalry Officer
Mongolian, aligned with Oirot nationalists.
Konstantin Osipov
Konstantin Osipov
2 2 1 1 2
  • Infantry Officer
Russian, in previous versions of the Mod, was the leader of the nation of Fergana, alligned with the YTB.
Sereenengiin Givaapil
Sereenengiin Givaapil
2 2 2 1 1
  • Politically Connected
Mongolian, alligned with the YTB.
Butochiyn Tsog
Butochiyn Tsog
1 2 1 1 1
  • Bearer of Artillery
Mongolian, aligned with the YTB.
Gleb Bokii
Gleb Bokii
1 2 1 1 1
  • Engineer
  • Politically Connected
Russian, one of the leaders of the YTB.
Ospan Batyr
Ospan Batyr
1 3 1 2 1
  • Mountainerr
  • Brilliant Strategist
Kazakh, picture is of Khoja Niyaz for some reason, alligned with Oirot Nationalists.
Zhamyangiyn Lhagvasuren
Zhamyangiyn Lhagvasuren
1 1 1 1 1
  • None
Mongolian, alligned with the YTB.


  • Basic Eq.
  • Weapons I
  • Early Truck
  • Truck
  • Support Equipment
  • Engineer Company 1
  • Recon Company 1
  • Artillery

Air Force


Without the 'By Blood Alone' DLC enabled

  • Interwar Fighter
  • Close Air Support I

With the 'By Blood Alone' DLC enabled

  • Inter-War Small airframe
  • Light MG
  • Cannon 1
  • Bombs
  • Engine 1

Military Staff

Advisor Positon Trait Requirements
ALT klement voroshilov.png
Klement Voroshilov
Chief of Army Army Reformer (Expert)
  • Daily Army Experience Gain: +0.16


ALT Magsarjav.png
Khatanbaatar Magsarjav
Chief of Army Army Manoeuvre
  • Division Speed: +15%
  • Daily Army Experience Gain: +0.12


ALT ospan batyr.png
Ospan Batyr
Military High Command Commando (Specialist)
  • Special Forces Attack: +10%
  • Special Forces Defence: +10%
  • Daily Army Experience Gain: +0.06


ALT konstantin osipov.png
Konstantin Osipov
Military High Command Combined Arms (Specialist)
  • Motorised Attack: +5%
  • Motorised Defence: +5%
  • Mechanised Attack: +5%
  • Mechanised Defence: +5%
  • Daily Army Experience Gain: +0.06


ALT togtokho.png
Enkhbilegtiin Togtokho
Military High Command Cavalry (Expert)
  • Cavalry Attack: +10%
  • Cavalry Defence: +10%
  • Daily Army Experience Gain: +0.09


Strategies and Guides

So this part is obviously a bit subjective but here are a few tips:

  • Always be prepared to bail out the Mongolian People's Army, you'll get to join up with them under either path but acting too late might leave them at the mercy of the Anhui Clique, which tends to go to war with them immediately.