Assyria National Focus Tree

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"Born under Allied auspices after the idea of a united Euphrates valley was rejected, the Assyrian State is Europe's gift to the many Christian denominations that rose in arms against the Ottoman Empire during the Great War. Although notably underdeveloped save for spare British and Russian backed relief and investment, it enjoys a harmonious tribal society overseen by the Patriarch of the Church of the East, His Holiness Shimun XIX. This theocratic stagnancy has recently come under attack by modernising efforts from within, and now Communists, religious reformers, and Generalissimo Petros await for a chance to bring Assyrians into the 20th century before a foreign power does it themselves." - Brief History

Assyria has two focus trees, one for domestic and another for foreign affairs, each split in three for the respective Assyrian paths, Patriarch, Socialist Republican and Nationalist Republican.

Domestic Tree

The Opening Focuses

Focus Description Prerequistes Effects
The Oldest Homeland
The history of civilization in Assyria is a long one. Spanning countless empires and countless centuries and countless faiths, our legacy is great. After centuries of foreign rule, we have finally managed to gain our independence from those who wished to exploit us and take it away from us.

Under the leadership of our Patriarch, Shimun Benyamin, who unites our people under one faith and one church, we will continue this legacy. We will continue to walk a path of prosperity, united together as one people!

  • None
  • Hidden: Fires Assyrian event "It Was Night" in 50 days

Many have tried stamping us underfoot, yet we live on. The Patriarch shall ensure it will eternally remain so.

Brothers of Jacob and Chaldea
Religion in Assyria is not homogenous. There are many different people who subscribe to many different faiths in our nation, from Sunni Muslims to Jews, and from Alevis to Shiites. But the official faith of our nation is the Assyrian Church of the East, led by our dear Patriarch Shimun Benyamin. However, other significant Christian groups also exists within the minds of the Assyrian people, the Jacobite and Chaldean Christians. They have made much of the opposition to the Patriarchs rule, with many secular leaders professing direct communion with Rome. This matter will have to be handled eventually, but for now it is the time of rest.
  • Completed focus The Oldest Homeland
For He Himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has torn down the dividing wall of hostility.
The Snake in the Garden
Not everyone is happy with the rule of the Church in Assyria. Primarily, is the secular nationalist opposition of Agha Petros' who talk of a rebirth of the Assyrian nation and the discarding of the power of the Church! Just as significantly is Freydun Atturaya and his Socialists who at every moment seek to find a way to depose the power of the Church and the destruction of our faith!While it would be unwise to outright remove the opposition through the force of law, it is worth keeping an eye on them for the time being. To see what they plan and when they may strike.
  • Completed focus The Oldest Homeland
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
Last Sigh of Relief
The worst has come to pass. For the past few weeks our Patriarch, Shimun Benyamin, made less and less public appearances. Doctors determined that he had contracted Tuberculosis. Many pray for the survival of our beloved father of the nation, but their thoughts are drowned away by whispers of dissent spreading within our cities. Already nationalists and socialists are planning to make their move amids the impending chaos. Only God knows what path lies ahead of Assyria, and our beloved Benyamin can already hear His voice calling to him...
  • Completed focuses Brothers of Jacob and Chaldea and The Snake in the Garden
  • Is unlocked by the Assyrian event "It Was Night"
Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.

A new Patriarchate

Focus Description Prerequistes Effects
Long Live the New Bar Shimun
Despite the unrest and uncertainty that followed the sad passing of our beloved Patriarch, Shimun Benyamin, forces loyal to the Patriarchate have won out! Now his successor, Shimun Eshai takes his place as the next Patriarch.

While there remains much work to be done, even if the future of the Patriarchate is secure. Many troubles continue to plague our nation. But these are worries for tomorrow! For now, it is time to celebrate the coming of a new Patriarch. Long live Shimun Eshai! May he lead us forward under the guidance of one Church! One Faith and the One Lord!

  • Completed focus Last Sigh of Relief
  • Is unlocked by the Assyrian event "After the Quiet, therein came Violence"
  • Mutually exclusive with For a Free Assyria
Thorn on our Minds
Even more dangerous than a man with a knife coming to kill you, is a man that hides the knife away. The secularists like Petros and his nationalist oafs are just like this indeed. These people do not know that the church is the greatest institution to lead the people. Is it not greater to be in line with the will of God than in line with the will of some bureaucrat? These allusions to a national unity that seeks to do away with the Church cannot be tolerated. If they have their way they will cast our nation to damnation and misery! Let us make sure everyone in this country remembers it…
  • Completed focus Long Live the New Bar Shimun
Thorn in our Side
For centuries, the Kurdish butchers have done much and more to drive us out from our ancestral homeland, our independence having done little to change this ordeal. Even now Kurdish chieftains are mounting raids onto Assyrian territory, terrorizing the populance and looting whatever they can in hopes of driving us out. It is time that we do something about these bandits!
  • Completed focus Long Live the New Bar Shimun
The Good Patriarch
Many of our detractors say that the Church only serves to divide and hold back the Assyrian people, but who else can fill its shoes? Who else can claim to have petitioned for the righteous cause as of freedom as the man of the clergy that had woven itself into our peoples history for over a thousand years? The Patriach is a modern man, both beloved by his people and full of ideas on how to rejuvenate the spirit which had led the Assyrian people here, in image of Gods teachings. By shaping the Church to fit more our modern world, the faith of our people will no doubt increase tenfold!
  • Completed focuses Thorn on our Minds and Thorn in our Side
To Bind a Divided Faith
The faith of Assyria is not one of unity. Many are Christian, but not all of the people here belong to the same sects. While we may have some differences, is it not true that we are all united in Christ? Our brothers should not kill our brothers. Through dialogue and reconciliation, a newly united Assyria shall surely follow.
  • Completed focus The Good Patriarch
Primacy of the Shimun Line
The threats to our stability from futurist thugs and Godless Communists in recent days has shown that we will need to strengthen the institutions of the church. In the future, when our beloved patriarch passes away, there shall be no question who will succeed him. We will give no time to our enemies to organize.

In order to do so, we will cement the dynastic rule of Shimun!

  • Completed focus The Good Patriarch
To Bind a Divided People
The splinter churches of the Assyrians are misguided, true, but at the end of the day - We are one people. If we wish to survive, we must understand that we cannot let theological issues from centuries before divide us forever. In wave of the progressive reforms of the Patriach into existing church structure, we shall also enter into dialogue with our fellow man. This is unlikely to mend the schism within our ranks and some traditionalists might rise in protest, but any step which will help calm the flames is a good one.
  • Completed focus The Good Patriarch
Infidels to Brethen
The Muslims of this land are at the end of the day brothers. Not enemies. Their views on the scripture are tainted however, and constant religion agitation makes it difficult to rule a country. We will see that they accept the Patriarchs authority, whatever it is with carrots or sticks.
  • Completed focuses To Bind a Divided Faith and Primacy of the Shimun Line
Chieftains to Landlords
The world has changed much in these last few decades. For thousands of years, the land in which we lived was always under the control of local chieftains and village elders. But in these last few years, great changes have taken place across the world. Land is being consolidated under the control of private individuals and the common land of old is being eliminated.

While it is sure to upset some who have grown used to the old ways, the rest of the world has made it clear that this is the way to progress!

  • Completed focuses To Bind a Divided People and Primacy of the Shimun Line
Nicene Niceness
We stand as the only Christian state in the Middle East, something our brothers in Europe aknowledge, despite our differences. We should strive to market our holy cause to as much of the Christian World as possible, from our old friends in Britain and Russia to the Catholic Germans. Let all know the dream is not dead, that our cause is just!
  • Completed focuses Infidels to Brethen and Chieftains to Landlords
Help from the Bear
Politically, we are isolated. The Arabs to the South, Persians to the East and the Turks and Kurds to the North. If we are to survive, it is necessary that we seek help from one of the world's great powers. Even if the Russian Bear is in weak shape right now, we can still expect aid and support from them. Support which will no doubt strengthen us to rebuke any future threats to our sovereignty.
  • Completed focus Nicene Niceness
Charity, not Socialism
One of the great threats to the stability and security of the Assyrian nation is the red menace of Socialism. Many poor and downtrotten are are flocking to Atturayas poison, giving up their Assyrian spirit for foreign ideas of false equality and atheism. To win them over, we shall aim to end the scourge of poverty through the charitable institutions of the church. Let not a single man in the congregation of Assyria go hungry again!
  • Completed focus Nicene Niceness
The Enlightened Theocracy
As a united nation, and a united faith, we have built a modern state where once was nothing but poverty and dusty village seetlement. From where there once was nothing but wasteland, we have build great cities rich of trade and culture. We have raised a nation from what was once nothing but patchwork of few tribes, with the guidance of a congregation that adheres to the will of God. As we march to Eden, we will not look back at the dredges of the past, but we will not look forward to the degeneracy and madness of the modernists. Let us stand together as one Assyrian people, under the banner of Christ!
  • Completed focuses Help from the Bear and Charity, not Socialism

Birth of a Republic

Focus Description Prerequistes Effects
For a Free Assyria
For centuries, if not millennia. This land of Assyria has suffered not only under the foreign boot, but the chafing bonds of feudal lords and theocratic despots. In the moment of their weakness, the time has come to strike! From the efforts of the workers dreaming of Socialist paradise, to the army and its goals of the rebirth of the Assyrian state, the chains of the Patriarchs will be shattered and torn asunder! And a free Assyria will rise in its wake.
  • Completed focus Last Sigh of Relief
  • Is unlocked by the Assyrian event "After the Quiet, therein came Violence"
  • Mutually exclusive with Long Live the New Bar Shimun
Birthing Pains of Democracy
Democracy and Assyria have a fairly new history. Only really starting now. While the concept of popular rule based on the will of the people has certainly been popular, forging the institutions on not only how elections will be run, but the government too, will be a tricky ordeal! Still, we all have to start somewhere. As the Assyrian people ready to, for the first time in their history, make their own choices on who will lead them, we can only wait with baited breath to see what Assyria's new face will be.
  • Completed focus For a Free Assyria

Petros' Nationalists

Focus Description Prerequistes Effects
The Ascendance of Petros
Look at us! The Assyrian nation is not dead and we are not the least tired! Decline and tragedy have hung over our necks for thousands of years, but now our souls fly free and unchained! The bores and theocrats of old may yell and shout of a desire to return to yesterday and of fears of eternal flame. But this is because they have lived so long in fear of a future judgment, that they have forgotten they were alive!

With the rise of Petros, a new renaissance of the Assyrian people shall be forged. The husk of Assyria shall crack away, and in its place we will bring to this land new life and power!

  • Completed focus Birthing Pains of Democracy
  • Is unlocked by the Assyrian event "The Flood After Us"
To Renew the Spirit
Many within our newly reborn country have forgotten their heritage, their senses dulled by the dredges of theocratic rule and feudal despots. Let us show them that there is a world outside of this dry and boring life! A new spirit of the Assyrian man must be crafted. Let a new fervor grow as our people shall be filled with a sense of glamor and pride. Let it fill the valleys and pierce the skies and fill Assyria with restless spirit on our march to our rebirth! Example Example
From the Old to the Might of the New
The dry and dusty world of theocratic and feudal despots and their iron-fisted rule of the last few millennia has had many effects on our nation. Despite the wonders the modern world has brought to us, very few of these innovations have found their way into Assyria. And what a tragedy!

But we will fret no more. We will not be left behind and caught up in the dust of the Metropolitan powers of Europe. We will do away with the old and bring in the power and wonder of a new age! The humming and beating of machines will fill the factories and cities! The enlightened minds of a new generation will beat out the reactionaries and their backwards ways of old and a true revolution will come!

Example Example
Principles of the Modern Assyrian
Merely changing our material conditions is not enough to enact everlasting change and return Assyria to its long forgotten glory. A new Assyria will require a new Assyrian man! One that suits the changing tides of thought and action of this new age. The old tribalistic politics and identities tied to one's clan is one such foul tradition that will be left behind.

No longer will petty divides over clans and tribes split and bleed our country. No longer will blind worship of God rob us of a new wave of culture that we have lacked for so long. A new man for Assyria is marching, and behind him is the eternal sunshine of a coming spring.

Example Example
A New Library of Nineveh
Though not much time has passed since our revolution, already many scholars and intellectuals are coming out from every corner of Assyria into the cities to discuss new ideas and theories or to educate the young radical cadres of the revolution. In the fields of all education, science to math, history to philosophy, economics to art, new ways of thinking are flooding in.

But if we wish to truly foster this new wave of thought, what we truly need is a place for those who wish to learn more and those who wish to teach others to come together. Where there were once abandoned homes and neighborhoods there shall stand grand universities! Where there were once derelict farms, we shall gather the knowledge of generations into libraries not seen since the days of Ashurbanipal!

Example Example
Sons of Ashur Undivided
How terrible it is that the petty squabbles over church and God have conquered Assyria. It has gotten to such a point that Assyrians, who speak the same tongue and have the same fathers and the same culture, say that they are of a different nation entirely because they call themselves Chaldean and not Syriac.

This is of course intolerable. We must set out to remind our people that no matter what they believe in, they are all brothers. They are all Assyrians. And no superstition of foreign prophets from thousands of years ago shall change this!

Example Example
To Conquer Matter
If we wish to survive and if we wish to evolve to meet the challenge of the new world, we will need to make the elements quake and tremble at our might. But a generation ago, a simple earthquake would have shattered the lives of hundreds. A drought would have killed thousands. For so long we were slaves to the forces of Earth, laboring with all of our might that we may survive.

But now, the time is fast approaching where we shall be the masters of matter. As the factory machines beat and hum, we will see the fruits of an industrial society. One totally free from the chafing bonds of backwardness and rustic poverty.

Example Example
The Masters of Iron
How far can you get in this world if you do not have metal with which to build your weapons and buildings? Not very far at all!

Before, not much focus was placed on the mining of iron and the smelting of steel. If we are to survive we are going to need to rectify these errors as fast as we can!

Example Example
Blessing of Black Gold
Oil makes the world go around. The nations of the West like Britain, Italy and the USA, all rely on this black gold to keep their empires running. Without oil, their tanks would not budge, their convoys would run dry, and their planes would be planted firmly on the ground.

One consequence of this is that now, nations which otherwise would have been ignored by the world at large, now can leverage favorable deals with the titans of the West. By expanding our production of oil, we will ensure that we won't be left out!

Example Example
French Industrial Deals
To the British we, our dreams of a new Assyria that lives unchained is seen as a threat to their vicious empire. To the Germans, we are treated with apathy for not going down the Socialist road. But the French look at us and speak of solidarity. We are two nations that have suffered greatly in the 20th Century and who now seek to be remade in a cleansing flame of revolution and rebirth!

As such, if we are to enable ourselves to pursue economic and industrial modernisation, the Avant-Garde state of the French will be a great ally to do so. Through contacts with French companies and syndicates, it will now doubt be a short time until we join the nations of the industrial world!

Example Example
The Modern Economic Solution
The Anarchy of the market is too unreliable for our ends. Industrialists and oligarchs who have their own interests of profit at heart will not get us very far. It is only through the intervention of the Assyrian state that we will be able to awaken the potential of our nation. Example Example
Civilisation Coming Home
For uncounted generations, Assyria's soul has been trapped by theocratic despots and abused by the vampires of the imperialist slavers. For uncounted generations it has been torn asunder as its people lived rustic, dusty, boring lives.

But this torture, this bondage has at last been broken today. A new Assyria opens its eyes to this world. The hearts of her sons beat as one as the fury of a thousand forgotten generations from eons ago descend back to Earth. The civilization they built has been given a new genesis!

Listen you dogs! You butchers of man! Our age of bondage has come to an end. No backwards songs of foreign empires shall tread on our soil. You have tried for a thousand years to kill us and here we are! Assyria has not forgotten her youth! Assyria lives!

Example Example
The Second Ashurbanipal
Who is it that has brought us into this new Golden age of the Assyrian man? It is Agha Petros! Through his efforts, the people of Assyria have at last remembered their ancestors and their heritage.

It is certain that the spring that has come to Assyria will reach new bounds never before imaginable! And all thanks to our second Ashurbanipal, the father of a new Assyria!

Example Example

Freydun's Socialists

Focus Description Prerequistes Effects
Visions of Freydun the Assyrian
The oppressive yoke of the patriarch has fallen at last and across the land of Assyria, red banners adorn the streets! Under the leadership of Freydun Atturaya, Assyria shall walk boldly to a glorious future!

But what is the dream of the Assyrian socialists? Our detractors often derided us for being puppets of Berlin. But this is not true at all! Our vision is something wholly unique to the people of Assyria, a nation that for so long had been trapped under foreign rule and whose youth was sapped away. Our goal is not to copy the systems of the Germans in the North. Our goal is something crafted by Assyrians, for Assyrians! A new, secular and socialist nation from Urmia to all corners of Mesopotamia. The imperialist parasites shall be banished, and the millenia long rot of our country will be rooted out!

  • Completed focus Birthing Pains of Democracy
  • Is unlocked by the Assyrian event "The Flood After Us"
The Institution of Socialism
The land of Assyria toiled under the blistering weight of feudal and theocratic despots for thousands of years. But that era of bondage has at last come to an end. WIth the fall of the Shimun line and the end of the Patriarchs, revolution has gripped Assyria. The workers, hand in hand with the peasantry, walk in grand jubilation! Their time of freedom has come at last as a red sun rises over Assyria. Example Example
Land to All
Under the ways of old, land was controlled by aristocratic families, the Church, and tribal chieftains. The people who worked the land, outside of a limited form of collective control, effectively had no say over what they used.

No more shall these injustices continue! Those who work the land shall own the land. So let us give to the people of Assyria social ownership of their earth and soil, and let the seeds of common ownership flourish!

Example Example
Let the Poor Breathe
What was the life of a poor man before the revolution? Everyday was one of fear. Fear of not having enough money to put food in your own mouth, let alone the mouths of your family. Fear of not having enough money to pay for rent. The fear of the days where the taxman would come to take all you had while leaving the rich untouched!

But these days have come and gone. With the new path of Socialism, the poor and wretched of the earth shall breathe as they begin life anew!

Example Example
First Steps to Modernity
he state of our economy and industry is, quite frankly, appalling. Most of our soldiers hold weapons left over from the Great War, most towns have little access to electricity, factories are far and few inbetween. If we are to defend ourselves from the reactionary dogs and imperialist parasites, we must take the first steps into the modern world. Example Example
Moving on to the Next Stage
The foundations of a new and mighty Socialist republic have now at last been formed. Those who lived their lives in terror, turmoil, and torment at the horrors of the feudal despots have at last taken in the first breaths of air of a new wondrous world where they are free. Having established a state capable of defending itself and one that is tied entirely to the masses, we may begin to ease up on the rate of industrialisation. With a focus on civilian industry, greater prosperity and support will follow. Example Example
A Progressive Constitution
The laws and institutions of old were based entirely on ensuring the recognition of the divine right of the Patriarchs and the continued rule of the feudal despots. We must now do away with these backwards things. In its place, through dialogue with the people, we may forge a constitution that holds the workers at its heart. We shall hold up the mantle of Socialism as the center of this new Assyria, build a new Socialist theory of right on the basis of what is good for everyone, man or woman.

Not a single vestige of the old world shall remain as we take a step into a brave new world!

Example Example
Liberty to All
The chains of feudalism have been torn asunder under the raging, blistering heat of a red sun over Assyria. No longer will man be enslaved to another man for the "sin" of debt or being born into a certain caste. A new liberty shall come down to us. But not a bourgeois liberty, formed around rights to property. Rather a liberty that serves those without property, that serves the workers, peasants and the poor. Slavery, flee from Assyria! For its people have awoken at last and with the guiding light of Socialism shall march to a shining utopia! Example Example
Our Ancient Heritage
What were the memories that the Patriarchs of old planted in our countrymen? It was memories of subjugation to the theocrats. Rule by a so-called "divine right". What a horror! What a horror that we have forgotten the days of glory and wonder for the dry myths of God and Christ!

If we are to leave behind those days of sorrow and oppression we must turn towards a forgotten heritage. The youth will learn what their fathers forgot. A new glistening dawn shall arise on Assyria as her soul returns after an exile of many thousands of years.

Example Example
Program of Marx and Engels
What is the basis of our government? The basis of our movement? It will not do to have the cadres of our party to stay ignorant of the ideology of Socialism beyond vague progressive reform! Out with the careerists and entryists! Through the strengthening of party discipline and a stronger grasp of the Communist program shall follow a party capable of forming a society free from the slavery of classes, and in its place, a society built on the principle of social ownership. Example Example
Arise New Assyria!
A new Lazarus has risen in the East! Arise, new Assyria! The decay of almost three millennia has been torn off! A new nation has awoken and has done away with the slavery of old. Our ancestors of old look on us with pride, knowing now that Assyria has recovered from the days of the Babylonian conquest. Now under the guide of Socialism, Assyria shall never fall again! Example Example
Glory to the Liberator!
It was under the leadership of Freydun Atturaya that we came into a new world under the guiding light of Socialism. May we salute him! Countless generations of Assyrians and workers shall look with pride and gratefulness at the achievements made possible by the revolution he led! Glory to the liberator! Example Example
Under the Red Banner
From the four corners of our nation, a true revolution has come to Assyria. Where workers were once completely alienated from their work, they now exert complete collective control. Where the peasants were once enslaved as serfs, they now work in common strength and in freedom. Where women were once confined to the house, they now stand as model citizens of this new Assyria. Such progress has come to Assyria under its red flag! May it continue in leaps and bounds forever more! Example Example

Foreign Tree

Restoring Greatness

Focus Description Prerequistes Effects
Iron Age Mindset
When the Assyrians think of Assyria, memories of great kings like Ashurbanipal, of grand empires of years long gone do not come to mind. Instead of our golden ages, brains that have been poisoned by the Church and feudal lords think of very little at all!

But now, this is starting to change. With the revolution against the Theocrats, the Assyrian people have begun to adopt a truly Iron Age Mindset. Taking pride and identifying with the past grandeur of Assyria.

With such a process taking a hold of the urban intelligentsia, students and the youth, our reclamation of our ancient glory will no doubt be just that easier to justify!

Example Example
Beyond the Euphrates
Ever since the end of the Great War, Syria has fallen into complete chaos and social conflict. As time went on, the grasp of the British lion grew increasingly weak. Being now almost non-existent, the British would not be able to oppose us if we decided to turn our gaze to Syria.

Given the fact that Syria was one of the ancient provinces of the Assyrians, it is only natural that we move to seize it and restore it to its rightful rulers!

Example Example
Now that the ancient land of Syria has fallen under our grasp, many within our government have begun to inquire on what shall be done with the Syrian population. And after a few weeks of bickering and arguing, most have come to the agreement that a policy of linking the Syrian population with the Assyrians of old would be an abject failure. Instead, we shall emphasize a policy of cultural autonomy and harmony between the Assyrian and Syrian peoples.

Even if the dreams of awakening the people of Syria to their forgotten ancestors will have to be discarded, through this union, something just as strong shall emerge.

Example Example
The people of Syria have met one of the worst fates that can befall a nation. A complete loss of connection and knowledge of their past. How can we, who not so long ago felt the same malaise, stand by and let this continue? The Syrians too are the sons of Ashurbanipal. Their fathers lived, worked and died in the hallways and homes of Assur. They too laughed and wept among the marble pillars and palaces of Nineveh! Their fathers stood guard at Mashki Gate when the city fell, and when the Syrians are reminded of their legacy, no doubt shall they dare to do the same with the unmatched vigor of a nation born anew! Example Example
Footsteps of Sargon
All those strange eons ago, it was the will of Sargon II of Assyria, that the bearers of a new and grand civilisation should carry on a conquest of the Earth. So that the Kings of the Totality may call forth from the Heavens a new Golden Age!

Where Sargon once stood, we stand again, with a will as strong as steel to bring to this corner of the world a new Spring. Free from the chains of foreign imperialists and free from the stuffy, rustic days of old!

Example Example
Tame the Northern Barbarians
The Kurdish state of the North is one of the bastions of barbarism and savagery. Not only did they perpetrate the Sayfo against our people when we still wore the Ottoman yoke, but still are people who live as feudal tribes who care only for the rule of the Caliph. Thus, we cannot trust them to not come down and try to smother the flame of Assyria again! Before the Kurds can strike, we will move first. Example Example
Triumph in Babylon
For almost one thousand years, the land of Babylon has been in decay. What was once the wonder of the Ancient world, there lies ruin. But now, we begin our march down South! Where our ancestors once walked among its hanging gardens, gazed in wonder at its palaces and stood on top of the world from the tower of Babel, they shall do so again! The decay of the modern world shall be vanquished! And in its place, will rise a new restless utopia! Example Example
Kings of the Universe
We stand on the top of the world. In the same places as our fathers and ancestors. Where they stood proudly on their conquest of civilization, we stand now too. Where they wore the crown of the universe and declared themselves to be the kings of the Totality, we too have on our heads a glistening flame! One that showers our corner of the globe with memories of her youth! Assyria is young again! Example Example

Fulfilling Urmia

Focus Description Prerequistes Effects
Promises of Urmia
While we did achieve independence following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, not all Assyrians achieved freedom with it. The Urmia Manifesto is the most complete and certain exploration of Assyria's exact borders, and yet we were given only a portion of our natural boundaries. With manu militari we must prepare to fulfill our manifest destiny and liberate Assyrians wherever they may be from whoever oppresses them! Example Example
Against British Imperialism
One of the biggest challenges we face is the threat from the British lion, our previously reluctant benefactors. Though she may be coughing up blood ever since the collapse of the Raj, her claws would still be a deathly blow to us. If we are to remain free, we must position ourselves as a firm enemy of the British imperialists. Never again will the Near East bow down to the imperialist menace! But if we are to ensure this, we must combat the last outposts of the British Empire: the Raj Mandate in Iraq. By marching down south we may bring back freedom to the Euphrates valley. Example Example
Keep out the West
While the Germans and their Second International are certainly among the strongest forces of the socialist movement worldwide, their conditions are adapted to Europe alone. We absolutely have brotherly solidarity with them, but our cooperation shall not extend long past that. We will keep out the affairs of the West and the West shall keep their nose out of ours. Example Example
To the Suffering Brethen
It is our duty as socialists to stand firmly next to all of our comrades. We shall stand with the powers of European socialism, with the Germans and the Hungarians, with the Rotfront as a whole! With their aid, we will be far better equipped to combat the British scum and the evils of the reaction. Solidarity with all the workers of the world, and freedom to the suffering brethren! Example Example
Against Kurd Cruelty
We have not forgotten the brutalisation we endured under the Sayfo. The Kurdish butchers killed thousands of Assyrian men, women and children, all under Turkish cackles. And even now they stand as the lapdogs of the Ottomans. Any day they may come and finish what they started. Before they may try, we shall strike first and avenge the thousands murdered. It's our historical duty to the fallen and the innocents who suffered decades before. Example Example
Take Our Northern Lands
Much of the land now owned by the Armenians was historically Assyrian. If we are to truly take off the yoke of imperialism over the Assyrian neck, then we must move to reclaim the final parts of our nation to make our people whole again. No more will Assyria squirm under the boots of vampiric imperialists. No more will we be slaves to these butchers of men! Assyria shall be free forever more! Example Example
United and Free
Long Live the Socialist Republic! Long Live Assyria!" From windows all across the nation, in the great cities and the smallest villages, the people shout in one voice, strong and proud, invigorated by the new lives they now live. For among these mountains and rivers shines a beacon of a better world, built by honest working people. Though tyrants and reactionaries have tried to crush them, the disparate Assyrian population, united under the banner of socialism, stands strong in the knowledge that the dreams of yore are now their beautiful reality. Example Example

Avenging Saifo

Focus Description Prerequistes Effects
Revenge for Saifo
During the Great War, many thousands of our Assyrian brothers and sisters were slaughtered. Primarily, by the Kurds as the Turks stood idly back and pretended not to see. The time has now come for us to avenge the thousands killed and tortured by the Kurdish thugs! After 20 years of waiting, our only regret shall be that we did not do it sooner! Example Example
Peace in the South
The region of Syria and the Levant is under chaos. While so far, the unrest seems to have been contained primarily to that area, it would be worth taking precautions, lest the wave of rebellion spread to our door as well. Let us then pursue a policy of keeping the peace with the Southern Arab kingdoms. Example Example
Friendship of Two Lions
If we are to survive, we cannot rely only on ourselves. Fortunately, we will surely have an ally in the nearby state of the Jews! Through signing a treaty of friendship and mutual trust, we will surely take a great step forwards to our prosperity and security. Example Example
Armenian Ties
The Armenians are probably our most natural ally. Not only are they threatened by the Turks, but also share our Christian faith. An alliance with them, or at least strengthening our ties and co-operation, would be more than beneficial to both of our interests. Example Example
Strike the Caliphate
We cannot ever sleep well and soundly knowing that at any moment the Turks may cross the border and end our independence. The time has come at last to seize the moment and make our move! If we triumph now, Assyria will surely be free for all time. One last hurrah and one last push is all we need to secure what we have fought so hard to build! Example Example
Triumph of the Cross
After decades of uncertainty and against all the odds, we have at last emerged triumphant over all those who threatened and abused Assyria! The homeland of our people, that stretches back thousands of years, has at last been secured from all those who tried to take her. While the future of Assyria will no doubt be one of struggle as we work to make a better country, the worst is no doubt, behind us. Example Example