German Socialist Räterepublik

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"Germany" redirects here. For the rump state of the former German Empire, see Prussia.

The German Socialist Räterepublik, German Socialist Council Republic in English, is a socialist republic and leader of the Rotfront.


What would later become known as the First World War proved to be one of the deadliest conflicts in human history. The impact on Germany could not be more exaggerated. While Germany was able to defeat France, Germany found itself unable to defeat Russia, although Russia itself was unable to secure a victory. As such, when the Spartacus revolution broke out, the existing German Government found itself unable to defeat this revolution, and Germany became a Socialist Republic. However, this was not true for the entire country; East Prussia instead found itself the holdout of the German Empire. As a result, both Germanies are rivals with one other, due to each considering themselves the legitimate German state. However, East Prussia is largely ignored by Germany, due to the country having France, Poland, and Austria breathing down it's neck.




Foreign Relations

Germany is the Leader of the Rotfront, an alliance of European countries dedicated to spreading revolutionary Marxism across the continent and eventually the world.

Germany is a member of the Warsaw Pact, An economic bloc formed with the Intermarium. it also claims all of Alsace Lorraine and East Prussia. its extremely hostile to Austria.

Relations are hostile with France and its League Solar allies

Outside of Europe, Berlin has built ties with various revolutionary movements. ties with the Kavkaz society are strained, with them being torn between German and French influence. it has also given support to the Republican side of the Malagasy Civil War.


At the start of the game, Paul Levi will be in control of the country, although his retirement is imminent. The player can choose between 8 possible successors - Ernst Meyer, Herbert Frahm, Bertolt Brecht, Anna Seghers, Karl Radek, Karl Popper, Paul Joseph Goebbels, and Ernst Graf zu Reventlow.

Additionally, due to their contrasting ideologies, as well as the rivalries in the past between the two nations, it is a question of when, not if, Germany and the Internationale will come into conflict with France and the League Solar. However, France can offer a non-aggression pact with Germany if it opts to focus on dealing with Britain (the other major power, who stayed with the democracy it had at the start of the war).


  • Paul Joseph Goebbels was the propaganda minister of Hitler and still retains his racist beliefs here, stating that Germans are the only ones that can truly adopt communism and are the only ones that can spread it. He also proclaims himself "the father" of Germany, much like Hitler proclaimed himself "Leader". He is admittedly however far less racist than he was in OTL, and he does not openly call for extermination of entire races as he did OTL, nor does he conduct a genocide.
  • Herbert Frahm, one of the possible leaders of Germany, in real life, was the prime minister of the country from 1969 to 1974, albeit under the name Willy Brandt.