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The Intermarium (lat, eng; Between-Seas) is a military alliance in Eastern Europe made up of the western breakaway states of the Russian Empire. The brain child of Jozef Pilsudski, it's raison d'etre is as a counterweight to any resurgant Russian Power. Though there are some elements among the alliance that see the Intermarium as an attempt to restore the old Commonwealth by Poland.


After 5 years of the Great War, the continental empires were beginning to break; Austria under its minorities, Germany under the revolution and Russia to republicanism. With all this chaos the subject minorities in Central and Eastern Europe saw their chance to break their chains. In what would be popularised as the War of the Winkerlied (mostly by the polish), Poles, Ukranians, Belorussians and the Baltic People all rose up to fight their oppressors, and sometimes themselves as the Ukranians in Lviv/Lwow would attest.

Eventually Poland, Belarus and Lithuania would have their homeland free with Ukraine having to settle for the lands west of the Dnieper. The Intermarium would eventually come to an agreement with the socialist revolutionaries of Germany and the rest of the Rotfront with the Warsaw Treaty. Poland could keep whatever land they had already seized from the German Empire, Prussia would remain for the new Raterpublik to take, the city of Danzig would be granted independance with both Germany and Poland overseeing it and the two factions could enjoy each other economic benefits.

Current Members

  • Belarusian Democratic Republic
  • Commonwealth of Poland (leader)
  • Lithuanian Republic
  • Ukrainian People’s Republic

Strategic Concerns and Opportunities

A Resurgant Russia

The Greatest concern of Intermarium is of course the Russian Empire. While the Russian hegemony is mostly in name only, if one the warlords manages to unite the empire, they might also march west to regain the lands that were completley during the civil war.

The Intermarium hasn't been idly standing by, however. Besides self-strengthening both economicly and militarily, they have also been on the hunt for various collaborators among the various ethnic groups within Russia, with many agreements and provisonal governments being set up in preparation.

Baltic Dangers

While our relationship with the German Raterpublik is positive, the same can't be said about the old German Kaiserreich. The rump state in Prussia, backed by their Scandinavian allies, still claim polish lands and an intervention from them during a war with Russia, could jeprodise our chances at victory.


The German councilists are in a strange position. In theory, thanks to the Warsaw Treaty the right flank should be safe, but it is a known fact that Poland has taken some land from the old German Empire, something that german nationalists haven't forgotten themselves. If they take control of the Raterpublik, than the Intermarium safety would suddenly turn into a liability.