Altai Confederation National Focus Tree

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"In the turmoil of the Russian Civil War, in the remote province of Altay, the Oirot people arose and under the leadership of Grigory Gurkin, a famous painter of his people's ways, created a republic known as the Confederation of Altay. The recluse mountains of the little statelet have brought many travelers, seeking adventure and spiritual enlightenment in the recluse mountains of this mystical country. Indeed, this land is shrouded in an occult mist – where the ancient legends still walk alive and the shadow of the sacred peak of Belukha always reminds the locals and travelers about the secret world of spirits." - Brief History

ALT Full tree.png

The Altai Confederation has essentially one giant focus tree the splits into two main sub-branches. Both paths lead to expansion with the conservative branch making you a power player in East Asia, while the socialist branch sets you on the path to Russian Unification. (Editor's note: its a pretty fun nation for a first timer)

The Opening Focuses

ALT Opening Focuses.png
Focus Description Prerequistes Effects
GFX the great revolution.png
The Great Altaic Revolution

As the spirits bless us, and the mountain of Belukha's white top melts we have craved ourselves a homeland, free of oppressors and invaders! Through our work, the nation of Oirot shall again see a future of wealth and greatness! Vultures may surround us, but we shall stay valiant - in love of our land and our freedom. We call on the heavens to smite the tsarist dogs!

  • None
  • +100 Political Power
The Danger
The Danger

Many threats surround our young republic. The claws of the Russian two-headed eagle, the accursed Baron and the Siberian governor, try to reap the living flesh of our nation and turn us into slaves again. But something greater seems to be happening inside our domain. Shamans speak of bad omens befaling upon Gurkin, avengers of the black spirits plotting a conspiracy to cast down the White kingdom. An electric fizzle lingers in the air - and soon there will be thunder.

  • Completed Focus: "The Great Altaic Revolution"
  • Is not a subject
The snow on Beluka looks different today...

Gurkin Prevails! Branch

ALT Gurkhin focuses.png
Focus Description Prerequistes Effects
GFX gurkhin prevails.png
Gurkin Prevails!

It is only natural and in accordance with the general nature of things that it is Grigory Choros-Gurkin who leads us in the coming struggle against the Russian Eagle. He is not only a true Altaian through blood and birth, but has also been the captain of our besieged statelet for the past arduous decade. From the gilded art academies at the heart of the Empire to years of exile in Siberia, Gurkhin won the nectar of the Tsars thanks to his delicate talent, and won hard labor in the cold thanks to his zealous defense of our people's nationhood. When the civil war broke out, he rose to the task and led the Karakorum government as the storm raged on up north, allying our republic with the revolutionaries in exchange for a promise of freedom. Now, with a stronger government and a weaker Empire, the holy men beat the war drums with ever-increasing intensity, urging us to take what's ours once and for all. This war is not only against invaders and colonizers, but against demons from within and outside, a sacred exorcism of the whole steppe. A steppe that must belong to us, by blood and incense!

  • Completed Focus: "The Danger"
  • Has Country Flag: ALT_gurkhin_win
  • +75 Political Power
  • Remove spirit:
The Time of Troubles
Second smuta.png
  • Surrender Limit: -30.00%
  • Resource to Market: -80%
  • Trade deal opinion factor: -80.00%
Despite winning the Great War, our nation stands divided again, just like 300 years ago. The peace brokered with the Republican rebels, followed by the increase in power of military commanders-turned-warlords, fractured our country. With enemies in the Caucasus and in the Far East, control of our nation's industry, resources and manpower divided between local commanders while Petrograd is rotting away, our military and economical power is greatly diminished.
GFX milk white faith.png
A Milk-White Faith

Over three decades ago, great augurs were presented to our people. A mighty white horse was seen galloping across the starry night sky by a young girl and her father, who went on to proclaim with peasant simplicity but divine piety a new truth: that the coming of Oirot, the Master of the Altay, and the immediate liberation from Russia was inevitable. Their followers, devout of this creed that is pure as milk and snow, spread the good news far and wide across the nation. Persecuted and beaten but never forgotten, the followers of the spirit Burkhan have endured many wicked attacks. It is the mark of the Altaic race and our distinction from all other Asiatic tribes, and so it is the duty of Gurkin’s confederacy to make every man and woman aware of the great message so that we may move on to fulfill the promises of Oirot as soon as possible.

  • Competed Focus: "Gurkin Prevails!"
  • Is not a subject
  • +15.00% War Support
  • +30.00% Conservatism Popularity
GFX destroy superstition.png
Destroy Superstition

Under the shadow of the great mountains and inside damp, dark caves, sinister spirits fester and reproduce in great numbers. Their nests where they are born and mature are none other than the fetid mouths of the so-called black shamans, a caste of devil worshippers that terrify the population with their stories of terrible magic and obscurantist folklore. This open and savage defiance of enlightenment is contrary not only to our faith but to reason, and such practices must be condemned and persecuted if we wish for the Altay to have any future. To get rid of superstition, death to shamans, and war against the spirit world will be our war cries in this elemental siege against darkness.

  • Competed Focus: "A Milk-White Faith"
  • Is not a subject
  • Adds idea:
Destroying Superstition
ALT destroy superstition.png
  • +0.25 Daily Political Power
  • +0.10% Weekly Stability
  • +5.00% Research speed
GFX fulfill prophecies.png
Fulfill the Prophecies

Many centuries ago there was a Khan Oirot, who ruled in an idyllic domain and protected the poor and innocent. Then, the enemies of the Altaic tribes attacked, and one after another Oirot was unable to defend his own people. With a deep sadness he was forced to depart in frustration and bitterness, but to his subjects he made a promise: that he would one day return, sent by the High God Burkhan, to fulfill his purpose and save the Altay mountains once and for all. Now, the glaciers are moving up high in the mountains. Farmers claim a larch tree has grown big enough to cover a whole regiment with its leaves. The omens do not lie. It is self-evident that he has already returned and that the tribulations will end swiftly, as we are under the loving care of Oirot incarnate, who is none other than our admired Gurkin.

  • Competed Focus: "A Milk-White Faith"
  • Is not a subject
  • +60 Political Power
  • Adds idea:
Prophecies Fullfilled
ALT prophecies.png
  • +20.0% Monthly Population Growth
  • +10.0% Recovery Rate
GFX reform the priesthood.png
Reform the Priesthood

Even if a certain number of shamans have accepted enlightening ideas and in good faith spread their religion to the common folk, they are sadly still harmful to the wider Altaic nationhood and are in desperate need of reform. Disgusting and shameful practices such as animal sacrifices are sadly still widespread. We have to go away with the antiquated and oppressive shamanic caste and promote the healthy alternative of our creed: storytellers. One can only answer the question “what am I to do?” if one answers beforehand “of which stories do I find myself a part of?” This epic wisdom of ours is not only a purely religious creed, but rather an affirmation of our nationhood and the right to declaim our own myths, told for us by us, and not by an oppressive estate of secretive spellcasters.

  • Completed Focus:
    • "Destroy Superstition"
    • "Fulfill the Prophecies"
  • Is not a subject
  • +75 Political Power
  • +10.00% Stability
GFX oriot national church.png
The Oirot National Church

We can’t forever depend on itinerant tale-tellers if we are to survive, and so even our most sacred doctrines must revitalize themselves with energy and discipline. The Oirot National Church shall be created for this very purpose, to carefully host our creed and our faithful under one name. This organization won’t be like the decadent and stratified churches of the Russians, but it shall certainly serve to properly disseminate our truth with a certain degree of sophistication, making our conversion of the Altay mountains all the more efficient.

  • Completed "Reform the Priesthood"
  • Is not a subject
  • Adds idea:
Oirot National Church
ALT oirot.png
  • - 10.0% Factories on Consumer Good
  • +10.00% Stability
  • +10.00% War Support
GFX conservative socialism.png
Conservative Socialism

Our socialism is not the Bolshevik revolutionary craze of our companions to the east nor a lukewarm reformism for accommodative elites. We understand socialism as a vital principle of justice and improvement of the self in a world determined by survival of the fittest. Socialism means to break the shackles of foreign despots and devious oligarchs within, so that the whole of the Altay may live a fulfilling life. The bounds that hold us firmly to the earth so that we may not get lost in the vast darkness of the endless revolutionary night are not oxidized chains, but rather the principle of conservation of our way of life and ancestral laws. These two principles, socialization and conservation, are the backbone of our regime, and it is time we put them into practice, sweeping across the nation like a storm.

  • Competed Focus: "Gurkin Prevails!"
  • Is not a subject
  • Adds idea:
Conservative Socialism
ALT conservatism socialism.png
  • -10.00% Factories on Consumer goods
  • Adds 1 Offmap Military Factory
  • Adds 1 Offmap Civillian Factory
GFX protect our way of life.png
Protect Our Way of Life

Throughout millenia, there has been a clear and definite way of doing things. Our national costume, our wedding traditions, our way of giving thanks to our brethren, this is the Altay Jan, the ordering principle of our daily lives. There also exists a higher and ancient ritualism that impregnates the Ak-Jan, the highest and most pure expression of our religious sentiment. The laws that govern the wild and starry sky as well as the most common of our sentiments must be safeguarded against harmful influences, enshrined in our customary laws and politics. If it is said that a nation without law is but a corpse waiting to be picked apart, we then must fight lawlessness wherever we see it.

  • Competed Focus: "Conservative Socialism"
  • Is not a subject
  • Remove idea:
Conservative Socialism
ALT conservatism socialism.png
  • -10.00% Factories on Consumer goods
  • Add idea:
Conservative Socialism
ALT conservatism socialism.png
  • -12.0% Factories on Consumer goods
  • -10.00% Stability
  • +0.03 Conservatism popularity gain
GFX general land reform.png
The General Land Reform

Across the titian plains and the blue mountains of our republic there exists a most unfortunate situation. Great clans dominate grand stretches of rich land that they use and abuse to their heart’s desire, while poor families and itinerant shepherds have to pay exorbitant taxes for even standing on their grass. This completely unjust land distribution has also brought to attention an equally dire problem: our agricultural output is abysmal, going even below subsistence levels in rough seasons of the year. The government’s hand must urgently intervene, radically reorganizing land allotment. We will break these enormous feuds by force if necessary, leaving them as common property with universal usufruct for all farmers and hunters of our steppe. The earth has no owner but Burkhan, and no guardian but our Republic.

  • Competed Focus: "Protect Our Way of Life"
  • Is not a subject
  • Adds idea:
Land Reform
ALT reforms.png
  • +10.0% Monthly population
  • +5.00% Construction speed
  • Adds 1 Offmap Military Factory
  • Adds 1 Offmap Civillian Factory
GFX build a national identity.png
Build a National Identity

Every step we’ve taken along this journey, every deep breath we’ve taken before continuing on, every mountain overcome and bullet shot, every law passed and commandment written has been for one purpose and one purpose only: to build a nation. Forging an identity out of tribes is an arduous and seemingly impossible task, but we have hope. We are now united under one faith carefully constructed to birth trueborn Altaians, with common symbols of identity and tradition, under one language, and one leader: the Father of the Fatherland, Grigory Gurkin.

  • Completed Focus:
    • "Protect Our Way of Life"
    • "Conservative Socialism"
  • Is not a subject
  • +100 Political Power
GFX democracy and tradition.png
Democracy and Tradition

The disenfranchised and forgotten among our people have the natural and deserved right to participate in their own government and to make their voice heard across the whole country. The setting up of voting booths, whole legions of bureaucrats, many information campaigns, and proper administrative lines to connect even the most remote villages will be hard, but the liberation of every peasant is worth any and all sacrifices necessary.

  • Competed Focus: "Build a National Identity"
  • Is not a puppet
  • +10.00% War Support
  • Add idea:
Democracy and Tradition
ALT democracy and tradition.png
  • -10.0% Consumer Goods
GFX harmony in karakorum.png
Harmony in Karakorum

Hark and listen, traveler, here comes the sweet buzzing of bees and the gentle clop of sheep hooves! Hear the whispering wind across craggy mountaintops, the gutural song of peasants, and the neighing of wild horses! Do you not realize? Do you not know? Here comes the Golden Altay, the land of Eternal Summer! Unbound, unbent, unbroken, unbeaten! Glory to the liberators of the nation, honor to Choros-Gurkin, and long live the republic!

  • Completed Focus:
    • "Oirot National Church"
    • "Democracy and Tradition"
  • Is not a subject
  • Is not at war
  • MPA:
    • Set Cosmetic tag to MPA_uni
  • ALT:
    • Set Cosmetic tag to ALT_oirot
    • Add idea:
Harmony in Karakorum
ALT karakorum.png
  • +10.00% Stability
  • +10.00% Construction speed
  • +0.03 Conservatism popularity gain
GFX deal with sukhbaatar.png
Deal With Sukhbaatar

The rolling wine-red dunes of the Gobi host a legion of armed fighters that no army has yet defeated. These warriors are the Mongolian People’s Army, the men who have tirelessly fought against imperialists from north and south with resolve and bravado all these years. Even if we don’t align with their exceptionally exalted Bolshevik tendencies, they are a most natural friend in the region when one considers our shared goals of national liberation for our respective peoples. Cooperation based in mutual respect and shared responsibilities must be our foremost aim in our diplomacy with the reds. And so we shall say to Commander Sukhbaatar: to the liberators of the Mongol peoples, we salute you!

  • Competed Focus: "Gurkin Prevails!"
  • Is not a puppet

Will be baypassed if:

  • Mongolian People's Army (MPA) doesn't exist
  • MPA:
    • +2000 Infantry Equipment 1
    • Add core to Chahar, Kente, Dong Gebi
  • +2000 Infantry Equipment 1
  • +15.00% Popular Socialism popularity
  • Creates Faction "Pan Mongolia Federation"
  • Adds (MPA) to Faction
  • Every State owned by Transbaikal (MO2), Khüree (KHU) and Anhui Clique (MON) is cored by MPA
  • Declares war on MON
GFX altaicchaos.png
Banish the Invaders

Pathetic statelets have feasted on the rotting corpse of Mongolia for long enough. These maggots came from north and south to devour alive our nation and perpetuate the cycles of tyranny their homelands subjected our people to. The Chinese lord over their own military clique from which they harass their own countrymen in their petty infighting. Along the shores of the Baikal, the decadent cossack-king enjoys the spoils of his bandit realm in degenerate opulence. Far to the west, the worst of them all: a man from a faraway land possessed by a demon, who by dark magic has gathered many hordes under his banner and tricked many aristocrats into joining him. With our People’s Army allies, the beheading of this three-headed monster will be swift and brutal, and the steppe free once more for its one and true sons to live in peace at.

  • Completed Focus: "Deal with Sukhbaatar"
  • Is not at war
  • Is not a puppet
  • ALT:
    • +20 Army exp
    • Unlock Mongolian Unification decisions
  • MPA:
    • +20 Army exp
GFX pan-oriot state.png
A Pan-Oirot State

For much of our history we’ve been the fringe of the world, a no man’s land between the Whites and Yellows to carve and divide at their leisure. Our own peoples used to say that they “did not know whether they came to this land to live or to die”. A people without glory who only know misery and toil, how has the just tide of history changed! From a crumbling tribal statelet, we’ve succeeded through the trials and tribulations of war and emerged a true power over the steppes and mountains. The Pan-Oriot state, the nation of the Kalmyks, is now a reality, and we know we will defend our liberty and sovereignty whatever the cost.

  • Completed Focus: "Banish the Invaders"
  • Is not at war
  • Is not a puppet
  • MPA owns Niislel Khüree, Chahar and Chita
  • ALT owns Ulyasutai
  • TAN, MON, KHU and MO2 don't exist
  • ALT:
    • Fires News Event "The Mongolian Liberation" in 1 day
    • Gain Conquer wargoal against Sinkiang Clique (SIK)
    • Any state owned by SIK that isn't a core of ALT, becomes core of ALT
  • MPA:
    • Sets capital to Niislel Khüree

Hidden effects

  • Removes Claims and Cores of TAN, MON, KHU and MO2
GFX aid the russian brothers.png
Aid our Russian Brothers

A promise made is a promise kept, as the word of our people is sacred in nature. Honor demands we rally to the support of the Republic of Yellow Russia, the renegades and downtrodden that hate the White tyranny as much as we do. To them we tied our fate back in the Russian Civil War, and our survival is still shared with their ultimate victory. In exchange for minor land concessions and population exchanges to avoid future chaos and border disputes, the Republicans will guarantee our sovereignty and nationhood and aid us against any foreign threats, and we will provide them with what little military and economic support we may give them in these decisive times.

  • Completed Focus: "Pan-Oirot State"
  • MPA:
    • Owns Chita and Verkhneudinsk
    • Neighbour of Zheltorossiya (ZHR)
  • ALT:
    • Owns Slyudyanka
  • ZHR:
    • Gurantees MPA & ALT
    • Cores Chita, Verkhneudinsk and Slyudyanka
  • ALT:
    • Give Military Access to ZHR
    • Enact a Non-Agression Pact with ZHR
    • Transfer Slyudyanka to ZHR
  • MPA:
    • Give Military Access to ZHR
    • Enact a Non-Agression Pact with ZHR
    • Transfer Chita and Verkhneudinsk to ZHR

The YTB Putsch Branch

ALT Putsch Focuses.png
Focus Description Prerequistes Effects
GFX otb putch.png
The YTB Putsch

The fierce horsemen of the Red Army have taken over the Karakorum Council! From the shadows, emerges the true vanguard of the greatest revolution the world has ever witnessed - the United Labour Brotherhood. The enlightened ones of our brotherhood have found a new wisdom that shall make the world young again - that there is no contradiction between the fire that burns in the heart of the revolutionary and the adept, that both the alchemist and the proletarian worship one god - and that god is labour. We announce that our Great Work has just begun! The fire of the barrels of our guns is one and the same as the flame of alchemical furnaces, and with it we will achieve the greatest transmutation. From the lead of Altay we will arrive at the sublime gold of Communism.

  • Completed Focus: "The Danger"
  • Has Country Flag: ALT_stopgap
  • +50 Political Power
GFX red merlin.png
The Red Merlin

Only the wise can guide us in our great journey - and the wisest among us is Alexander Barchenko. After years of study of Buddhism, theosophy, hermeticism, kabbalah, alchemy and all sorts of sciences, Barchenko rose to the position of the High Priest of our brotherhood - and now from this position, his enlightened words shall become the source of everything that our government does. Under his counsel, we shall work for the spiritual awakening of all humanity – creation of a new, enlightened and prosperous land in harmony with the ancient wisdom of Tradition.

  • Completed Focus: "The YTB Putsch"
  • Has Country Flag: ALT_barchenko_win
  • +10.00% Stability
  • +30.00% Revisionist Socialism popularity
GFX red faust.png
The Red Faust

We may have become adepts of subtle arts but we are still revolutionaries and serve the revolution before all! Only the ones who have the most zeal and will in their hearts can lead us. Thus, Gleb Bokii, the man who has put an end to Gurkin's cowardly government will become the Paramount Leader of our State. Our just war shall not be limited to the world of men, but we will conquer the world of ghosts and spirits! Let occult powers tremble, for the light of Prometheus comes again to chain them and leash them like animals!

  • Completed Focus: "The YTB Putsch
  • Has Country Flag: ALT_bokii_win
  • +30.00% Stability
  • +30.00% Vanguard Socialism popularity

The Red Merlin Sub-branch

Red Merlin Tree.png
Focus Description Prerequistes Effects
GFX embrace shamanism.png
Embrace Shamanism

The beating of the shaman's drum opens the doors to a new world, full of wonders and unimaginable powers, the ancient and venerable rite of the Altaic tribes contains a most revolutionary element! We shouldn't stay arrogant in our "civilized" teachings, but watch and study closely the words and rites of the wise men of our citizens. It is known to us that their tradition retains the parts of the Sunny Science of ancient Agartha, fossilized in the mystical aura of the great Belukha. Let the dance of the revolution begin!

  • Completed Focus: "The Red Merlin"
  • Is not a puppet
  • +5.00% Stability
  • Adds idea:
Embracing Shamanism
ALT embracing shamanism.png
  • +10.0% Recovery Rate
  • +10.00% Stability
GFX red star tantra.png
Red Star Tantra

Through years of research, we have created a form of spirituality truly worthy of Communism! Combining the wisdom of the West and the East, along with the finest scientific insight, a new school of mysticism was born. One that transcends the individualism usually found in this practice – and instead allows the ego to dissolve in the great life of the all-encompassing collective. This new doctrine was compiled into a book by the name of Red Star Tantra – and we will make sure it's published and distributed everywhere our government reaches.

  • Completed Focus: "Emrace Shamnism"
  • Is not a puppet
  • Remove idea:
Embracing Shamanism
ALT embracing shamanism.png
  • +10.0% Recovery Rate
  • +10.00% Stability
  • Add idea:
Red Star Tantra
ALT red tantra.png
  • +10.0% Recovery Rate
  • +10.00% Stability
  • -10.0% Consumer Goods Factor
  • +30.00% Production Efficiency Factor
GFX universal rythm.png
Universal Rhythm

It is the most profound mystery of the occult art, that is beginning to be understood by scientists, that the world is composed of vibrations of the Great Spirit. These vibrations fill the entire world with a divine presence, animating and bringing life and meaning into the dead dust of matter. These manifest themselves in a secret rhythm, a code of divine music. Understanding of this code will allow us to work wonders by merely a correct rhythm of our actions. The vibrations of the Universe shall be taken into account by engineers, architects, artists, scientists and even workers to remake life, to make us all united in a mystical communion. Everything in our revolution will be in tune with the beating of God's heart!

  • Completed Focus: "The Red Merlin"
  • Is not a puppet
  • Adds idea:
Universal Rhythm
ALT rythm.png
  • +10.00% Construction Speed
  • +8.00% Research Speed
GFX socialist synarchy.png
Socialist Synarchy

Wrong are those who equate socialism with struggle! Where is the social spirit in the wrath and hatred of class struggle? Is there a true love for our brothers and the sweetness of our labour in the foaming jaws of the lynching mob? The true essence of socialism is Synarchy – an organic union of everyone with everyone. Our workers will be organised into syndicates that will represent their craft in the Congress of Soviets. Above them, a class of red priests, entirely dedicated to upholding harmony in the state will mediate and govern the unions – so we will all be united in one perfect body, a true reflection of the heavenly order on Earth.

  • Completed Focus: "The Red Merlin"
  • Is not a puppet
  • Adds idea:
Socialist Synarchy
ALT soc synarchist.png
  • +15.0% Recovery Rate
  • +10.00% War Support
  • Adds 1 Offmap Military Factory
  • Adds 1 Offmap Civillian Factory
GFX secret priesthood.png
Secret Priesthood

The class of priests has the greatest responsibility in our society - not only they hold the keys to governance, but before all they're the keepers of the occult knowledge bestowed upon us. It is blasphemous to think we can bestow all the secrets of the Universe and divinity for every peasant - no! Keeping with the unbroken sacred tradition of secret rites, our priesthood will be a mystery cult in the shape of the Masons, with degrees of initiation and a program of ritual study. Only the golden souls will be able to enter it, and raise their spirits to divine perfection that our entire State strives towards.

  • Completed Focus: "Socialist Synarchy"
  • Is not a puppet
  • +20 Army Eperience
  • Remove idea:
Socialist Synarchy
ALT soc synarchist.png
  • +15.0% Recovery Rate
  • +10.00% War Support
  • Add idea:
Secret Priesthood
ALT priesthood.png
  • +10.0% Recovery Rate
  • +10.00% War Support
  • -10.0% Factories on Consumer Goods
  • +50.00% Encryption
GFX new hyperborea.png
New Hyperborea

In the ancient times, in the far North, a mighty kingdom of Hyperborea ruled. Unseen to the eyes of profanes, traces of this civilization still mark the uncharted Siberian wastes. We will work to restore the connection with the fallen ancestors - their antediluvian wisdom will be bestowed upon us like rain from heavens. Their spirit will return, embodied in our labour – the songs and wonders of Hyperborea rise from their silent graves to live again!

  • Completed Focus:
    • "Universal Rhythm"
    • "Secret Priesthood"
  • Is not a puppet
  • Adds idea:
Towards Hyperborea
ALT hyperborea.png
  • +5.00% Production Efficiency Cap
  • +10.00% Factory Outout
  • Adds 1 Offmap Military Factory
  • Adds 1 Offmap Civillian Factory

The Red Faust Sub-Branch

Red Faust Tree.png
Focus Description Prerequistes Effects
GFX retrive the golden science.png
Retrieve Golden Science

In the days before history, a great empire of Shambhala-Agartha ruled the world – they lived in the most perfect form of communism, in harmony of matter and spirit. Their wisdom in all sciences created wonders our age is only beginning to approach. But as the West restores the material part of ancient knowledge, it risks a catastrophe, forgetting to develop the spirit as well. Indeed, the Aghartans knew of another science than the doctors and engineers of today – the Solar Science, Golden Science, that spoke of great mysteries beyond the veil of the material world. This science has survived in parts in occult orders, and the profound traditions of the East. It is our task and responsibility, to gather the parts of the Solar Science and restore it to the heights it saw before aeons!

  • Completed Focus "The Red Faust"
  • Is not a puppet
  • Add idea:
Golden Science
ALT golden science.png
  • +10.00% Construction Speed
  • +8.00% Reasearch Speed
  • Adds 1 Offmap Military Factory
  • Adds 1 Offmap Civillian Factory
GFX land of new harmony.png
Land of New Harmony

All peoples of the world come, join our joyful dance! All are welcome in the abode of heaven we're building on earth. Old and young, white and yellow, men and women – every and each one will live in happiness and harmony in the future State we will build. There will be no hunger, no poverty, no spiritual blindness, no more greed and bloodlust – every peasant of the coming kingdom will be enlightened like the wisest bodhisattvas, and all will labour together like brothers and sisters, sharing the joy of freedom and unity. Let this vision take over our minds and souls, let us utter secret spells to manifest it, let us fight and die for the just land of New Agharta – that already lives in every one of us.

  • Completed Focus "Retrieve Golden Science"
  • Is not a puppet
  • Remove idea:
Golden Science
ALT golden science.png
  • +10.00% Construction Speed
  • +8.00% Reasearch Speed
  • Add idea:
Golden Science
ALT golden science.png
  • +15.00% Construction Speed
  • +6.00% Reasearch Speed
  • +0.10% Weekly Stability Gain
  • -10% Compliance Growth Speed
  • Adds 1 Offmap Military Factory
  • Adds 1 Offmap Civillian Factory
GFX ogpu special division.png
The OGPU Special Division

The occult finds its best use in what has to remain occulted in the domain of the State. Our secret services should be expanded and empowered, armed with new knowledge of psychotronics and ancient magics. Especially, a new department will be formed – Otspena, the department of special sciences. We will place all the notable archaeological sites and secret laboratories under the direction of the service. In its professional clutch, we will learn of new ways to break the enemies of our coming State.

  • Completed Focus "The Red Faust"
  • Is not a puppet
  • Add idea:
OGPU Special Division
  • +10.0% Recovery Rate
  • +15.00% Construction Speed
  • -25.00% Encryption Factor
  • -25.00% Decryption Factor
GFX occult research.png
Occult Research

eyond the material, a mysterious world of the spirit surrounds us. Many old sages said that this world will remain dark to us to the end of time, for our minds simply cannot comprehend it. We reject this weak humility! With the sharp pincers of science, we're going to dissect all that was said to be occulted. Every ghost, every monster of the woods, every legend, every god's temple and every sorcerous spell, will be cracked open. Finally, we will reconcile the profound materialist science with the wonder of the spiritual world – by bringing the latter into the chains of technics and measurement. We carry a light that knows no mercy – and nothing will escape it!

  • Completed Focus "The Red Faust"
  • Is not a puppet
  • Add idea:
Occult Research
ALT research.png
  • +10.00% Research Speed
GFX arcane technologies.png
Arcane Technologies

Our research into the realm of mystery has bore first fruits. In the forges of our laboratories we will reshape the vague riddles and nonsensical legends into hard truths and technical instructions. While some promising theses and wondrous ideas have to be rejected in this way, we will have the certainty of science on our side. With this power, we will be able to harness the power of the occult to work on the side of the revolution!

  • Completed Focus "Occult Research"
  • Is not a puppet
  • Add 1 Research Slot
GFX enginering of souls.png
Engineering of Souls

The final goal of our dive into occult is nothing less but remaking the fundamental nature of man. Bolshevism has long proclaimed a need for a New Man, suited for the fiery forge of tomorrow's gleaming order, but their blind obedience to vulgar materialism concealed the true key to this task. The creation of a new type of man was not treated like a serious task of objective science, but the work of ideologues and artists. We do not accept half-measures! Armed with the fullness of knowledge, we will shape man like a sculptor shapes a clay statue. We proclaim the rise of a new field - spiritual engineering!

  • Completed Focus:
    • "The OGPU Special Division"
    • "Arcane Technologies"
  • Is not a puppet
  • Remove idea:
OGPU Special Division
  • +10.0% Recovery Rate
  • +15.00% Construction Speed
  • -25.00% Encryption Factor
  • -25.00% Decryption Factor
  • Add idea:
Engineering Souls
ALT engineering souls.png
  • +10.0% Recovery Rate
  • +6.00% Construction Speed

Mongolian Unification

Mongolian Unification.png
Focus Description Prerequistes Effects
GFX unite with our comrades.png
Unite With our Comrades

In the East, another revolution struggles against the yoke of Sternberg's imperial tyranny and Chinese colonialism, the brave Mongol People's Soldiers of Damdin Sukhbaatar. Our enlightened order shall be united with them, and promise a free and socialist Mongolia in our future commonwealth. Together, arm by arm we will topple the oppressors and bring a new world of equality and justice!

  • Completed Either Focus:
    • "The Red Merlin"
    • "The Red Faust"
  • One of the following must be true:
    • MPA Exists
    • Owns Ömnögovi
  • Annexes MPA (Territory, Troops, Officers)
  • Set Cosmetic tag to ALT_mongolia


  • Cores Ömnögovi and Tsetserleg
GFX lift the barons curse.png
Lift the Baron's Curse

Baron Ungern-Sternberg is not a mere pawn of Kolchak but a crafty sorcerer with an ambition of his own, and adept worthy of our Red Priesthood. The metaphysical forces of reaction, in fear of our great spiritual revolution, have manifested into this man and given him a mission to crush the new humanity in its embryo! He will not be defeated until we exorcise his spirit from the land – with the help of shamans our bullets shall bite the accursed tyrant's armies like wasps, and his wrathful ghost will never visit the sacred steppes again!

  • Completed Focus: "Unite with our Comrades"
  • Is not a puppet
  • Is not at war
  • TAN is not in a Faction with Russian Empire (RUS)

Will be Baypassed if:

  • TAN doesn't exist
  • Declares war on TAN


GFX convert the mongols.png
Convert the Mongols

The people of Mongolia still suffer under the yoke of many tyrants – Russian and Chinese alike. Their eyes are yet to see the great Golden Truth of ours, their souls long for true enlightenment. With fire, we will banish their oppressors and make them taste true freedom!  And then, we will join hand by hand like brothers, together in our great struggle.

  • Completed Focus: "Lift the Baron's Curse"
  • Is not a puppet
  • Is not at war
  • Gives Annex Wargoal against MO2, MON and KHU
  • Any state owed by MO2, MON and KHU not cored by ALT, becomes core of ALT

Post-Mongolia Expansion

Russian Unification.png
Focus Description Prerequisites Effects
GFX agartha calling.png
Agartha Calling

We hear it in the whisper of the wind, the crackling of the thunder, the song of the birds and the noise of the city. The quiet calling of an antediluvian city of gold. The land of white palaces, basked in the strange light of an artificial sun. The paradise deep beneath the earth. The land of just kings and enlightened sages – truly living and real. The Great Masters of Agartha call us to a great labour – what we have done in Mongolia is only the beginning, our work is the renewal of the whole world. The wisdom of Agartha is like a living water, in which we will submerge the wrinkled body of the tired mankind, to make it return in the prime of its youth! With the fire of our guns, with the roar of engines and the strength of horses we sublimate the world – as soon it will reconstitute into the holiest gold.

  • Completed Focus: "Convert the Mongols"
  • Complete either Focus:
    • "Engineering of Souls"
    • "New Hyperborea"
  • Is not a puppet
  • Owns Chahar, Uryankhai, Niislel Khüree, Chita
  • TAN, MON, KHU and MO2 don't exist
  • Add idea:
The Call of Agartha
ALT agartha calling.png
  • +8.00% Division Speed
  • +15.0% Planning Speed

Hidden effects

  • Removes Claims and Cores of TAN, MON, KHU and MO2
GFX revolution of our own.png
Our Own Revolution

Zheltorossiyans? They are fools, knowing nothing of the mysteries of Life, walking blindly in their petty materialism - without the true keys to the true harmony of mankind. We will not surrender our dream to a clique of philistines! Our weapons are ready to strike at the false revolution, red banners will fly over Harbin, announcing that the New Age has come to the shores of the Pacific - and from this place, our spark will set all Eurasia ablaze!

  • Completed Focus: "Agartha Calling"
  • Mutually Exclusive with "Join the Revolution"
  • Is not a puppet
  • Is not at war
  • Gains annex wargoals on ZHR, Autonomous Army Territory (MNS), Free Creatorium (FCR), National Restoration Council (PSL), All-Russian People's Crusade (ARC), Zheltorossiyan Syndicate (HAR), Priamurye (PRI), Republic of Green Ukraine (GUK)
  • Gains a core on all Core territory of ZHR
GFX join the revolution.png
Join the Revolution

It would be the most unwise of us to lay divide and spill the blood of our people over petty disputes with our fellow revolutionaries. Instead, we shall merge our government with the revolutionary centre in Harbin. We will offer many men and weapons to the Red Army, and will serve the socialist statesmen with our deep spiritual wisdom. Today we are fighting together, united under the red flag. Forwards, to communism!

  • Completed Focuses:
    • "Agartha Calling"
    • "The YTB Putsch"
  • Mutually Exclusive with "Our Own Revolution"
  • ZHR has completed either focus:
    • " Vperedists in the Soviet"
    • "Homogeneous Socialist Goverment "
    • "The Centre Holds "
    • "Comrade Trotsky"
  • Is neighbour of ZHR
  • Is not a puppet
  • ZHR is AI controlled
  • If ALT is not AI controlled, ALT annexes ZHR (Territory, Troops, Officers)
  • If ZHR is not AI controlled, ZHR annexes ALT (Territory, Troops, Officers)
  • If both ALT and ZHR are AI controlled, fires Russian Event "Altai and Zheltorossiya unite peacefully!" (50/50 chance of who annexes who)
GFX quest to hyperborea.png
Quest to Hyperborea

North of the birthplace of our revolution, lies the frozen land where once the mighty Hyperboreans forged their empire. This country opens the doors to our New Age's spread - the mighty powers that dwell in the forests and stones will be at our disposal the moment our armies enter it. We have made a bargain with the spirits of taiga and tundra - the ancient guardians of this remote land. The forces of the earth will strike at the tsarist goons and whatever self-styled revolutions occupy their home! Our horsemen shall banish the blasphemers that stride over the sacred ruins with their dirty boots!

  • Completed either Focus:
    • "Our Own Revolution"
    • "Join the Revolution"
  • Is not a puppet
  • Is not at war
  • Unlocks Russian Reunification decisions
GFX kings of shambala.png
The Kings of Shambala

A Tibetan prophecy speaks of a great battle between the divine kings of Shambhala, and the foul armies of devils, that will open the way to harmony in the world. The time sung by the ancients had come! Before the revolution, its greatest challenge opens - the lair of evil, Petrograd. Surrounded by his guard of demons, the court of the so-called Whites mocks the name of the sacred colour.  Before us comes the final crusade - and after it, the opening of the cosmic rift, the realignment of the stars - a New Age, something unheard of before in history.

  • Completed Focus "Quest to Hyperborea"
  • Is not a puppet
  • Is not at war
  • Owns Moscow
  • Unlocks the decision to proclaim Our Victory Over the World.!
GFX adventure world.png
An Adventure on the Roof of the World

The lands south of us - Tibet and Dzungaria, are legendary for their deep wisdom. The purest nuggets of Golden Science lay hidden in the Tibetan monasteries – and some say the secret doors to Agartha can be found there. It's our duty to rescue this spiritual axis of the world from the petty warlords reigning over it!

  • Completed Focuses:
    • "Agartha Calling"
    • "The Kings of Shambala"
  • Is not a puppet
  • Is not at war
  • Gains Annex War goal against SIK and Tibet (TIB)
  • Gains a claim on all core territory of SIK and TIB

End Results Gallery

Bokii Altai End state with Ukraine and Poland Puppet
Bokii Altai End state with Poland Puppet
Bokii Altai with Max Core and Claim States
Barchenko Altai End state with Ukraine and Poland Puppet
Barchenko Altai End state with Poland Puppet
Barchenko Altai with Max Core and Claims
Gurkin Altai End State (changes in Zheltorossiyan borders included)
Gurkin Altai End State Faction