List of Factions

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This a quick link page featuring the factions as at beginning of the Game.

  • Birkeneid - a quasi-succcessor of the Central Powers alliance located in Scandinavia. Conservative, or at least anti-Spartacist, there main aim is to topple the Rotfront and restore the borders of the various member.
  • Beiyang Goverment - Sphere of influence of the most widely recognised Chinese Goverment, centered around Yan Xishan and the Shanxi Clique.
  • Dai Tōa Kyōeiken - Ostensibly a Pan-Asian alliance against European domination led by the Empire of Japan.
  • Entente - A global alliance led by the democratic nations of Europe and there extended Sphere, mainly the United Kingdom and her empire, wishing to guard normalcy.
  • Intermarium - Made up of breakaway nations of the Russian Empire, there main aim is to maintain their independence and contain Russian Chauvanism. Have good relations with the Rotfront.
  • League Solar - An alliance of Accelerationists led by Avant-Garde France they hope to usher the world into the future, destroying any remnant of the old ways that chained them or the new socialist ideologies that wish to stagnate the people.
  • Rotfront - A Socialist Military Alliance led by Germany, they will both defend and expand the revolution should the call sound. Have good relations with the Intermarium.
  • Russian Empire - The extended sphere of Russian Empire, while it looks strong, the previous Great War and Civil War, along with the rise of regional Warlords have seriously weakend Moscow's control.
  • United Guomindang - An alliance of Kuomintang led Warlords in Southern China. Held together by Hu Hamin, the different Warlords each have various factions within themselves and disagree with each other. How long until the situation escalates is unknown.

There are also international organisations in the game that are not presented in the game in the HoI4 faction sense, but are still important factors in universe.

  • Internationals - International Socialist, Marist and Anarchist organisation who aim to liberate the working class. Most Popular are the Second International centered around the German Council Communism model and the Third International's Russian Vperedist model.
  • Der Warschauer Vertrag - The Signitory nations of the Warsaw Treaty, made up of members of both the Rotfront and Intermarium. Thanks to this treaty, both parties have recognition, solidified borders, geopolitical security and trading rights. The treaty also led to the independent city of Danzig.