Red Flood

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The World of Red Flood

In 1905, when the guns fell silent in the Far East, the Russian Empire had won a pyrrhic victory over Japan. Stability still eluded Russia, however, as the 1911 assassination of Tsar Nicholas II would show. Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin would take advantage of the weakened House of Romanov to further his ambitious economic modernization program.

This would all be put to the test when the Empire intervened in the Balkan Wars in 1913, marching an army through Romania to aid its Orthodox brethren in Serbia. Treaties and guarantees went from words to material facts, and soon Europe was embroiled in the Great War. Years of industrial warfare unlike anything seen before would change the course of history forever, and by the end, very few states could count themselves as victors rather than victims.

The year is 1936. In 1919, one year after the red flag flew over Berlin, revolutionary Italian nationalists seized control of Fiume, a city whose fate was still being decided at the peace negotiations. The old guard of Europe has had to battle with the traditional specter of socialism out of Germany, but also a growing threat ostensibly from the political right. At first labeled "accelerationism" by critics, the chaotic blend of political futurism, revolutionary nationalism, and other modernist movements became a badge of identification in Fiume. Now, two years after the fall of France to accelerationism, it appears that history approaches a turning point once more.

In Western Europe, a fragile balance between socialists, accelerationists, and the old republics and kingdoms is about to be upset. To the East, a wounded Russia sits on a throne of bayonets, and the Intermarium prepares itself for the storm ahead. In the Americas, continent-spanning giants face their darkest hour, instability finally coming to their shores. An ocean away in Asia, the fall of empires and the weakness of yet more make everything possible once again. And in Africa, new, fragile hopes stagger forth to be born.

Red Flood is an alternative history mod for Hearts of Iron IV. The roads that were not taken in the 1920s and 30s open to us once more. We hope you enjoy travelling down them.

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The Team

Head Admin: Baba Yaga Deux

Our amazing Red Flood team:

adamjałmużny, Aino, ameto17, Angrythaiboy, Apollo, Arioch, ashley xd, Aurel, Baba Yaga Deux, braxton, @Briani642, Celestia, Deldels, Deogratias, Doomer, Drion, DRU, Edíček, Enderprophet, fireizzle33331, Florian, Georgy, GrandAutismo, haguruma, HermitCrab, jao, Jimmy Carter 80', kabajec, Kacper Cadyk, Kebab, Kekwards Tvxt, Khardbass, kiridus, KobraKommander, Krumtum, LazyLass, Lord of Hours, Marechale, Mashmellow, masuru, Morgend Longpaw, Morrowgan, MrPshek, multi, Nick, Nieda, Oaxaker, Ozajasz, Ozmandiaz, PintarMenabung, Rey Zope, Ryan Chrystler, SahokoTakoro, Sanon, Sennylowkey, Sergey Jackinov, Slimmy, SloveneAnon, sumeragiakeiko, SuouNagato, Sparrow, Squg, SydWad, Teutonic, TheDeveloper3, theman, vergara, Vex, Visigoth, Yung Daal, Zeochrome, and all the previous developers!