Nations of the World

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Map showing the world of Red Flood as at 1936 ( - provided by reddit uesr u/Yularen2077

Starting Nations

These are the Nations available at game start. As oppose to to base game, the nation selection is split between Occident and Orient, with each Hemisphere having there own Major and Minor Powers.

Map Name Full Name TAG Contintent Ideology Content Has Cores and Claims? Diplomacy
A.Y.R. Thracia The Autonomous Yugoslav Region of Thracia BUL Europe Revisionist Socialist Full Tree Claims
  • Autonomus Yugoslav Region of Yugoslav State
Adamawa Adamawa Emirate CMR Africa Reactionary No No CC
Aden Protectorate Aden Protectorate ADN Middle East Polyarchy No No CC
Alexandretta The Free Arab State of Alexandretta CCD Middle East Vanguard Socialist Skeleton Content No CC
  • At war with Yishuv, Syrian Republic, Kingdom of Syria
Altai Confederation Altai Confederation ALT Asia Conservative Full Tree Cores
Anatolian Vilayets The Ottoman Governorate of Anatolia TUR Middle East Liberal Skeleton Content Cores and claims
  • Puppet of Sublime Porte
Andorra Kingdom of Andorra ADR Europe Despotic No No CC
Anhui Clique Anhui Clique MON Asia Polyarchy Full Tree Cores
Argentina Argentina ARG South America Polyarchy No Claims
Assam Congress Governorate of Assam ASM Asia Conservative Skeleton Content No CC
Assyria The Assyrian Patriarchate ASY Middle East Despotic Full Tree Cores
Australia Australia AST Oceania Progressive No No CC
Austrian Empire The Austrian Empire AUS Europe Conservative Full Tree Cores and claims
  • Gurantees Helvetic Fellowship
  • Guranteed by Kingdom of Italy, Helvetic Fellowship
Avant-Garde France The Avant-Garde State of France FRA Europe Accelerationist Full Tree Cores and claims
Baltic Governorate-General Baltic Governorate-General WRU Europe Despotic Full Tree No CC
Bangistan Republic of Bangistan BNG Asia Liberal Skeleton Content Cores and claims
Beiyang Government Beiyang Government BYJ Asia Polyarchy Skeleton Content Cores
Belarusian Democratic Republic The Belarusian Democratic Republic BLR Europe Despotic Full Tree No CC
Belgian Army Remnants Belgian Army Remnants NBE Africa Despotic No Cores
Bhutan Kingdom of Bhutan BHU Asia Despotic No No CC
Bolivia Bolivia BOL South America Progressive No No CC
  • At War with Paraguay
Brazilian Popular Republic The Brazilian Popular Republic BRA South America Vanguard Socialist Full Tree No CC
Burma Burma BUR Asia Liberal No Cores
Caribbean Futuriste Caribbean Futuriste CYN South America Accelerationist Skeleton Content No CC
Central African Confederation Central African Confederation CAC Africa Liberal No No CC
Ceylon Ceylon CEY Asia Polyarchy No No CC
Chile Chile CHL South America Liberal No No CC
Colombia Colombia COL South America Liberal No No CC
Commonwealth of Poland The Commonwealth of Poland POL Europe Accelerationist Full Tree Cores and claims
Congolese Republic Congolese Republic CFS Africa Liberal No Cores
Costa Rica Costa Rica COS South America Progressive No No CC
Cuba Cuba CUB South America Vanguard Socialist No No CC
Danzig The Free Hanseatic City of Danzig DAN Europe Revisionist Socialist Skeleton Content No CC
Dominican Republic Dominican Republic DOM South America Conservative No No CC
Dominion of Canada The Dominion of Canada CAN North America Conservative No Cores
Dutch East Indies The Dutch East Indies DEI Asia Polyarchy Skeleton Content No CC
  • In Entente
  • Puppet of Kingdom of the Netherlands
Dutch New Guinea The Dutch New Guinea WNG Oceania Polyarchy Skeleton Content No CC
  • In Entente
  • Puppet of Kingdom of the Netherlands
East African Federation The East African Federation KEN Africa Polyarchy No No CC
Ecuador Ecuador ECU South America Conservative No No CC
El Salvador El Salvador ELS South America Despotic No No CC
Emirate of Turkestan The Emirate of Turkestan BKR Asia Despotic Skeleton Content No CC
Empire of Indochina The Empire of Indochina DAI Asia Despotic Skeleton Content Cores
Empire of Japan Japan JAP Asia Despotic Full Tree No CC
  • Head of Dai Tōa Kyōeiken
  • Master of Empire of Indochina, Korean Governate, Mantetsu, Kingdom of Moroc-Songhrati
  • At war with Beiyang Government
Far Eastern Governorate-General The Far Eastern Governorate-General KCK Asia Despotic Full Tree No CC
Federal Republic of India Federal Republic of India BIH Asia Progressive Skeleton Content Claims
Federal Republic of India Federal Republic of India INC Asia Progressive Skeleton Content Claims
Fédération du Soudan Senegal SEN Africa Accelerationist No No CC
Fiume Italian Regency of Carnaro FIU Europe Accelerationist Full Tree No CC
Fujian Government Fujian People's Government FJN Asia Revisionist Socialist Skeleton Content Cores
  • In United Guomindang
Gbayaland Karnu's Revolt CAR Africa Despotic No No CC
German Socialist Räterepublik The German Socialist Räterepublik GER Europe Revisionist Socialist Full Tree Cores and claims
  • Head of Rotfront
  • Has Military Access to Danzig, Commonwealth of Poland
  • Gives Military Access Belarusian Democratic Republic, Lithuanian Republic, Commonwealth of Poland, Ukrainian People’s Republic
  • Has Docking Rights to Danzig
  • Gurantees Cuba, Danzig
Grand Duchy of Finland The Grand Duchy of Finland FIN Europe Despotic Full Tree Cores
Guatemala Guatemala GUA South America Progressive No No CC
Guinean Condiminium The Hispano-Portugese Condiminium of Guinea GBN Africa Polyarchy No No CC
  • Colony of Spanish Republic
Haiti Haiti HAI South America Polyarchy No No CC
  • Puppet of United States of America
Helvetic Fellowship The Helvetic Fellowship SWI Europe Despotic Skeleton Content No CC
Hindustan Socialist Republic Hindustan People's Democratic Republic RSR Asia Popular Socialist Skeleton Content Claims
Honduras Honduras HON South America Liberal No No CC
Hunan Clique Hunan Clique XIA Asia Progressive Skeleton Content No CC
  • In United Guomindang
Hungarian Republic of Councils The Hungarian Republic of Councils HUN Europe Vanguard Socialist Skeleton Content Cores
  • In Rotfront
  • Master of Slovak Council Republic, Transylvanian Republic of Councils
  • Has Military Access to Commonwealth of Poland
  • Gives Military Access Belarusian Democratic Republic, Lithuanian Republic, Commonwealth of Poland, Ukrainian People’s Republic
Hyderabad Hyderabad Deccan HYD Asia Despotic Skeleton Content Claims
  • Guranteed by Madras Presidency
Iceland The Kingdom of Denmark in Iceland ICE Europe Polyarchy Skeleton Content Claims
  • In Birkeneid
Imperial Authority Imperial Authority TAN Asia Reactionary Full Tree No CC
Ireland Ireland NIR Europe Conservative No Cores
Irish Republic The Irish Republic IRE Europe Accelerationist No Cores
Kavkaz Society The Caucasian Federation of Soviets KAV Middle East Accelerationist Full Tree Cores
Kazan Military Distict The Kazan Military Distict ORE Europe Despotic Full Tree No CC
Kerguelen Tsardom of Devland ATU Africa Despotic No No CC
Khorezm The Khorezm People's Socialist Republic KHW Asia Vanguard Socialist Skeleton Content No CC
Khüree Khüree KHU Asia Reactionary No No CC
Kingdom of Afghanistan The Kingdom of Afghanistan AFG Middle East Despotic No No CC
Kingdom of Albania The Kingdom of Albania ALB Europe Despotic Skeleton Content No CC
Kingdom of Egypt Kingdom of Egypt EGY Africa Polyarchy No Cores
Kingdom of Greece The Kingdom of Greece GRE Europe Conservative Skeleton Content Cores and claims
  • In Entente
  • Gurantees Sublime Porte
  • Has Military Access to Sublime Porte
Kingdom of Hejaz The Hashemite Kingdom of Hejaz ALJ Middle East Despotic Skeleton Content No CC
  • In Entente
  • Has a Truce with Sultanate of Nejd
Kingdom of Italy Kingdom of Italy ITA Europe Liberal Full Tree Cores
  • In Entente
  • Master of Kingdom of Montenegro
  • Gurantees Austrian Empire, Sublime Porte
  • Has Military Access to Sublime Porte
Kingdom of Kashmir Kingdom of Kashmir KSM Asia Polyarchy Skeleton Content No CC
Kingdom of Montenegro The Kingdom of Montenegro MNT Europe Despotic No No CC
Kingdom of Moroc-Songhrati The Kingdom of Moroc-Songhrati MRS Asia Despotic No Cores
Kingdom of Mysore Kingdom of Mysore MYS Asia Liberal Skeleton Content No CC
  • Guranteed by Madras Presidency
Kingdom of Norway The Kingdom of Norway NRO Europe Conservative Skeleton Content Cores
  • In Birkeneid
Kingdom of Portugal The Kingdom of Portugal POR Europe Reactionary Skeleton Content No CC
  • Master of Portugease West Africa, Portugease East Africa
Kingdom of Romania The Kingdom of Romania ROM Europe Despotic Skeleton Content Claims
Kingdom of Siam The Kingdom of Siam SIA Asia Liberal Skeleton Content No CC
Kingdom of Sweden The Kingdom of Sweden SWE Europe Conservative Skeleton Content No CC
  • Head of Birkeneid
Kingdom of Syria The United Kingdom of Greater Syria SYR Middle East Despotic Skeleton Content Cores
  • At war with Alexandretta, Yishuv, Syrian Republic
Kingdom of the Netherlands Netherlands HOL Europe Liberal No No CC
  • In Entente
  • Master of Dutch East Indies, Dutch New Guinea
Kingdom of the Sudan The Kingdom of the Sudan SUD Africa Despotic No No CC
  • In Entente
  • Dominion of United Kingdom
  • Gurantees Mahdist Chad
  • Guranteed by Mahdist Chad
Kingdom of Travancore Kingdom of Travancore TRA Asia Polyarchy Skeleton Content No CC
  • Guranteed by Madras Presidency
Kingdom of Yemen The Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen YEM Middle East Despotic No Cores
Korean Governate Korean Governate KOR Asia Despotic Full Tree No CC
Kurdistan Kurdistan KUR Middle East Polyarchy No Cores and claims
  • Puppet of Sublime Porte
Lam The Realm of the God of Lam COG Africa Despotic No No CC
Lataika The Alawite Territory ALW Middle East Progressive Skeleton Content No CC
Lebanon The State of Lebanon LEB Middle East Despotic Skeleton Content No CC
Leonine City The Leonine City State LEO Europe Despotic No No CC
Liangguang Clique Liangguang Clique GDP Asia Despotic Skeleton Content Cores
  • In United Guomindang
Liberia The Republic of Liberia LIB Africa Conservative Full Tree No CC
Lithuanian Republic The Lithuanian Republic LIT Europe Progressive No Cores
Ma Clique Ma Clique XSM Asia Polyarchy No No CC
Madras Presidency Madras Presidency MAD Asia Polyarchy No No CC
  • In Entente
  • Colony of United Kingdom
  • Gurantees Hyderabad, Kingdom of Mysore, Kingdom of Travancore
Mahdist Chad The Emirate of Chad CHA Africa Reactionary No Cores
  • Gurantees Kingdom of the Sudan
  • Guranteed by Kingdom of the Sudan
Malagasy Kingdom Fanjakan' Malagasy MAG Africa Accelerationist Skeleton Content Cores
  • At War with Republic of Madagascar
Mandatory Iraq The Raj Mandatory of Iraq IRQ Middle East Polyarchy No No CC
Mantetsu Mantetsu MAN Asia Polyarchy Full Tree Claims
Mexico Mexico MEX North America Progressive No No CC
Mongolian People’s Army The Mongolian People’s Army MPA Asia Vanguard Socialist No No CC
Muscat and Oman The Sultanate of Muscat and Oman OMA Middle East Despotic No No CC
Nanjing Government Nanjing Nationalist Government KMT Asia Polyarchy Skeleton Content Cores
  • Head of United Guomindang
Nepal Nepal NEP Asia Despotic No No CC
New Zealand New Zealand NZL Oceania Progressive No No CC
Nicaragua Nicaragua NIC South America Polyarchy No No CC
Nigeria Nigeria NGA Africa Despotic No No CC
Norwegian People’s State Folkestaten Norge NOR Europe Popular Socialist Skeleton Content Cores
  • In Rotfront
Novorossiyan Governorate-General The Novorossiyan Governorate-General SRU Europe Despotic Full Tree No CC
Panama Panama PAN South America Polyarchy No Cores
  • Puppet of United States of America
Paraguay Paraguay PAR South America Despotic No Cores
  • At War with Bolivia
People’s Republic of Denmark The People’s Republic of Danmark DEN Europe Revisionist Socialist Skeleton Content Cores
  • In Rotfront
  • Has Military Access to Commonwealth of Poland
  • Gives Military Access to Belarusian Democratic Republic, Lithuanian Republic, Commonwealth of Poland & Ukrainian People’s Republic
People’s Republic Of The Congo People’s Republic of The Congo KIV Africa Vanguard Socialist No Cores
Peruvian Communal Republic Peruvian Communal Republic PRU South America Revisionist Socialist No Cores
Philippine Commonwealth The Commonwealth of the Philippines PHI Asia Polyarchy No No CC
  • Integrated Puppet of United States of America
Portugease East Africa Portugease East Africa MZB Africa Polyarchy No No CC
  • Puppet of Kingdom of Portugal
Portugease West Africa Portugease West Africa ANG Africa Polyarchy No No CC
  • Puppet of Kingdom of Portugal
Prussia The German Empire PRS Europe Despotic Skeleton Content Cores and claims
  • In Birkeneid
Prussian Congo Prussian Congo PCN Africa Polyarchy Full Tree Cores
Punjab Province Punjab Province PNJ Asia Conservative Skeleton Content No CC
Republic of Armenia The Republic of Armenia ARM Middle East Revisionist Socialist Full Tree No CC
Republic of Bharat Republic of Bharat ARY Asia Polyarchy Skeleton Content Claims
Republic of Dinia Republic of Dinia DIN Asia Liberal Skeleton Content Cores and claims
Republic of Guinea The Republic of Guinea GUN Africa Despotic No No CC
Republic of Madagascar Republic of Madagascar MLG Africa Popular Socialist Skeleton Content Cores
  • At War with Malagasy Kingdom
Republic of Mali The Republic of Mali MLI Africa Despotic Skeleton Content Cores
Republic of Moldova The Republic of Moldova MOL Europe Polyarchy Skeleton Content Cores and claims
Republic of Turkestan Republic of Turkestan TUK Asia Liberal Skeleton Content No CC
Russian Empire Russian Empire RUS Europe Polyarchy Full Tree No CC
  • Head of Russian Empire
  • Master of South Eastern Union, Grand Duchy of Finland, Far Eastern Governorate-General, Kazan Military Distict, Siberian Governorate-General, Novorossiyan Governorate-General, Turkestan Governorate-General, Baltic Governorate-General
  • Gurantees Sublime Porte
  • Has Military Access to Sublime Porte, Imperial Authority
  • Gives Military Access to Imperial Authority
  • Has Non-Aggression Pact with Imperial Authority
San Marino San Marino SAN Europe Despotic No No CC
Senussi Emirate The Senussi Emirate SOK Africa Despotic No Cores
Shahdom of Persia The Imperial State of Persia PER Middle East Polyarchy Full Tree Claims
Siberian Governorate-General The Siberian Governorate-General SIB Asia Despotic Full Tree No CC
Sichuan Clique Sichuan Clique SZC Asia Polyarchy Skeleton Content No CC
Slovak Council Republic The Slovak Council Republic SLO Europe Vanguard Socialist Skeleton Content Cores
  • In Rotfront
  • Socialist Republic of Hungarian Republic of Councils
  • Has Military Access to Commonwealth of Poland Gives Military Access Belarusian Democratic Republic, Lithuanian Republic, Commonwealth of Poland, Ukrainian People’s Republic
South Africa South Africa SAF Africa Conservative No No CC
South Eastern Union South Eastern Union of the Almighty Don Host DKB Europe Despotic Full Tree No CC
Spanish Republic The Spanish Republic SPR Europe Despotic No Claims
  • Master of Guinean Condiminium
Sublime Porte The Sublime Ottoman Porte MAR Europe Despotic Skeleton Content Cores and claims
Sultanate of Nejd The Sultanate of Nejd SAU Middle East Despotic Skeleton Content Claims
  • Has a Truce with Kingdom of Hejaz
Syrian Republic The Syrian Republic SNP Middle East Polyarchy Skeleton Content Claims
  • At war with Alexandretta, Yishuv, Kingdom of Syria
Tibet Temple State of Tibet TIB Asia Reactionary No Cores
Transbaikal The Hetmanate of Transbaikal MO2 Asia Despotic Full Tree No CC
Transcaspian Protectorate The Transcaspian Protectorate TUC Asia Polyarchy Skeleton Content No CC
Transylvanian Republic of Councils The Transylvanian Republic of Councils TRS Europe Vanguard Socialist Skeleton Content Cores
Tuareg Territory Tuareg Territory TUA Africa Anarchist Full Tree No CC
Turkestan Governorate-General The Turkestan Governorate-General TRK Asia Despotic Full Tree No CC
Ukrainian People’s Republic The Ukrainian People’s Republic UKR Europe Conservative Full Tree Cores
United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ENG Europe Conservative Full Tree No CC
  • Head of Entente
  • Master of Aden Protectorate, Australia, Central African Confederation, Dominion of Canada, Ceylon, Kingdom of Egypt, Mandatory Iraq, East African Federation, Madras Presidency, United States of Malaya, Nigeria, Ireland, New Zealand, Muscat and Oman, South Africa, Kingdom of the Sudan, Transcaspian Protectorate, West African Federation, Westralia
  • Gurantees Sublime Porte
  • Has Military Access to Sublime Porte, Shahdom of Persia
United Provinces United Provinces UPI Asia Despotic Full Tree Cores and claims
  • Has a Truce with Republic of Bharat
United States of America The United States of America USA North America Liberal Full Tree No CC
  • Master of Haiti, Panama, Philippine Commonwealth
United States of Malaya The United States of Malaya MAL Asia Polyarchy Skeleton Content No CC
Upper Volta The Republic of Upper Volta UPV Africa Progressive No No CC
Uruguay Uruguay URG South America Liberal No No CC
Venezuela Venezuela VEN South America Progressive Skeleton Content Claims
Walloon Free State The Walloon Free State WLL Europe Liberal No Claims
West African Federation West African Federation WAF Africa Conservative Skeleton Content No CC
Westralia Westralia WAS Oceania Liberal No No CC
Xinjiang Clique Xinjiang Clique SIK Asia Despotic No Cores
Yishuv The Hebrew Yishuv ISR Middle East Polyarchy Full Tree Claims
  • At war with Alexandretta, Syrian Republic, Kingdom of Syria
Yugoslav State The Yugoslav State YUG Europe Accelerationist Full Tree Cores and claims
  • Master of A.Y.R. Thracia
Yunnan Clique Yunnan Clique YUN Asia Despotic Skeleton Content No CC
  • In United Guomindang
Zheltorossiya The Russian Republic ZHR Asia Progressive Full Tree No CC

Captive nations

These are nations which have cores but do not exist at game start.

Captive Nation TAG Their Jailers Special Liberation? Content
Azerbaijan AZR Kavkaz Society, Kurdistan, Republic of Armenia, Shahdom of Persia Intermarium Victory over a United Russia No content
Brittany BRT Avant-Garde France No, only manually No content
Cambodia CAM Empire of Indochina, Kingdom of Siam No, only manually No content
Ethiopia ETH Kingdom of Italy No, only manually No content
Ethiopian State ET2 Kingdom of Italy League Solar Victory over Kingdom of Italy No content
Flanders FLN Netherlands No, only manually No content
Kingdom of Bohemia CZE Austrian Empire, Commonwealth of Poland Rotfront Victory over Austrian Empire /

Mises (Austrian Empire) Victory over German Socialist Räterepublik /

League Solar Victory over Rotfront

No content
Laos LAO Empire of Indochina, Kingdom of Siam No, only manually No content
Latvian National State LAT Baltic Governorate-General Intermarium Victory over a United Russia No content
November Strike Full Tree
Libyan State LBA Kingdom of Italy No, only manually No content
Moroccan State MOR Spanish Republic No, only manually No content
Newfoundland NFL United Kingdom No, only manually No content
Quebec QUE Dominion of Canada No, only manually No content
Republic of Estonia EST Baltic Governorate-General Intermarium Victory over a United Russia No content
November Strike Full Tree
Socialist Luxembourg LUX German Socialist Räterepublik No, only manually No content
Somali State SML Aden Protectorate, Kingdom of Italy No, only manually No content
Tunisian National Republic TUN Kingdom of Italy Rotfront Victory over League Solar No content

Emergent Nations

These are nations that might arise due to nation collapses, special triggers, puppet releases or similar.

Name Tag Special Appearance Content
ACQ Alexio's Army Brazillian Collapse No content
ALA State of Alagoas Brazillian Collapse No content
ALG Algeria Rotfront Victory No content
AMP State of Amapa Brazillian Collapse No content
AQT Volga Germany Intermarium Victory No content
ARC All-Russian Crusade Zheltorossiya Collapse Full Tree
ASK Idel Ural Intermarium Victory No content
ASS Amazonian Scientific Territory Brazillian Collapse Full Tree
BAV Bavaria League Solar Victory No content
BCQ Bley Clique Brazillian Collapse No content
BET Beta Israel Israel Content No content
BLM Municipality of Belem Brazillian Collapse No content
BOS Bosnia Mises Victory No content
BRR Brazil Reactionnaries Brazillian Collapse Full Tree
CAL California USA Collapse Full Tree
CNT Spanish Anarkiddies Spanish Civil War No content
CRA Rondon's Army Brazillian Collapse No content
CRO Croatia Mises Victory No content
CUI Municipality of Cuiaba Brazillian Collapse No content
DAK Dakotas Republic USA Collapse No content
DIX Emergency Committee for the Re-Establishment of the United States USA Collapse No content
DON Cossackia Intermarium Victory No content
DRZ Druze Israel Content No content
DST Deseret USA Collapse No content
DY1 Banat Mises Victory No content
FAC Filinto's Army Brazillian Collapse No content
FCQ Campos Clique Brazillian Collapse Full Tree
FCR Free Creatorium Zheltorossiya Collapse Full Tree
FIR Finland Red Finnish Civil War Full Tree
FLO New Polish Republic Brazillian Collapse No content
FMO Franco's Morocco Spanish Civil War No content
GCC Gois Clique Brazillian Collapse Skeleton Content
GEO Georgia Intermarium Victory No content
GOE Goeringland April Fools Content No content
GOY State of Goyaz Brazillian Collapse No content
GRI Greek Uprising Italy Content No content
GUK Green Ukriane Zheltorossiya Collapse Full Tree
HAR Harbin Zheltorossiya Collapse Full Tree
HAW Hawaii USA Collapse No content
HIM Himmlerland April Fools Content No content
IKR Imperial Korea Korean Liberation/Civil War Full Tree
INA Indonesia Malay Spring Skeleton Content
JEF State of Jefferson USA Collapse No content
JGJ Jingguojun China content Skeleton Content
JKR Red Korea Korean Liberation/Civil War Full Tree
JPR Commuist Japan Japanese Civil War Full Tree
KLM Free Republic of Kalmykia Intermarium Victory No content
KNW Kanawha USA Collapse No content
KUB Komi Intermarium Victory No content
LOU Louisiana USA Collapse No content
MCM Manaus Commune Brazillian Collapse No content
MCO New Me-Colorado Emergency Government USA Collapse No content
MIN State of Minas Gerais Brazillian Collapse No content
MNG Yellow Sands China content Skeleton Content
MNO Mongolian Puppet Tag Intermarium Victory No content
MNS Manchu State Zheltorossiya Collapse Full Tree
MOG Nikkei Burasiru Brazillian Collapse Full Tree
MOS Missouri USA Collapse No content
MTR Mountains Immamate Intermarium Victory No content
NAV Navajo USA Collapse No content
NEE New England USA Collapse No content
NEU New Silesia Brazillian Collapse Skeleton Content
NTB Northeast Territory of Brazil Brazillian Collapse No content
NUK Grey Klin Intermarium Victory No content
NYC New York USA Collapse No content
OKL Oklahoma USA Collapse No content
ORS Rising Sun India Content No content
PHX Phoenix City Council USA Collapse No content
PNB State of Pernambuco Brazillian Collapse No content
PRB State of Paraiba Brazillian Collapse No content
PRI Priamurye Zheltorossiya Collapse Full Tree
PSL Boldyrev Warlord State Zheltorossiya Collapse Full Tree
PUR Plains Union USA Collapse No content
RML Revolutionary Malaya Malay Spring Skeleton Content
RPR Red Persia Persian Civil War Full Tree
SAP Sao Paulo Commune Brazillian Collapse No content
SAR Sarawak Malay Spring Skeleton Content
SCO Scotland League Solar Victory No content
SEG Western Emergency Command USA Collapse No content
SER Serbia Mises Victory No content
SFR Socialist French Rebpulic Rotfront Victory No content
SHA Zhili Clique China content No content
SLV Slovenia Mises Victory No content
SMC National Vanguard Front Indochina Liberation/Civil War Skeleton Content
SPA Spain2 Spanish Civil War No content
STA Nevsk Intermarium Victory No content
TAI Taiwan Japanese Civil War Full Tree
TER Puppet Russia Intermarium Victory Skeleton Content
TEX Texas USA Collapse No content
TSY Vladivostok Intermarium Victory No content
UGD Uganda Tanganikya Revolt Skeleton Content
URA Zheltorus Intermarium Victory No content
VIN Enlightened Liberation Front Indochina Liberation/Civil War Skeleton Content
VMT Vermont USA Collapse No content
WAL Wales League Solar Victory No content
WRR United Baltic Duchy November Revolt Full Tree
WRT Baltic Federal Socialist Republic November Revolt Full Tree
WYO Rocky Mountains Clique USA Collapse No content

Lost nations

These were Starting nations that no longer exist at game start or at all.

Fallen Nations Old Tag When They were lost Additional Notes
Azerbaijan AZR 0.2 Still has cores in game, can still appear in game
Abyssinian Empire ET1 0.3 Devs have commented that some sort of playable Ethiopia will be present at game start at some future point.
Beta Israel BET 0.3 Appears as part of Israel's Sixth Aliyah portion of their Focus Tree
Crete YEP 0.3 Physically merged with Kingdom of Greece
Czechoslovak Kingdom CZE 0.3 Still has cores in game, albeit the tag has changed significantly
Ethiopia ETH 0.3 Still has cores in game, devs have commented that some sort of playable Ethiopia will be present at game start at some future point.
Ethiopian State ET2 0.3 Still has cores in game, devs have commented that some sort of playable Ethiopia will be present at game start at some future point.
Khotan Emirate ETS 0.3 Physically merged with the Xinjinag Clique
Kingdom of Madagascar MAG 0.3 Modified in to the Malagasy Kingdom and Madgascar Republic set-up
Mwami MWA 0.3 Physically Merged with Belgian Army Remnants
Somali State SML 0.3 Still has cores in game
South West African Protectorate SWF 0.3 Physically Merged with South Africa
Councilist Luxembourg LUX 0.3.6 Still has cores in game
British Malaya MAL 0.3.7 Modified into United States of Malaya
British Mashriq SYR 0.3.7 Modified into Kingdom of Syria
Bukhara BKR 0.3.7 Modified into Emirate of Turksetan
Centrocaspian Colony CCD 0.3.7 Tag reworked into Alexandretta
Fergana KOK 0.3.7 Physically merged into Republic of Turkestan
General Governorate of the Steppes STE 0.3.7 Physically Merged with Kazan Military District
Kazakh Red Army KAZ 0.3.7 Co-opted into Khorezm
Khalistan PNJ 0.3.7 Modified into Punjab Province
Khwarezm KHW 0.3.7 Modified into Khorezm
Kingdom of Jazira ALJ 0.3.7 Tag reworked into Hejaz
Order of the Star ORS 0.3.7 Split between Madras Presidency and Federal Republic of India, can still appear in game
Orenburg Military District ORE 0.3.7 Modified into Kazan Military District
Sublime Ottoman State TUR 0.3.7 Modified into Anatolian Vilayets
The Straits Commission MAR 0.3.7 Modified into Sublime Porte
Turkestan-Caspian Union TUC 0.3.7 Modified into Tanscaspian Protectorate
Zanzibar ZAN 0.3.7 Physically merged into East African Federation
Zhili Clique SHA 0.3.7 Can Still appear if Japan takes Beijing